Thursday 10 February 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.2

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 1;


This section was a reference to a section in the Closing Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Para-Olympics. Held in Tokyo, Japan.

A section I entitled; "Headaches Aweigh!" However that description currently only exists in my head. 

So it's probably best to use the title Japan gave it; "Harmonious Cacophony."

Japan's Harmonious Cacophony was actually divided into two phases, or acts. Seperated by a lot of International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Protocol. 

Here both China and I are referring to the second phase. Which immediately followed the presentation of the newly elected members of the Athlete's Council.

There Japan was mocking the ceremonies of the 2012 Summer games. Held in London, UK.

For all of those ceremonies the British hosts seemed to take inspiration from a; "Flashbang" stun-grenade. 

So they had lots of fire, smoke, loud noises and bright flashing lights. All intended to disorientate their guests.

So the floor-plan throughout the 2020 Para-Olympic Closing Ceremony was a colourless version of Britain's Union (Jack) Flag.

This was a reference to the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Para-Olympics. Where the Japanese National Flag was 'accidentally' raised on its side. 

You would expect mistakes. What with the Flag-Detail being commanded by a woman. For the first time.

This was done to show why the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Forces (JMSDF) still use the controversial flag or Ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy. 

It is impossible to fly the Japanese National Flag upside down. To indicate the ship is in distress.

It is much easier to fly Britain's National Flag upside down. A lot of the most patriotic people, such as Northern Irish Protestants, frequently do it entirely by accident.

It would though be probably best. If I just concentrated on these games for now. Then go back to that when I'm finished.

In the centre of the Union Jack Japan had built this surreal, poorly constructed city. You really have to worry about how tiny they must be. The people who live in that silly little city.

The city was then populated by performers. In weird, hard to explain costumes. Another annoying signature of the 2012 ceremonies.

So you had performers on unicycles. Whose costumes could be interpreted as either Seahorses or Butterflies.

Seahorses do not conform to what humans consider traditional gender roles. It is the males who give birth and raise the young. Seahorses can also change gender and reproduce homosexually.

Butterflies are often used as a metaphor for personal development and rebirth. They are born as ugly Caterpillars, enter a Cocoon then emerge as beautiful Butterflies.

Particularly British Protestant Christians use Butterflies as a metaphor for Jesus Christ's Cruxifixion and Resurrection. The eternal life promised to all Christians.

Whereas other, less miserable groups of Christians. Get chocolate eggs at Easter.

Although I'm not aware of any specific use within Asian Animist beliefs, such as Buddhism. The story of the Butterfly is not that far away from the story of the Lotus Flower.

Often used as a metaphor for the journey towards enlightenment. The Asian Animist ideal of personal growth.

There were another group of performers on unicycles. Who, through their weird cloud-like hats. Were supposed to represent Pollen Spores

Some plants produce Nectar to attract insects like Butterflies. So those insects will spread their Pollen.

This image of spores being spread around the city. Was supposed to play around with the idea the Pandemic is the natural environment's punishment. For the Paris Agreement going into effect at the start of 2020.

In the 2020 Olympic Closing Ceremony Japan heavily referenced the Eurovision Song Contest. Specifically France, Italy and Ukraine's entries. 

While making a point of how far they were being forced to bend-over-backwards. Work far harder than anyone should ever be forced to work.

Just to give the US/UK the opportunity to read what I had to write. About those Eurovision entries.

When, instead. Miley Cyrus and I could just have been talking to each other directly.

Here China was making a point about how far they're being forced to bend-over-backwards. Work far harder than anyone should ever be forced to work.

To give the US/UK and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the opportunity. To read what I have to write about the Para-Olympic ceremonies.

When, instead. The IOC could have just performed its most basic of functions. Holding an Olympic games.

As the Opening Countdown Video explained. This Opening Ceremony was taking place on Chinese New Year's Day. Celebrated in the Chinese Farmer's Calendar as the start of the growing season.

So this section celebrated that theme of pollination. By taking us through the lifecycle of the Dandelion.

Again I'm not aware of it having any specific role within any Asian Animist belief. However the Dandelion could, almost, be used in place of the Lotus Flower. That metaphor for enlightenment.

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine Dandelions are used to treat upset stomachs, diarrhea and heartburn. Along with breast problems in nursing mothers. Such as improving milk flow and reducing inflammation.

However if it is a headache cure you are in need of. Then Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends Acupuncture.

