Saturday 22 January 2022

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.10

To be read as a direct coninuation of Part 9;

The Dying Of The Light.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section.

A section in which the Olympic Cauldron is extinguished. Marking the formal end of the games.

The Japanese hosts decided to do this through the telling of a story. 

The story of some Kindergarten-aged children being given a lesson in Astronomy. By their Governess/Teacher.

Very much in the style of the 1965 British musical movie; "The Sound Of Music."

Although not individually credited. The children were all members of the Suginami Children's Chorus.

They were obviously intended as a reference to the; "Child-Like Ciphers." 

The Child-Like Ciphers who guided us through the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea (RoK/South).

The same Child-Like Ciphers. Who were referenced by the young Japanese women who guided us around the park. In the earlier; "Life Beyond The Wire" section.

As the children gazed through their telescopes and checked their star-charts. They sang; "Hoshimeguri no Uta" (Star Tour Song).

Essentially a nursery rhyme composed by Kenji Miyazawa. Hoshimeguri no Uta is a very famous Japanese song. 

It teaches children the stars and constellations visible in the night sky over Japan. In the summer months.

Although I'm still covering it in January. The Closing Ceremony took place in August.

As the children sang. The scoreboard, high on the arena wall. Lit up in time with the music. Rather like a graphic equaliser.

So this was the code of the music. Being transmitted as particles of light.

A reference to Quantum Cryptography/Encryption. Particularly as it is used in China's Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) satellite.

Standing far above. In stark contrast to the Child-Like Ciphers.

The Governess/Teacher was played by Shinobu Otake. An extremely accomplished and famous Japanese actress.

Shinobu Otake though is really only famous within the Japanese speaking world. So Japan, really.

However she provided the voice for the; "Homily" character. In the really good 2010 Japanese animated movie; "Arrietty."

In the version released in Britain. This character was voiced by Oscar winning actress Olivia Coleman. In the version released in the US. The character was voiced by Amy Poehler.

Shinobu Otake also provided the Japanese language dubbing for the character; "Maria" in West Side Story. When it was released in Japan in 1979. 

In West Side Story Natalie Wood played Maria. Yet the singing was done by Marni Nixon. In the Japanese release Shinobu Otake did both.

To give you some idea about the level of actress we're talking about here.

In her physical appearance. Shinobu Otake closely resembled the British actress Helen McCrory.

Making the point. Of how White or Caucasian people can, just about, get away with passing for Asian/Japanese. And vice versa.

In a way that Black people just can't.

Something which seems to be a major reason. Why Black people tend to bear the brunt of Japan's deeply engrained distrust of foreigners. 

An isolationist attitude that dates back to the Edo Period. The "Locked State" or "Sakoku" policy.

A recurring theme of these games. Something even Japanese society accepts. It needs to have a word with itself about.

Helen McCrory is probably most famous for playing the; "Aunt Polly" character. In the British TV show; "Peaky Blinders." 

Peaky Blinders tells the story of the British/Irish Shelby crime family. Around the time of the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). 

The Aunt Polly character is a Gypsy. Providing the Shelby family with its links to the Gypsy community.

As was discussed during the "Highlights Reel I" section. 

My family, particularly one of my mothers, has a long affinity for horses. That mother is also half-Irish, with a very Irish family name.

So Irish. It's spelt differently for each one of her many siblings.

The phrase; "Irish, with an affinity for horses." Does sound a lot like a polite euphemism for; "Gypsy."

That is certainly how she was portrayed in the US TV show; "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." 

Through the; "Jenny Calendar" character. A member of the Kaladesh Gypsy clan. Sent to make sure the curse on the; "Angel" character was holding.

This is one of those stories that has been told so many times. That through the telling it has sort of become fact.

Not even I know how true it is though. 

The last generation of the family to actually live in Ireland was my mother's father. My maternal grandfather. He was a Doctor.

His father, my maternal great-grandfather, was also a Doctor. Despite being a Catholic part of his practice involved acting as a Police Surgeon for the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC).

Treating prisoners in RIC custody. Collecting evidence of their injuries.

As a result. He was assassinated during the early stages of the Irish War of Independence.

Something which was also portrayed in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slaver. Season 2, Episode 19; "I Only Have Eyes For You."

The way I've heard the story. 

Is that one evening there was a knock on the door. Then aged about 13 my grandfather went to open it. While his father stood at the foot of the stairs.

When the door was opened. A volley of gunfire flew millimetres past my grandfather. Striking his father. Killing him instantly.

Family legend has it. 

That the killers were members of the so-called; "Twelve Apostles." Sometimes known simply as; "The Squad." The personal kill team of the very famous Michael Collins

The Twelve Apostles name being a reference to the disciples of Jesus Christ. As represented by the Catholic Rosary. The Christmas song; "The 12 Days of Christmas."

Having been introduced to the rest of my family. Through these ceremonies. You wouldn't bet against it

Immediately afterwards what was left of the family. Was scooped up by the British Crown and relocated to the mainland.

Just as many NATO nations were forced to scoop up and relocate many Afghan translators. In the days, weeks immediately following this ceremony.

