Wednesday 16 February 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.3

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

The entire section was inspired by the song; "Dandelion." By the British band The Rolling Stones.

As was discussed throughout 2020 and 2021. When there really wasn't a lot else going on.

Almost all western Rock and Pop music can trace its roots back to Jazz and Blues music. Which came into being amongst Black American communities in the 1920's and 1930's.

Part of the reason why this history of music has been such a popular talking point. Is that it serves as a useful device. To discuss the differing fortunes of Black Americans following the US Civil War (1861-1865).

The victorious Republican Party abolished Slavery across the nation. 

So Black Americans in Republican controlled Northern States enjoyed the same legal protections as everyone else. Allowing them to flourish, doing things like inventing Jazz and Blues music.

However the defeated Democrats imposed segregation and so-called; "Jim Crow" laws. Meaning Black Americans in Democrat controlled Southern States continued to be oppressed. By Slavery in all but name.

Jazz and Blues music were really the first forms of music to be recorded. Pressed onto vinyl records that people could listen to without the musicians being present.

These records were exported far and wide. Where a new generation of musicians learned by play their instruments by copying the records.

The Rolling Stones are a prime example of this

A lot of their early work are covers of songs you would normally think of as Black American Soul music. Such as Chuck Berry's "Carol" or Rufus Thomas' "Walking The Dog." 

I actually have some songs by The Rolling Stones on my mp3 player. Along with the original songs they were covering.

So when my mp3 player is set to; "shuffle." It often has me listening to the first few bars and thinking; "Oh it's John Lee Hooker." 

Only for a few more bars to play and me realising that it's The Rolling Stones. Meaning, unfortunately for them. In my head they're now known as; "Oh, just the Rolling Stones."

During the birth of Jazz and Blues music the recreational use of hard drugs was widespread. Particularly in western society and, really, globally.

The British Empire actually fought not one, but two wars with China. To force Chinese people to recreationally use Opium grown in India. That was then the Company State of the British East India Company.

The First Opium War (1839-1842). The Second Opium War (1856-1860).

My maternal grandfather was a Doctor. When his wife, my grandmother, died. We were clearing out her house and found a collection of 19th Century medical textbooks. Belonging to his father, also a Doctor.

The recommended treatment for literally every condition. Was either Opium or Cocaine.

You didn't need a Doctor to diagnose your condition, let alone prescribe these drugs. You could just walk into any shop and buy them.

The original recipe for the popular soft-drink Coca-Cola was pretty much just Cocaine. While Dr Peppers was originally a Cocaine laced; "Brain Tonic."

At the risk of a tangent. I've recently been watching the US TV show; "The Knick." Which touches on many of these topics. Particularly the role of Chinese people in US Opium Dens. A result of the Opium Wars.

This is how medicine was being practiced during the 1918 Flu Pandemic. It is almost completely unrecognisable from how medicine is practiced now.

The Knick actually tells a version of the story of Mary Mallon aka; "Typhoid Mary." 

The battle to get people to realise. That illness is caused by this new invention; "Germs." People can be infected and infect others with those germs. Without becoming ill themselves.

The; "Asymptomatic Transmission" we're all now very familiar with.

So it is hard not to wonder. How the global response to COVID-19 has managed to be worse than the response to the 1918 Flu?

America only made the use of Opium and Cocaine illegal in 1935. When the 1919 International Opium Convention was adopted as US Law.

More than 20 years after America made Marijuana illegal. More 15 years after America made Alcohol illegal. Three years after they made Alcohol legal again.

Britain moved a little more quickly. Making Opium and Cocaine illegal with the 1920 Dangerous Drugs Act.

Amid the affluence which followed the Second World War. These things called; "Teenagers" were invented in western societies.

Rather than being forced straight out to work. They had the luxury of sitting around. 

Listening to music. Teaching themselves to play musical instruments. 

Racing each other on Motorscooters and Motorbikes. The; "Mods & Rockers." Made famous by the 1979 British movie; "Quadrophenia."

Around this time new, synthetic drugs were becoming available. Which these teenagers would use recreationally. Mainly LSD and that Team USA favourite, Amphetamines.

Britain made these drugs illegal with the; "Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act of 1964."

This brought them into the wider public consciousness for the first time. Triggering something of a moral panic. Particularly their use by popular musicians.

This moral panic was fuelled by the new breed of tabloid newspapers. Particularly the "News of the World."