Speaking of which. The section began with performers holding long, needle-like green stems. Representing the green leaves which are closed around the Dandelion's seedhead. At the start of its lifecycle.

As was discussed during the Opening Countdown Video. Around the 7th Century BC the Chinese (Shang) people began to realise that the Sun played a role in the changing seasons.

However they believed that there were 10 different Suns. Which would all appear in a slightly different position each day. The 10 days of the week.

They referred to these different Suns as; "Heavenly Stems" or; "Tiangan."

Although the Chinese now know there is only one Sun. They have a good view of it from their; "Heavenly Palace" (Tiangong) Space Station. 

The Chinese continue to use these 10 Heavenly Stems as Ordinals. Words used to represent a numerical order. Such as; "First," "Second" and; "Third."

Potential medallists at these games might be interested to know. That they're battling for; "Shell," "Fishguts" and; "Fishtail." 11th place is nowhere.

By around the 5th Century BC Chinese Astronomers began to realise that alongside the Sun, which appeared during the day. Other bodies, which appeared in the sky at night, also played a role in the changing seasons.

They were particularly interested in Jupiter. Which along with the Sun and the Moon can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Sometimes during the day, but mostly at night.

Even without visiting China's Heavenly Palace. We now know that both the Earth and Jupiter orbit the Sun. However it appears that Jupiter also orbits the Earth. What's known as the; "Ecliptic."

It appears that Jupiter takes 12 Earth years to fully orbit the Earth. 

Early Chinese Astronomers named these 12 phases of Jupiter the; "Earthly Branches." 

Assigning each one the name of an animal. Using them as Ordinals for a wide variety of things.

Such as the 12 hours of the day. To indicate direction like North, East, South, West. 

The 12 Earthly Branches are still used in China and Japan as a sort of alphabet. Another way to order their elaborate, slightly shared, pictographic languages.

I think the most famous use of the 12 Earthly Branches, which continues to this day, is within Chinese Astrology

Key to Astrology is the; "Zodiac." An area of sky either 8° north or south of the Ecliptic.

Western Astrology looks, mainly, at the Sun's position in the Zodiac. Giving 12 Sun Signs which correspond, approximately, to the 12 months of the year.

Chinese Astrology looks, mainly, at Jupiter's position in the Zodiac.

As it takes Jupiter 12 Earth years to fully orbit the Earth. This also gives you 12 Earthly Branch Signs. But one for each year.

The New Year's Day this Opening Ceremony marks. Sees the transition for the Ox to the Tiger.

The Traditional Chinese Calendar works by combining the 10 Heavenly Stems with the 12 Earthly Branches

To produce a; "Sexagenary" or; "60 Year" cycle. Known in Chinese as; "Ganzhi."

So the first year of the first cycle is actually the year of; "Shell, Rat." 

The first year of the second cycle is actually the year of; "Fishgut, Rat."

So the Opening Ceremony actually marks the start of; "Burden, Tiger."

All of which would look a lot more impressive. If I could figure out how to post in Chinese characters. 

If I'm going to have to copy them out by hand. Then upload them as images. The Tiger may already have devoured its superior before I'm finished.

Although, once again.

Miley Cyrus' 12, possibly 13 cycles. Suddenly don't look like much of a challenge. Do they.

At around 18:50 on 10/2/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up later.

Edited at around 16:00 on 11/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Those needle-like green stems could also be interpreted as Blades of Grass.

As the Dandelion pushes itself upwards from seed, through the dark soil. Towards the enlightenment of the Sun. The green leaves around its seedhead are easily mistaken for blades of grass.

This seems to be a reference to the 2002 album; "Green Blade Rising." By the British band; "Levellers." 

They are probably most famous for their one big UK hit; "Beautiful Day." Which reached number 13 in the charts in 1997.

Beautiful Day is a song with an upbeat tune about what a beautiful day it is. So radio stations would happily play it and people would sing along to it. Finding it to be really positive and uplifting.

However. If you ever stop to properly listen to it. You'll discover that it is a very political song. Dealing with the political extremes.

A darkly sarcastic Libertarian-Socialist or; "Anarchist" criticism. Of Totalitarian-Socialism or; "Communist" ideology. Particularly Revolutionary or; "Insurrectionist" Communists.

So there is a spectacular irony. In supporters of the UK Labour Party adopting the song. In celebration of their 1997 landslide election victory.