I don't think we're setting the world of Psychology. Let alone the world of Epigenetics ablaze. By pointing out that all probably had something to do with my grandfather's massive Heroin addiction.

Those factors combined. Along with his massive addictions to Alcohol, Cocaine and Amphetamines helped fuel his; 'Antics.'

Which included attempting to murder his entire family. Setting their house on fire while they were locked inside. Successfully murdering one of his own sons, by drowning.

The infamous; "Lockhart Family Curse." As it's known to viewers of; "The Affair." That long-running, high-budget Israeli-Jewish love letter to me.

You certainly all know the house we're talking about. It still stands directly across the road from the bail hostel where MI5 stationed Sudesh Amman. For their operation of February 2nd 2020 (2/2/20).

The day of the 2020 Super Bowl. The Super Bowl that should have led into these Summer games.

Helen McCrory is/was married to the British actor Damien Lewis

Damien Lewis played the; "Nicholas Brody" character in the US TV show; "Homeland." That other long-running, high-budget Israeli-Jewish love letter to me.

Nicholas Brody is a returning Prisoner of War. Who soon finds himself embroiled in an elaborate plot. 

A plot centred around the codewords; "Marine One" and; "Marine Two." The designations given to the helicopters carrying the US President and US Vice President respectively.

The job of untangling that plot falls to CIA officer "Carrie Mathison." Played by Claire Danes.

The Carrie Mathison character is Manic Depressive. Suffering from Bipolar Disorder.

Something she discovered while at university/college. When in a manic episode she sent a tutor a 100,000 word essay claiming to have "Solved" music.

Throughout 2020, the Pandemic year. Where the discussion over the history of music was really one of the only things going on. I'm sure we all started to feel a bit like that.

Particularly with one incident.

When US President Trump contracted COVID-19. 

On the day I had already designated as the day I would start my coverage of COVID-19. Within the context of the 2020 US Presidential Election.

President Trump had already done very badly in the first Presidential Debate. Prompting those of us who wanted to see him win a second term to think;

"We really need to find a way to shut him up."

Seeming to prompt Covid to go; "Don't worry. We've got this!"

During President Trump's 10 days of enforced silence. 

The mask-nutters who wanted to see a return to the Biden regime. Would have been utterly convinced he was going to die. As Covid is such a deadly disease.

President Trump would then have been able to emerge, triumphant. After having received no treatment. Proving that Covid isn't actually a deadly disease.

The mask-nutters and the Biden regime are liars.

Unfortunately President Trump even managed to screw that up. Spending those 10 days shouting about every weird treatment he was subjecting himself to.

The journey began with an extremely tense wait. With seemingly every news camera on the planet focused, for what seemed like hours, on Marine One. 

As that helicopter sat on the White House lawn. Waiting to transport President Trump to hospital.

The tension was broken. When I seemed able to start Marine One's engines and rotor blades with my tablet.

Using the song; "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead. As a sort of override code.

As I'm sure Iran has learned, through the Stuxnet virus. Even Israel wishes it had that level of capability.

Helen McCrory died of Cancer in April 2021.

Something which, I think, came as a shock to everyone. Outside of the immediate family no-one even knew that she was battling Cancer.

As I explained. During the earlier Life Beyond The Wire section.

Around the time of the 2021 Super Bowl. I was all ready to entertain you. With some absolutely Outrageous Lockdown Gossip!

Rihanna and I would be the married couple. The supposedly bisexual Miley Cyrus would have to try and win us both over, individually.

In drawing up that plan. I knew it would involve me sharing certain details about some of my ex-girlfriends with Rihanna and Miley Cyrus. On, essentially, the Internet.

That level of openness is something I could only promise for my stories. I felt even sharing my ex-girlfriends' stories was pushing the limits of what was acceptable.

So if it were to come to Rihanna and, particularly, Miley Cyrus' stories. Then I think an extra level of privacy would be required.

Particularly her rather robust views on non-White people. Probably isn't something Miley Cyrus would want shared on the Internet or global TV.

Personally I always choose to see the best in people. The potential for what they could be. Rather than what they are.

However a lack of rapid progress on that particular issue. Would certainly be a deal-breaker for me.

If Saturday Night Live (SNL) had managed not to screw up the simplest of simple tasks. Then we would have had a range of options.

At the top there would be Elon Musk's Starlink communications satellite network. Really only one step behind China's QUESS.

We could then work all the way down the menu. To Miley Cyrus just screen-shotting things and putting them on her Instagram.

That debate over the range of options and outcomes. Could only begin. 

Once Miley Cyrus and I are permitted to speak to each other directly. You know. That thing humans do. 

Helen McCrory's discreet battle with Cancer. Showed that even in the world of Hollywood celebrity. It is possible to keep things private.

Without having to resort to the skills of actual military intelligence officers.

Although. In later seasons of Homeland there was the; "Ivan Krupin" character. Played by Israeli actor Mark Ivanir.

Mark Ivanir was actually an officer in Israeli Military Intelligence. Specifically Signals Intelligence.

Those classic wire-tappers.