In February 1967 the News of the World ran a story accusing The Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger of taking drugs - Marijuana, LSD and, essentially Amphetamines. Prompting Mick Jagger to sue the newspaper for libel.

Later than same month police raided the home of The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Arresting him, Mick Jagger and members of their entourage for drug use.

The Rolling Stones and their fans claim. That the News of the World colluded with the police to organise the raid. Retaliation for Mick Jagger suing them for libel.

However The Rolling Stones were on a lot of drugs at the time. Drugs which are well known to induce paranoia.

The Rolling Stones arrest was a massive story. Running all the way up to their trial in May 1967.

Although convicted The Rolling Stones found support from an unusual source. The then very conservative, very Establishment; "The Times" newspaper.

Its then editor William Rees-Mogg wrote an editorial criticising the jail sentences handed down. Invoking the quote; "Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel" from British poet Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot."

William Rees-Mogg is the father of Jacob Rees-Mogg. Probably one of Britain's most recognisable politicians. Having inherited his father's love of obscure, lyrical, historical references.

The campaign was a success. With Mick Jagger and Keith Richard's prison sentences being commuted to Conditional Discharges.

In August 1967 The Rolling Stones released the song; "We Love You." As almost a protest song against their treatment. 

They were joined on the song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. From their huge rivals; "The Beatles." 

Dandelion is the B-side to We Love You.

Alexander Pope's Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot is about the dangers of holding the powerful to account. Dr Arbuthnot is warning Pope not to do it. Otherwise he'll have his bones broken on the Wheel of St Catherine. 

The Wheel of St Catherine is a Medieval torture device. It is commemorated with the; "Catherine Wheel" firework. 

Particularly in Britain. Where fireworks are used in the November "Bonfire Night" celebration of the torture and execution of Guy Fawkes and his anti-Monarchy revolutionaries.

More recently the language of Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot was also invoked by Chinese Tennis star Peng Shuai. In her November 2nd 2021 (2/11/21) Social Media post.

In which Peng Shuai tried to hold the former Chinese Vice-President Zhang Gaoli to account. For sexually assaulting her.

Peng Shuai acknowledged the risks that she was taking. Comparing herself to a moth flying towards a flame. An egg about to be broken upon a rock.

So this section confirms.

That while Peng Shaui's allegations are most probably true. Peng Shaui is not considered a threat to China. Peng Shaui's actions are a deliberate part of China's hosting of the 2022 games.

Rather like the scandals that surrounded Japan's 2021 Olympic Opening Ceremony. Particularly former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori being forced to resign over his attitudes towards women.

Something I covered in the section of that Opening Ceremony. That I entitled; "Media Clowns I."

So all the people who've been asking; "Where is Peng Shuai?"

She was right there. At the very start of the Opening Ceremony. 

In the year before the drugs arrest The Rolling Stones released the 1966 album "Aftermath." Featuring one of their most famous songs; "Paint It Black."

Due to it being included in the 1987 movie; "Full Metal Jacket." Paint It Black is synonymous with the US' Vietnam War (1965-1973). Which is not to be confused with France's Vietnam War (1946-1954).

You'll have to ask the people behind Full Metal Jacket. Why they included Paint It Black on the soundtrack.

However it is primarily a song about LSD. The crushing, agonising, paranoid headache you get when LSD wears off. An almost Migraine where all the colours are too bright and all the noises are too loud.

Amongst conscripted, demoralised US troops during the Vietnam War. Drug abuse, particularly LSD and Opium, was widespread. Leading many to liken the entire experience to an LSD; "Bad Trip" for America as whole.

Paint It Black was also written during the first years of the US' Vietnam War. It seems to bear certain musical similarities to the; "Humming Chorus." From the Giacomo Puccini opera "Madama Butterfly."

Madama Butterfly is set in Japan. During the era of Commodore Perry's Black Ships. It is about a love affair between a Japanese woman (Butterfly) and one of the US sailors (Pinkerton) from the Black Ships.

After Butterfly falls pregnant with their son. Pinkerton abandons her. The Humming Chorus is Butterfly trying to soothe the child as she awaits Pinkerton's return.

In 1989 Madama Butterfly was re-worked as the musical; "Miss Saigon." Transferring to the story to Vietnam. 

Using Pinkerton's abandonment of Butterfly as a metaphor for America's abandonment of the Vietnamese. Particularly during the chaotic 1975 Fall of Saigon.

The US' Vietnam War, probably more than anything else. Defines the current relationship between the US and China.