The band's name is actually a reference to; "The Levellers." A British political movement from the Enlightenment Era of the 17th Century AD.

The Levellers political ideals are laid out in their manifesto; "An Agreement of the People." Their main aim was the abolishment of the feudal class system. The "levelling" of society. 

Abolishing the notion of a Monarch or; "Messiah" able to rule through divine right. Replacing it with; "Popular Sovereignty." 

The notion that a nation's political power lies with its people. What we now know as; "Democracy."

Alongside contemporaries such as John Locke. The ideology of the Levellers were a significant influence to American Revolutionaries. Inspiring them to write the US Constitution.

It is a common misconception that the name of the political movement. Comes from the practice of tearing down hedgerows, "levelling" them. In protest against the enclosure of agricultural fields.

Finally codified into law in the Inclosure Act of 1773. This industrialisation of farming was a key element of the Second Agricultural Revolution

Something I covered in painful detail during the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics. In the section I entitled; "The Corona Of Serfdom."

However the Levellers did not oppose enclosure. That was the; "Diggers." Led by Gerrard Winstanley who preferred his group to be known as; "The True Levellers."

In Scotland there was another group who opposed enclosure. They called themselves; "The Dyke Breakers."

The band Levellers name is also a play on a location. In their home city of Brighton, UK.

Brighton is a seaside city. So like most seaside towns it is surrounded by rolling hills. The South Downs.

In the centre of Brighton all these hills form a valley. In this valley stands a public park, on the first bit of level land in the city. 

Displaying absolutely no imagination. This park is known as; "The Level."

Many thousands of years ago the valley where The Level stands. Would have been carved out by a River, possibly even a Glacier. Leading down to the sea.

Now it holds the A23 road and the A270 road. Both leading down to the Palace Pier.

*With fossil fuel powered motorvehicles being big emitters of Green House Gases (ghgs). Which are warming the planet. Turning Glaciers into Rivers. Then causing the Rivers to dry up.

I'm sure you can find a statement about Climate Change. In a road being built in what used to be a Glacier/River bed.

Much like the 1998 album; "Americana" by The Offspring. Or the 2003 album; "American V" by Johnny Cash

The 2002 album; "Green Blade Rising" by the Levellers. Sounds a little too specific to me.

Perhaps another one of the prophecies. Heralding my arrival. Upon the four winds.

This is particularly true of the song; "Falling From The Tree.

Which tells of someone who has had a tough upbringing. Interwoven with the concept of the; "Tree of Life." The Jewish equivalent of the Wu Xing within Asian Animist beliefs. 

Which sounds a lot like a relationship I was having at the time. With a bisexual Israeli Jewish woman. Along with her Black British girlfriend.

As I'm sure the UK Security Services equivalent of the Paparazzi. The; "Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT)" of the police's Counter-Terrorism Command have traced.

If you consider me, that Israeli Jewish woman and her girlfriend to be one cohort. Then there is only one point-of-contact between us and the band Levellers.

That I still don't know if the song, let alone the album, is about me. Is made all the more embarrassing by the fact I used to work in an office where the band paid the rent.

It was not a fanclub.

I was working in that office. When the UK government decided to proscribe the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Along with its armed wing, the Peoples Defence Forces (HPG) as terrorist groups.

For the purposes of the Terrorism Act 2000.

Which prompted something of an office meeting. Regarding the big flag on the wall.

An association which may, or may not, have come in useful. When I was working alongside, first, the Peoples Protection Units (YPG). Then the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF/QSD) in Syria.

Fighting against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and associated groups.

One of those associated groups is the Turkistan Islamic Party (TiP). Who are original generation Al Qaeda. Formed out of Charlie Wilson's Mujahedeen stew in Afghanistan.

While they now mainly operate in North-Western Syria, under Turkish protection. The TiP's main aspiration is the Chinese province of Xinjiang

They are the "Uighur Activists" you keep hearing about.

So it has certainly been rumoured. That I may, or may not, have worked alongside Chinese Special Operations Forces (SOF's). To keep these games safe. The competitors un-murdered.

It was in late 2019 that I was having something of a mini-existential crisis. Prompted by rediscovering the Americana album. 

When COVID-19 came into existence. Falling from the Tree of Life, or bursting forth from the Wu Xing.

Perhaps as punishment. For the Paris Agreement going into effect at the start of 2020.

At around 16:30 on 11/2/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 18:10 on 12/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above, add to The Level* and copy & paste;

The Dandelion was surrounded by a light projection. Of a 3 dimensional, translucent rectangle. Intended to resemble a wall of ice.

The BBC commentator, reading from a briefing sheet provided by the hosts. Claimed that this was a reference to an unspecified aspect of Chinese mythology which believes extreme cold breeds new life.

However a quick Google search. Has me thinking that briefing sheet was written by a member of the Balhae Chinese ethnic group.

The Balhae Chinese are ethnically Korean. Descendents of the Balhae Period (698-926 AD). In which Korean territory extended far into what is now considered China and Russia.

As we learned at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea (RoK/South). Teasing and making fun of foreigners is a big part of Korean culture.

For example their Opening Ceremony began with the striking of the Great Bell of Seongdeok. However the briefing sheet they gave to foreigners. Claimed it was the Peace Bell. A bell gifted by Japan to the United Nations (UN).

In 2019 US President Trump was heavily engaged in diplomacy with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK/North). He claimed that China would be helpful as China and North Korea were once the same country.

President Trump was widely mocked for this. Particularly by US talkshow host John Oliver. Over what a fool he was for thinking China and Korea used to be the same country.

As we've already learned from this ceremony. 

The current Chinese Provinces of Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Heilong all used to be part of Korea. Including during the Balhae Period.

Then, later. The entire Korean Peninsula used to be part of China.

Obviously I don't really listen to John Oliver. Let alone hang on his every word.

However I'm yet to hear of him retracting his entirely false statement. Let alone apologising for it.

Personally I think this wall of ice. Was intended as a reference to the so-called; "Ice Wall" that Japan has built around the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Catastrophically damaged by the 2011 Tohoku Disaster.

Coolant is pumped through pipes. Causing the soil between the pipes to freeze. Creating a 100ft (30m) underground wall. To prevent water running down from nearby mountains becoming irradiated before it flows into the sea.

Amongst Japan's neighbours China has been particularly vocal. In opposing Japan's plan to release water laced with radioactive Tritium into the sea. Water irradiated by efforts to cool Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. 

Within this wall of ice a light projected image of a planet appeared. 

We'd just been informed, through the Opening Countdown Video, that the ceremony was taking place on Chinese New Year's Day. Which is sometimes known as; "Lunar New Year."

So this planet could certainly been interpreted as the Moon. Although Chinese New Year actually takes place at the Spring Equinox. The point of equal balance between the Sun and the Moon.

It is the Sun which makes up the Heavenly Stems of the Traditional Chinese Calendar. While the Earthly Branches, the names of the years, are provided by Jupiter.

So this planet could certainly also be interpreted as Jupiter.

I think the correct answer to the question;

"Was it the Moon or was it Jupiter?"

Is; "Yes."

The arrival of this planet, signifying spring. Prompted the Dandelion to bloom. The stems around its seedhead opened. Revealing its petals.

This attracted a light projected Butterfly to circle the flower. In reference to the Butterflies in the 2020 Summer Para-Olympic Closing Ceremony. 

However this Butterfly was much easier to explain. Being just a clear animation of a Butterfly. Rather than a human performer on a unicycle. In a costume that could also be viewed as a Seahorses.

China joining Japan in its criticism of the 2012 ceremonies. Which the British hosts tried to make as difficult and disorientating as they were capable of.

As the Dandelion began to reach the end of its lifecycle the planet was replaced. With the light projected image of the face of a very young child. You could even interpret it as a baby.

This was a reference to how the IOC has become so corrupt, so incompetent. That it is no longer able to perform its most fundamental of tasks.

Staging an Olympics as a global event. At which the big issues of the day are discussed.

Instead reducing the Olympics to nothing but a megaphone. A megaphone for babies. The screaming babies of the US and the UK.

I hope the US and the UK. Along with the IOC are taking note. That in making that point, China are quoting me directly.

A sign of how globally known and respected I am. Regardless of the delusional fantasy the US and the UK have withdrawn into.

It was also a reference to not one, but two Dolly Parton songs.

The first being; "Tennessee Mountain Home." Where; "Life is as peaceful as a baby's sigh."

Along with the much more famous; "Jolene." Whose smile is; "Like a breath of spring."

Much like the band Levellers. I used to live in various places in Brighton, UK. Including technically, briefly, one of its parks. Not The Level though.