As we learned during the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics. In a section I entitled; "Fun With Flags I."

Imperial Japan decided to expand its Empire by invading China. Sparking the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).

At the time China was allied with America, Britain and Soviet Russia. So in its war with China Imperial Japan allied itself with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.  

Although there were many other factors at play. Such as Nazi Germany's expansion across Europe. The Second Sino-Japanese War ended up becoming the Second World War.

So if you ask an American when the Second World War started they'll probably tell you 1942. If you ask a European person they'll probably tell you 1939.

If you ask a Chinese or Japanese person. They'll tell you it started in 1937.

At around 18:00 on 16/2/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 18:00 on 17/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

The Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics also introduced us to the era of European Colonialism.

It's ideological basis. It's expansion to Asia. Aboard the Portuguese Black Ships.

At the time of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Vietnam was a French Colony. Made up of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and the modern Chinese Province of Guangdong this was known as; "French Indochina."

In 1940 Japan invaded French Indochina. In order to open up a southern front in the Second Sino-Japanese War. 

As the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics also taught us. In a section I entitled; "Harmonised Chequered (Ichimastu Moro)."

China's defeat by the British Empire in the First Opium War. Led to the creation of the; "Shanghai International Settlement." In what is now, broadly, the Chinese city of Shanghai.

Created by the Treaty of Nanking (1843) the Shanghai International Settlement was a rather unique arrangement. It wasn't a full British Colony. Like Hong Kong was a British Colony.

It saw Chinese people and westerners living together. The Chinese people were bound by Chinese law. While the westerners were bound by laws made by the British administered Shanghai Municipal Council.

This created a very lawless, hedonistic place. The policing of which fell to the Shanghai Municipal Police (SMP).

The Shanghai Municipal Police attracted police officers from across the British Empire. Such as the British South African Police and the North Rhodesian Police. 

Along with the Royal Irish Constabulary. Particularly after the Royal Irish Constabulary was disbanded. Following the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). Recognised as the first Guerrilla War.

Early in the Second Sino-Japanese War the Shanghai International Settlement fell under Japanese control. Seeing many members of the Shanghai Municipal Police flee.

Two Shanghai Municipal Police officers stood out in particular. William Fairbairn and Eric Sykes.

During the Second World War, now based back in Britain. Fairbairn and Sykes drew on their experiences in the Shanghai Municipal Police and the Irish War of Independence. To develop a new type of military force. The Commando force.

The first recognised Commando force was the joint US-Canadian First Special Service Force. Known as; "The Devil's Brigade." All modern Special Operations Forces (SOF's) can trace their roots back to the Devil's Brigade.

Fairbairn and Sykes then went on to help found the Special Operations Executive (SOE). By their own admission an organisation of; "Unlawful Combatants," under the Geneva Conventions. Dedicated to waging Guerrilla Warfare.

The SOE are commonly referred to as; "The French Resistance." However the operated resistance networks across Nazi Occupied Europe.

The US were so impressed by the SOE. That they formed their own version. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Now known as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

In their efforts to fight Imperial Japan the OSS set up resistance networks across Asia. Including in then Japanese occupied French Indochina. 

Where they recruited a one Nguyen Sinh Gung. Know as Ho Chi Minh. Leader of the "Viet Minh" or "League for the Independence of Vietnam."

Particularly so soon after the 2020 Summer games. I think we all know that the US and its allies defeated Imperial Japan. Japan's surrender being signed aboard the USS Missouri, in Tokyo harbour.

Having expelled Imperial Japan. Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh did not want to go back to being a colony of Imperial France.

So on September 2nd 1945 Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam to be an independent nation. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam. With himself as its President.

France robustly disagreed with this. Reinstalling the French Colonial government of Emperor Bao Dai and deploying nearly 400,000 troops to prop it up. France's Vietnam War or "First-Indochina War" (1946-1954).

As we learned during the Opening Countdown Video. China experienced its Warring States Period between 481 BC and 221BC.

This was brought to an end when the Seven Warring States were united under the Qin Dynasty. The first of China's Imperial Dynasties.

The last of China's Imperial Dynasties was the Qing Dynasty. Which replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1636.

By the end of the 19th Century China seemed to be in terminal decline. Under the Qing Dynasty it had been defeated by Britain in both of the Opium Wars. 

It had also been defeated by Imperial Japan in the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). Losing control of the Korean Peninsula. Which prior to that had been a Chinese Tributary State.