I also spent a lot of time living in a large-shared house.

This was described by the contemporary US TV show; "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as a Fraternity or; "Frat" House. Particularly in Season 7, Episode 5; "Selfless."

However, as was discussed at the 2021 Oscars. This was really the antithesis of a Frat House.

For example we had a policy of gender-parity, as far is possible with odd numbers. Housemates came from an array of different races and nationalities. Only about half of us were actually at university/college.

Two of the housemates were Hong Kong Chinese

Although I don't remember ever getting into the specifics of their immigration status. I think they were both British National (Overseas) Passport holders. Or naturalised, former BNOP holders.

One of these guys family were one of the largest UK distributors of the containers you get with Chinese Takeaway/Takeout food. Which didn't make them as rich as they sound.

However it did make him incredibly useful when it came to ordering Chinese food. 

Not only did he have an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of Chinese food. He also spoke Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) like they were his first language. As they were his first languages.

As a few guests who'd overstayed their welcome discovered. He was also a highly accomplished Martial Artist. Not that you'd know to look at him.

The other guy was significantly less useful.

I think I actually moved in because he moved out. To do a year-long internship with the UK's government's, frankly puerile, Cabinet Office Briefing Room A (COBRA) Situation Room. Doing various IT, computer things.

His most high profile work. Was producing Civil Contingency maps for the 2002 national Firefighters strike. Which were shown at televised government briefings.

After his internship ended he returned to live in the house. After I moved out, about two years later, we lost touch. So I don't know if he returned to work at COBRA.

However if he had. He would have been the person doing all those computer models and graphs. Being shown at the UK Pandemic press briefings.

Normally I wouldn't name him. However his name is essential to what is being discussed here.

His name was, I assume still is; "Lee Wing-jo." Which he had westernised to; "Joe Lee."

So, obviously. We used to tease him with the Dolly Parton song; "Jolene."

Sharing a house as friends. When we sung it over the kitchen table, or at pub karaoke. It was just some fun, a bit of good-natured teasing.

However, when Dolly Parton's God-daughter. The person whose emotional and spiritual wellbeing Dolly Parton is supposed to look out for.

My stalker, Miley Cyrus. When she sings it to him. Live on national BBC Radio 1.

Then it might cross the line into bullying.

If I were to show him a YouTube video of my stalker, Miley Cyrus singing it to him. Then that might constitute Cyberbulling.

The sort of thing governments might want to legislate against. If "Being stalked by Miley Cyrus" wasn't such a niche problem. One that I'm more than capable of dealing with on my own.

The end of the Dandelion's lifecycle was marked by the baby blowing on its seedhead. Scattering light projections of its Seed/Pollen spores around the arena.

This was a pretty clear reference to the issues surrounding Pollination.

The Butterfly also featured in the section is an example of a; Pollinator." 

An insect which is attracted to a plant by the Nectar the plant produces. In return to being fed the Nectar the insect spreads the plant's Pollen around.

By far the most famous example of a pollinator is the humble Honey Bee

Not only do these spread plant Pollen around they also use Nectar to produce Honey. Which is enjoyed by us humans, along with that famous cartoon bear, Winnie the Pooh. 

The Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics looked at the development of Economics. From the European Feudalism through to the era of European Colonialism and beyond.

Particularly in the section I entitled; "The Corona Of Serfdom."

One of the key ideological cornerstones of European Colonialism. Laid during this; "Enlightenment" Era was laid by Bernard Mandeville.

In his rambling 400 page poem; "The Fable of the Bees" Mandeville argued that Protestant greed was good for society. Comparing it to how the individual vices or greeds of the Honey Bees held their colonies or hives together.

As a Totalitarian Socialist or; "Communist" country. China could not disagree with Bernard Mandeville more.

They believe that personal vices, such as gambling. Along with personal greeds, such as gluttony are not only negative. But a threat to society.

Instead society is held together by individuals being prepared to sacrifice their individual wants and desires. For the good of the collective.

On the issue of Bees, if not economics. It is China, not Mandeville, who are quite correct.

Bees are utterly selfless. They will literally give up their own lives for the good of their society or hive.

If a Bee thinks you are a threat to its hive it will sting you. Knowing that the act of stinging you will kill it. Thinking it is better for it to die than for its hive to die.