Leaving much China's territory as nothing more than colonies of foreign Empires.

At around 18:15 on 17/2/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:50 on 18/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Immediately across the Yellow Sea from the Korean Peninsula lies the North China Plain region.

This is made up of the modern Chinese Provinces of; Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hainan, Shanxi, Heibei, Tianjin and Liaoning.

In 1898 the North China Plain region experienced a series of natural disasters. Including several droughts and the flooding of the Yellow River. 

This hardship only increased anger against the Foreign Colonialists. Particularly Christian Missionaries and the Chinese people they had converted to Christianity.

In 1899 a militia was formed amongst Chinese residents of the North China Plain. They named themselves the United Righteous and Harmonious Fists (Yiheguan).

The Yiheguan started attacking and destroying foreign owned businesses and property, particularly railways. They also attacked and murdered foreign Christian Missionaries and Chinese Christian converts.

First in the coastal areas of Shandong Province. Then spreading across the Province and the wider North China Plain region.

The Yiheguan were made up of practitioners of a mixture Chinese Martial Arts. Which was dismissively known to the Foreign Colonialists as; "Chinese Boxing."

So, to the Foreign Colonialists the Yiheguan became known as; "The Boxers." The increasing violence became known as; "The Boxer Rebellion."

Matters came to a head in June 1900. When the Yiheguan converged on Beijing, where the 2022 Winter games are being held. 

The Yiheguan laid siege to, what was then known as, the; "Legation Quarter." Today it would probably be known as the; "Diplomatic Quarter." Sitting immediately to the east of Tiananmen Square

It can't be compared directly to something like the; "Green Zone" in Baghdad, Iraq. For example Chinese civilians were allowed to live in the Legation Quarter.

However it was walled off from the rest of the city. Just like the Dandelion in this section was walled off from the rest of the arena.

This 55 day; "Siege of the International Legations" as it became known. Saw the Qing government formally endorse the Yiheguan. "Support the Qing Government!" had long been one of the Yiheguan's main slogans.

The siege, along with the Qing government's change in position. Saw the Foreign Colonialist powers form an alliance to suppress the rebellion.

The; "Eight Nation Alliance" as it was known. Made up of; The British Empire, Imperial Japan, the German Empire, Imperial Russia, Imperial France, the Kingdom of Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Eight Nation Alliance landed a force of 20,000 troops in Tianjin. Defeating the Qing Army there before marching on Beijing. Defeating the Yiheguan and breaking the siege in August 1901.

The Eight Nation Alliance then imposed the; "Boxer Protocol" on Qing China. Considered one of the; "Unequal Treaties" this heaped further humiliation on the Qing Dynasty.

Amongst its provisions it acted as something of retroactive insurance policy. Making China liable for any damages done during the rebellion. Along with any damages that may be done in the future.

It effectively dismantled the Chinese military. Forcing the dismantling of its main installations (Taku Forts) and banning it from making or importing weapons.

The Boxer Protocol also saw more of Chinese territory colonised. 

The Legations stopped being Chinese territory, instead becoming part of the territory of the Foreign Colonialists. Chinese people were forbidden from living within them. 

They also became more heavily fortified. With foreign troops being permanently stationed there.

Qing China was also forced to allow the Eight Nation Alliance to open more Legations. Whenever and wherever they liked.

The capitulation of the Boxer Protocol really turned the Chinese people against the Qing Dynasty. What followed was a turbulent decade of local rebellions against the Qing government being suppressed.

On October 10th 1911 (10/10/1911) one such rebellion began in Wuchang, Hubei Province. This was the spark for a mass of rebellions across the country over the course of the next month.

Rebellions which became the; "1911 Revolution." Or; "Xinahi (Toilsome, Pig) Revolution." Using the Stem, Branch system of the Traditional Chinese Calendar.

On December 29th 1911 (29/12/1911) The Republic of China was declared. With Sun Yet-sen elected as its first President.

On February 12th 1912 (12/2/1912) Emperor Puyi abdicated. Becoming the last Qing Emperor and the last Emperor of China. Just five days after his sixth birthday.

Emperor Puyi was restored to power on July 1st 1917 (1/7/1917). He remained in power for a grand total of 11 days. Abdicating for a second time on July 12th 1917 (12/7/1917).

Also in 1917 the people of Russia overthrew their Emperor or; "Tsar." Replacing it with the ideology of Communism. That Marxist rejection of Economics as a concept.