Whereas as much more intelligent animals, such as Wolves. Will happily see their entire society or pack slaughtered. Then just go off and join another pack.

Not only are Bees vitally important to plants, which rely on them to reproduce. Bees are also vitally important to humans. Who rely on the plants they pollinate to provide us with food.

Although he probably didn't actually say it. It is widely believed that the famous Physicist Albert Einstein once observed that;

"That if the Bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live."

Although it has not quite got that serious yet. China has a significant problem with its declining Bee population.

According to official Chinese Communist propaganda. This has been caused by the invasion of western Bee varieties in the 19th Century. Killing off the much more patriotic Chinese Bees.

I think even the Chinese know though. That it has actually got more to do with environmental pollution. 

Along with China's careless use of Pesticides. Particularly Neonictonide Pesticides like Thiamethoxam. Which kill useful insects like Bees alongside pests. 

I doubt they'd be bringing it up here otherwise.

The situation in parts of China, particularly the south-west. Has gotten so bad that farmers are having to hire humans to replace the work once done by Bees. Pollinating plants, particularly Apple Trees by hand.

An Enlightment contemporary of Bernard Mandeville was John Locke. Through his; "Labour Theory of Property" Locke provided us with the definition of property that is still used today.

It declares that the natural environment is a gift to all. It is only by applying our labour to natural resources that we can turn them into our property.

This attitude towards property presents a huge problem within environmentalism. Particularly in efforts to combat Climate Change.

Locke dictates that no-one can be paid for simply not cutting down a tree. Leaving it there to absorb ghg's as it grows. Cleaning the air.

Instead we have to cut down all the trees. Then turn them into something we can sell. Using part of the money for the sale to buy a machine that will do a worse job of removing ghg's than the tree.

China's example of having to hire humans. To replace all the Bees who used to do the job of pollination much more efficiently and for free. Until we killed them with our pollution and pesticides.

Shows just how ridiculous John Locke's Labour Theory of Property can be at times.

Specifically relating to Climate Change. Through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Some very intelligent people seem to have found a solution to this Locke Problem.

Carbon Credits. Essentially a way for people who produce ghg's. To pay people to remove those ghg's. By simply not cutting down trees.

Unfortunately this solution is being undone by the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement not being legally binding, unlike the Kyoto Protocol, has collapsed the value of Carbon Credits.

Much like with car insurance. If people aren't legally obligated to buy it. Then they're just not going to buy it.

China is a signatory to the Paris Agreement. They couldn't really turn down the gift that the former US Biden regime accidentally dropped into their laps at COP21.

However here they seem to be indicate that they might be open to giving the US, and the wider World, a do-over. Scrapping the Paris Agreement.

In order to replace it with something that might actually work.

That said China is a Communist country. Built around the theories of Karl Marx

Marxism isn't, strictly speaking, an Economic theory. So much as the rejection of Economics as a concept.

So Communists have never been big on the concept of private property. Let alone John Locke's theories on it.

At around 18:40 on 12/2/22 (UK date) I don't know when I'll be picking this up. 

Edited at around 17:35 on 14/2/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

In this context the blades of grass are a reference to Desertification. Another big environmental challenge China faces.

The north of China is made up of the Gobi Desert. The fourth largest sand desert in the World. Which already takes up around 55% of China's territory.

The Gobi Desert is also constantly growing. Eating up what used to be farmland and grassland. Reducing it to sand.

In no small part this has been caused by incredibly poor land-use policies in the past. Along with Climate Change. Itself caused by China's massive dependence on very dirty Coal to produce electricity.

As the desert eats away at farmland and grassland, turning them to sand. It prevents the plants that used to grown there from absorbing ghg's. Making the problem even worse.

It also endangers food supply. China's ability to feed its population of around 1.4bn people.

As was discussed extensively during the 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony. Particularly in the section where the Volcano-shaped, Hydrogen fuelled Olympic Cauldron was lit.

The Paris Agreement will not stop Climate Change. Nor will it stop the problems caused by Climate Change such as Desertification.

The Paris Agreement is simply not designed to stop Climate Change.

Instead it is designed to give, particularly western, politicians. The opportunity to make big Kabuki Theatre style pronouncements. To trick voters into thinking they actually care about anything other than clinging to power.

Whatever they say many of these western nations. Particularly the US and the UK. Still do not believe that Climate Change is real. Despite the overwhelming evidence.