Inspired by events in Russia and beyond. In 1927 the Republic of China found itself plunged into The Chinese Civil War. Between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the, essentially Fascist Kuomintang (KMT) Nationalist Party.

The Chinese Civil War lasted for so long, 1927-1949. That the Second World War was really something that only happened in the middle of it.

When Imperial Japan invaded China in 1937, the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The CCP and the KMT formed a truce to fight the invaders.

When the Second World War and Second Sino-Japanese War ended. With the defeat and dissolution of Imperial Japan. The CCP and KMT went back to fighting each other.

With the support of Soviet Russia the CCP eventually emerged victorious in 1949. With the KMT being forced into exile on the Chinese island of Taiwan. 

The Republic of China (RoC) became the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Prior to working with the OSS/CIA against Imperial Japan. Ho Chi Minh had been active with Communist parties in both Soviet Russia and China. Along with in Britain, France and the US.

Fuelled by anti-Imperialist and Communist zeal. Both Soviet Russia and the PRC rushed to the aid of the Viet Minh

Together the recognised the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV/North) in January 1950. Then both sending weapons and military advisers to aid the nation in its war against the French Imperialists.

By 1951 this First Indochina War had ground into stalemate. A stalemate that lasted until the spring of 1954 and The Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

French forces attempted to establish a base at Dien Bien Phu to give themselves control of the north-west of Vietnam. Cutting the Viet Minh's supply lines with Laos and China.

Completely unbeknownst to the French. The Viet Minh were able to sneak vast amounts of heavy artillery to within range of the French base. Positioning it so it couldn't be struck by French artillery on the base.

On March 13th 1954 (13/3/1954) the Viet Minh opened fire with this heavy artillery. Then kept raining heavy artillery fire down on the base for the next seven weeks.

The French base was completely dependent of aircraft for resupply. Something which could not happen due to the ferocity of the artillery fire. While the Viet Minh were able to resupply themselves with whatever they liked by land.

We refer to it as a; "Battle." In reality it was more of a massacre.

France saw some 3,300 troops killed. A further 4,400 wounded. They lost 62 aircraft and 10 tanks.

The French military very seriously prepared to use nuclear weapons. To destroy the Viet Minh positions and end the battle.

They were though talked out of it. Over fears that it would only escalate the conflict. Seeing both Soviet Russia and China also respond with nuclear weapons.

On May 7th 1954 (7/5/1954) the Viet Minh overran the French base at Dien Bien Phu. With the remaining 11,721 French troops being captured.

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu forced France into hasty negotiations with the Viet Minh. Starting in April 1954 in Geneva, Switzerland.

On July 21st 1954 (21/7/1954) France and the Viet Minh agreed a temporary ceasefire. The "Geneva Conference Declaration (1954)."

This would see a temporary line of demarcation along the 17th Parralel, North. Dividing Viet Minh forces from the forces of Emperor Bao Dai. The area outside of the DRV had not yet been defined.

This ceasefire would allow for a two year transition. Culminating in an election in 1956 for the government of a new, united, independent nation.

With that hastily arranged fig-leaf in place. France was able to withdraw its forces entirely, in September 1954.

Ending the First Indochina War.

At around 18:15 on 18/2/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow.

Edited at around 18:40 on 19/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

The First Indochina War happened alongside The Korean War (1950-1953).

At the end of the Second World War. The northern part of the Korean Peninsula was liberated from Imperial Japan by Soviet Russia. While the southern part was liberated by the US.

The US and Soviet Russia then formed Korean nations within their respective territory. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK/North). The Republic of Korea (RoK/South).

Neither the DPRK nor the RoK considered the border imposed on them to be legitimate. In June 1950 the DPRK crossed the border to establish itself across the entire Korean Peninsula.

The US led a United Nations (UN) force to, first stop the DPRK's advance. Then to establish the RoK across the entire Korean Peninsula.

The US soon realised that if they advanced to the Chinese border. Then China would respond with nuclear weapons. 

The Chinese also realised that if they advanced below the 38th Parallel, North. Then the US would respond with nuclear weapons.

That nuclear stand-off continues to this day. With the DPRK and the RoK still at war with each other.

During the Korean War the US became obsessed with; "Domino Theory." 

The theory that if one nation were to fall to Communism. Then all the other nations would see how great Communism is and immediately follow suit.

The US were always heavily involved in the First Indochina War.

At least two US military advisers were killed in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. There French forces were acting almost as US mercenaries. Carrying out a mission the US directed and paid for.

While getting French soldiers killed. The US was also building a rival to the French Colonial government of Emperor Bao Dai. The Republic of Vietnam. Under self-proclaimed President Ngo Dinh Diem.

So when the French withdrew in 1954 it wasn't so much as the US immediately stepping in to take their place. As the US simply expanding its sizeable presence there.

The US then, almost immediately, abandoned the Geneva Conference Declaration (1954). 

De-facto recognising the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV/North). By recognising the Republic of Vietnam (RVN/South).

The US and Ngo Dinh Diem then rigged a 1955 election. To give the RVN legitimacy across the entire country. 

In the initial results Ngo Dinh Diem claimed to have won 98% of the votes. Rising to an incredible 133% in RVN's capital, Saigon.

However it seemed the majority of the Vietnamese population wanted to live under the Communist rule of the DRV. Rather than in the RVN, under the astonishingly corrupt and brutal dictatorship of Ngo Dinh Diem.

Ho Chi Minh was more than happy to assist. In bringing the DRV to the Vietnamese living under the RVN, deposing Ngo Dinh Diem.

Using the skills he'd honed under the OSS/CIA. Ho Chi Minh formed a Guerrilla force. The National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (Viet Cong).

The Viet Cong then began to wage an insurgency against the dictatorship of Ngo Dinh Diem. Across the RVN.

To combat this insurgency the US had to commit more and more resources. To prop up the dictatorship of Ngo Dinh Diem. Such as money, military advisers and clandestine SOF's.

Eventually, in 1965 the US were forced to deploy overt combat troops. Which is officially recognised as the start of the US' Vietnam War. The Second Indochina War.

By about 1966 the US realised what the French had realised. There was absolutely no way for them to win this war. 

So had to keep feeding troops into the meat grinder until they could find away to withdraw. Without it looking like a surrender.

Luckily for the US. In 1968 Soviet Russia invaded Czechoslovakia. This crushing of the; "Prague Spring" was one Communist nation invading another Communist nation. It sent shockwaves across the Communist Second World.

It created a massive split between Soviet Russia and China. There's a persistent urban legend amongst western spies that China and Soviet Russia almost went to nuclear war with each other over it.

The US realised that it could exploit this division. To firstly get China to stop Russia from supporting the DRV. Then for China to withdraw its support for the DRV. Ending the Viet Cong insurgency in the RVN.

Following years of quiet diplomacy. Then US President Nixon visited China in 1972. The first US President to do so. Certainly since the end of the Chinese Civil War.

At the end of the Chinese Civil War the US never recognised the Chinese Communist Party's victory. Nor the creation of the People's Republic of China.

Instead the US continued to recognise the KMT exiles in Taiwan as the government of the Republic of China. In US foreign policy terms. The giant landmass that everyone else recognises as China simply didn't exist.

President Nixon's visit to China marked the US' formal recognition of the People's Republic of China as China.

In a spectacular diplomatic fudge. The US continued to recognise the KMT exiles in Taiwan as China. Under what is known as; "One Country, Two Systems."

This US recognition of China as China was a success. China stopped Soviet Russia from supporting the DRV. China also pressured the DRV into signing the 1973 Paris Peace Accords.

The Paris Peace Accords established a ceasefire between the DRV and the RVN. Recognising them both as nations. Yet re-committing their re-establishment as a single nation. In line with the Geneva Conference Declaration (1954).

Crucially the Paris Peace Accords also allowed the US to finally withdraw all of its troops. Within 60 days of the ceasefire going into effect on January 28th 1973 (28/1/1973).

Britain was, obviously, very interested in this major shift in US policy. Which promised to bring an end to a war which had dominated for much of the previous 25 years.

So, by an amazing coincidence(!)

My father happened to find himself in Beijing, China. In the weeks leading up to and following January 28th (28/1/1973). The day the Paris Peace Accords ceasefire went into effect.

Officially he was there as part of a trade delegation. Trying to sell fax machines to the Chinese. 

My father also sent the first Trans-Atlantic fax transmission. Or, more accurately. He made the first Trans-Atlantic telephone call. To explain why the fax had failed to send.

All of which seems a useful detail to remember. During the Xerox-inspired "Fun With Flags II" section.

I'm assuming that most Olympic competitors are children of the digital age. Youngsters who consider email to be old fashioned.

So I should explain;

Faxes are what we used to use. Before we invented the carrier pigeon.