China, on the otherhand. Can see that Climate Change is real. It can see the damage that it is doing to its country.

So not only does China know that Climate Change is real. China takes Climate Change very seriously.

China also has lots of real-world data. On what is known in UNFCCC jargon as; "Loss & Damage."

Lessons that can be applied to anywhere that is suffering from Desertification. Particularly the Sahel Belt in Africa.

The Sahel Belt is an area which stretches right across the African continent. From west to east. It sits directly below the Sahara. The World's largest sand desert.

As with the Gobi Desert the Sahara is constantly expanding. Devouring more and more of the Sahel.

In return for learning lessons on Loss & Damage from China. We could, perhaps, help China refine its efforts at what are known as; "Market Based Solutions."

Such is China's commitment to combating Climate Change. That in 2021 it caused them to suffer an entirely self-inflicted electricity crisis.

Chinas' central government ordered a reduction in Coal production. Thinking a reduction in supply would drive up costs. In turn reducing demand. A market-mechanism.

However as a Communist country. China most certainly does not follow the Free Market principles of the likes of Bernard Mandeville or John Locke. Let alone the Neo-Liberal school of Economics.

So the reduction in Coal production did drive up costs. However the people using that Coal to produce electricity were not able to pass on those costs to the people using the electricity.

Meaning that rather than a gradual reduction in electricity/Coal use/waste. The electricity producers just chaotically shutdown their operations.

China's commitment to combating Climate Change is so great. I think that's why they would be open to scrapping the Paris Agreement.

So it can be replaced with something stronger than the Kyoto Protocol. As was the original plan.

That would force China to do more, faster. Extra encouragement they seem keen to have placed upon them.

As these light projected Pollen spores blew around the arena. Some gathered together and appeared to be blow up a central column on the arena wall.

That gave the impression of a beam of white light rising from the ground into the sky.

When the beam of white light energy reached the arena roof. It appeared to set-off fireworks. 

Spelling out the phrase; "Lichun" (The Beginning of Spring) in Chinese characters. The first of the 24 Solar phases from the Opening Countdown.

The fireworks also spelt out the English word; "Spring." In English/Latin characters.

Another lesson in the differences between the two languages. 

In Chinese the phrase; "The Beginning of Spring" is spelt out using just two characters. While the single English word; "Spring" is spelt out using six characters.

While also reminding people that Gunpowder and, by extension, Fireworks were invented by China. During the Tang Dynasty which ruled between 618 and 690 AD. Then again between 705 and 907 AD.

Primarily though it was a reference to China's Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) satellite. Something both South Korea and Japan warned about in their ceremonies.

QUESS uses Quantum Encryption/Cryptography. Speaking very simply this transmits electronic messages in the form of sub-atomic, quantum, particles of light.

You could almost compare it to FibreOptic Broadband. Although it is much more complicated than that. These quantum particles are technically too small to even be described as; "Light."

Outside of the world of Physicists. I don't think most people can even comprehend of light as being physical object.

What is revolutionary about Quantum Cryptography is that these quantum particles are so unstable. That you try to intercept them you destroy them. 

Meaning that Quantum Cryptography is currently considered to be utterly unbreakable. 100% secure.

China is currently the only country able to do Quantum Cryptography. Despite QUESS being launched in 2016 still no-one has been able to catch up.

So here China was, perfectly reasonably, boasting about something they are absolutely World leaders in.

Through their 2021 attempts to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus. We learned just how far behind China the NATO nations, led by the US/UK truly are.

They genuinely believed that Miley Cyrus and I couldn't talk to each other directly. As the encryption used in such electronic communications would mean that they would be secret.

Then, when they discovered that not only wasn't this a secret. I was using it to teach people horse training and Japanese. They panicked and threw a tantrum. The Great American Bell Ringing of October 4th (4/10/21).

So rather than simply boasting about how much more advanced they are. In an effort to make the US/UK led NATO countries look bad.

China actually seemed embarrassed and alarmed. By just how far more advanced they are then the US/UK led NATO countries.

Urging them to at least try to catch up. As it is fast getting to the point where China can't even consider the US to be a rival anymore.

So while the western nations are growing increasingly, hysterically alarmed about the rise of China. 

China is actually concerned by the vacuum being created by the west's US/UK led just, complete withdrawal from reality. Let alone the global stage. 

To be continued in Part 3.

18:25 on 14/2/22 (UK date).

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