Ending the Vietnam War wasn't the only objective of President Nixon's visit to China. A truly seismic shift in US policy.

It was also part of a much larger policy of engagement between the two countries. Including the opening up of trade between the US and China.

The thinking was that increased trade would bring increased wealth to China. In turn creating a new middle-class.

As that middle-class grew. It would become less tolerant of the Totalitarianism of Chairman Mao and his; "Cultural Revolution." Forcing China to allow its citizens more political and social freedoms.

Initially this strategy worked incredibly well.

By the summer of 1989 this new middle-class was well established. To the point it had been able to form its own pro-Democracy movement. Which held 400 protests all across China. Most famously in Beijing's Tiananman Square.

However The 1989 Democracy Movement was crushed by the Chinese Communist Party. Ushering in a new Social Contract between the Chinese people and their government.

Rather than being a driver for more political and social freedoms. Increased prosperity became the compensation for increased Totalitarism. Totalitarian Capitalism.

In short Chinese government paying its people not to worry about things like democracy and the rule of law. Why worry about things like Bodily Autonomy and Forced Abortion? When you've got a shiny new cellphone.

Despite this huge Chinese shift in policy. The US has not kept up. Continuing to trade with China. Making it richer even while social and political freedoms, at best, remain stagnant.

As the Pandemic has clearly shown us. In part this is because there are too many western politicians who view this model of Totalitarian Capitalism as aspirational. "Progressive" even.

Western corporations certainly enjoy the increased profit margins. That come from cheap Chinese labour.

Mainly though it's just down to laziness. Renegotiating international trade agreements and supply chains is hard work. So it's easier not to bother.

The former US Biden regime. Under then President Obama did attempt to start to address this issue. Under the; "Pivot Towards the Pacific" policy.

However that policy was so terrible. You have to wonder whether the Biden regime believes it would be more Progressive to lose to China.

The Pivot Towards the Pacific had two tracks. Security and Economic.

The security track involved helping the DPRK become a nuclear state. Turning it into regional bogeyman. That everyone would rush into the US arms for protection from.

The economic track involved opening up trade between the US and all of China's neighbours. 

Providing corporations with even cheaper alternative labour to cheap Chinese labour. Removing the prosperity China uses to compensate its people. 

There are a number of obvious problems with this.

On the security track. Starting a nuclear war in Asia is as insane as it sounds.

On the economic track. Driving down Chinese wages also drives down American wages. Making Americans poorer. Well, everyone except the corporations.

Also destabilising China by removing the prosperity it uses to compensate its people. Is only going to make China more Totalitarian, not less.

The only way that will improve Chinese people's lives. Is if the US is planning to make the situation so bad. It provides them with an excuse for the KMT to invade from Taiwan, overthrowing the Chinese government.

Something the US is clearly neither willing nor able to do.

But why bother? When low wage Totalitarian Capitalism is clearly so progressive, so aspirational.

Fortunately in, technically, 2017. The US Biden regime was replaced. By The government of President Trump.

President Trump immediately did away with the insanity of Pivot Towards the Pacific. 

*Scrapping the efforts to turn the DPRK into a regional bogeyman. Instead engaging in diplomacy with its leader Kim Jong-un. Appealing to the Korean sense of humour by dubbing him; "Little Rocket Man."

This allowed for Kim Yo-jong to the attended the 2018 Winter Olympics. Becoming the first member of, essentially, the North Korean Royal Family to set foot in the RoK.

In June 2019 President Trump met with Kim Jong-un directly. Becoming the first US President to set foot in the DPRK.

An intelligent reference to President Nixon's 1972 visit to China. Although one that was clearly lost on the likes of John Oliver.

President Trump also replaced the economic track with a direct trade war with China. Imposing a raft of tariffs and trade quotas.

Tariffs and trade quotas have the advantage of driving wages and standards up. Not down.

The way that they are imposed. Then negotiated and lifted can be highly specific. Actually solving the problems. Rather than burning the house to the ground.

Unfortunately the government of President Trump was deposed in, technically, 2020. With the Biden regime once again seizing power.

The Biden regime has simply tried to resurrect all of its old mad, failed policies. Including the Pacific Towards the Pacific.

This Pivot Towards the Pacific II is almost identical to its predecessor.

However on the security track. It has stopped trying to build the DPRK into a regional bogeyman. Replacing the DPRK with Taiwan. Thinking Taiwan's militancy and aggression with drive everyone into America's arms for protection.

To give you an idea of how ridiculous this is. There has never been any dispute that Taiwan is part of China. Unless you count Imperial Japan's invasions in the 19th Century.

In 1972 President Nixon wasn't declaring that Taiwan wasn't part of China. He was acknowledging that China is also part of China.

I think we would all understand. That the US get annoyed if China started claiming Hawaii wasn't part of the US. Particularly as the KMT were actually formed in Hawaii.

On the economic track. I'm sure Americans only need to look at their out of control inflation, snarled supply chains and empty shelves to see;

It's a complete disaster.

China have spent this past year growing increasingly frustrated. At the Biden regime's inability to achieve, just basic, functionality.

If you're annoyed that you can't go into a shop and buy a Chinese made product. Imagine how the Chinese people making that product feel.

They're actually getting increasingly frustrated at me. For not slapping some sense into the Biden regime.

I though maintain. That professional help cannot be given.

Until they are ready to accept professional help. By acknowledging that they need professional help.

China is a country of 1.4bn people. Which is bound to give rise to at least two opinions.

However as with on Climate Change. I get the distinct impression that they would like the west, particularly the US. To at least try to not be so completely useless.

They want at least some competition. To force them to drive up their own standards.

Not just a massive, sucking vacuum. That they can't help but fall into.

At around 19:00 on 19/2/22 (UK date) I don't know when I'll be picking this up again. 

Edited at around 17:25 on 22/2/22 (UK date) to expand on Trump's policy*, tidy and copy & paste;

As with the Geneva Conference Declaration (1954). The Paris Peace Accords were little more than a fig leaf.

A way for the US to withdraw its troops from Vietnam. Without it looking as though they'd been defeated.

So the Viet Cong resumed their insurgency in the RVN almost immediately. At the start of the first Dry Season, December 1973.

In January 1974 the RVN declared the ceasefire to be at an end. Having sustained 25,000 casualties during the "ceasefire."

With the ceasefire formally abandoned the DRV were able to overtly resume hostilities. Launching a mass offensive against the RVN. At the start of the Dry Season which began in December 1974.

This offensive saw the DRV rapidly overrun the RVN. Reaching its capital Saigon in April 1975. Forcing the US to hastily evacuate its large Embassy complex. "Operation: Frequent Wind."

This; "Fall of Saigon" marked the end of the Second Indochina War. Establishing all of Vietnam as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. As it continues to be known to this day.

During the 2020 Summer Para-Olympics. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), under US/UK leadership. Had to conduct a hasty evacuation of Afghanistan. After the Taliban re-established control over the country.

At the time many commentators compared this to the Fall of Saigon.

That is not an accurate comparison. The US/UK-led NATO collapse in Afghanistan was so much worse than the Fall of Saigon.

The US ended its operation in Vietnam. Withdrawing all of its forces 60 days after the Paris Peace Accords coming into effect on January 28th 1973 (28/1/1973). So May 1973.

It then took a further two years for the DRV to establish control over the RVN.

Operation: Frequent Wind was just the evacuation of the US Embassy. Technically the movement of people within US territory.

Under US/UK leadership NATO was scheduled to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan on September 11th 2021 (11/9/21). 

Having re-established control over the country. The Taliban entered the capital, Kabul, August 14th 2021 (14/8/21).

So NATO, under US/UK leadership were clearly defeated by the Taliban.

The more accurate military comparison would be the 1940 Evacuation of Dunkirk. 

When France, Belgium and Britain scrambled to evacuate their forces from France. Having been clearly defeated by Nazi Germany in the Battle of France.

It was entirely the benevolence of the Taliban which stopped the Evacuation of Kabul turning into the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

If the Taliban had been so inclined. Then they could have easily rained down artillery on Hamid Karzai Airport. Utterly destroying the US/UK-led NATO forces there.

Since then. NATO, under US/UK leadership seems to have only become more aggressive. 

In its assertion that it neither wants nor needs my help. In finding out how they got it so horribly wrong in Afghanistan.

So I will respect their choice here.

However that was really the main way. In which the 2020 Summer Olympics just, completely disconnected from reality.

The US and the UK were all excitable at how successful they are. Proud at all the medals the IOC had donated to them.

At the same time we were all watching the US/UK-led NATO mission in Afghanistan completely implode. Right in front of our eyes.

Apparently the US/UK were the only ones who couldn't see it.


To be continued in Part 4.

18:25 on 2/2/22 (UK date).


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