At around 18:05 on 22/1/22 (UK date) I'll try and pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:00 on 23/1/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

As they sang. The students and their teacher made their way from the Protocol stage to the Pitcher's Mound stage.

Throughout an animation had been projected onto the arena floor. Showing the stars, constellations and various other space imagery.

As the group arrived at the Pitcher's Mound stage. 

The cosmic plasmas of this animation morphed into images of undersea, aquatic life. Including an image of a Dolphin.

Even the US/UK have finally been able to realise. This was a reference to the Sea. The 'Atlanta Ocean.'

For all the time and energy humans have spent exploring outer space. We've actually spent very little time exploring the Oceans and Aquatic life.

Which is perfectly understandable. 

Due to the vast size of the Universe along with the relatively slow speed at which light travels. When we look to outer space we're actually looking back in time. Possibly as far back as the birth of the Universe.

However it is often said that we know more about outer space and other planets. Than we do about what covers around 70% of our own planet.

Something which was repeatedly used as an excuse. As to why we still haven't managed to find Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Six years after it 'mysteriously' disappeared. During the 2014 Winter Olympics. Held in Sochi, Russia.

Just four months before US CIA officers embedded in Ukrainian Air Traffic Control. Deliberately flew Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 into an air combat zone. Knowing it would more likely than not be shot down.

As I mentioned in the Memento Mori section of the Opening Ceremony. 

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer there is a recurring story about an Irish Claddagh ring. Which the Angel character gives to the Buffy character.

That Claddagh ring is a metaphor for a tattoo I have in Japanese script. Deliberate grammatical error and all.

It seems to have something to do with the 1998 Japanese movie; "The Ring" suddenly becoming very popular in the west. Including the 2002 remake.

There is an Irish Rebel song called; "Grace." It is about one of the prisoners being held at Kilmainham (Cluain Meala) Prison. Following the 1916 Easter Rising.

As he is about to be executed this prisoner writes his beloved one final letter. Including a wedding ring declaring them now to be married. Entitling her to whatever death benefits may be forthcoming.

A sort 1916 version of marriage over Zoom. Something which became rather fashionable during Pandemic.

There is one version of Grace recorded by the band The Barleycorn. Which is included on a compilation of Irish love songs published by the Dolphin Music Group. Which features a Claddagh ring as a major part of its artwork.

Something which has proved itself useful, more than once. Particularly with there being a Dawn character in later seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Israel's Dolphin class Diesel submarines, which may or may not have nuclear missiles. Certainly have some relevance to the US/UK and Australia's apparent euthusiasm for conflict in the Asia Pacific region. 

I guess it's easy to be enthusiastic for conflict. When, unlike Japan. You're not actually in the Asia Pacific region.

Primarily though. I think Japan was referencing the Fukushima water issue.

Which, at around 17:25 on 23/1/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:40 on 24/1/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Like a Thermal Power Plant. Like a Geothermal Power Plant.

A Nuclear Power Plant works by piping water over a heat source. A radioactive material.

That water turns to steam. Which spins a turbine connected to an electromagnet. Creating electricity.

Unlike with a Thermal or Geothermal Power Plant. In a Nuclear Power Plant that water becomes highly radioactive

So you have to store it until it decays and stops being radioactive. Which can take thousands of years. Depending on the radioactive material.

When the Tsunami of the 2011 Tokhu Earthquake Disaster struck. 

It overwhelmed these water storage tanks at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Plant. Dragging most of that radioactive water back into the Pacific Ocean.

The Fukushima-Daiichi Plant also stands between a mountain and the sea. 

So when it rains water runs down from the mountain, underneath the Plant and into the sea. Becoming radioactive as it does.

To prevent this Japan has built an underground wall around the Fukushima-Daiichi Plant. 

Coolant is pumped through metal pipes freezing the soil between the pipes. This so-called; "Ice Wall" is around 30m (100ft) tall/deep and stretches for 600m (1 mile) around the Plant.

Unlike with a Thermal Power Plant. In a Nuclear Power Plant you can't just switch the radioactive material off

So even when you're not using it to generate electricity. You still have to pump water over the reactor. To keep it cool and stop it from catching fire and exploding.

That water also becomes radioactive. Particularly when you are dealing with a damaged reactor. As Japan is with Fukushima-Daiichi.

Japan has been doing this cooling of Fukushima-Daiichi's reactors for 10 years. They've now run out of space to store all the radioactive water.

Some people have suggested that Japan simply creates more space to store the water. The area around the Fukushima-Daiichi Plant is not going to be fit for human habitation for a very long time.

Japan wants to release the water into the Pacific. Which has not gone down at all well with the other nations in the Pacific.

However Japan is not simply proposing dumping the water straight into the Pacific. As happened in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami.

Instead, since 2013. They have been treating the water using a process called the; "Advanced Liquid Processing System."

This has removed the most dangerous radioactive material from the water. Caesium and Strontium. However it doesn't remove the Tritium.

Tritium is a product of irradiated Hydrogen. The same Hydrogen used to fuel the Olympic Cauldron.

Outside of a Nuclear Reactor. The only way that Tritium is created is in outer space. Where Nitrogen is irradiated by Cosmic Rays and Plasmas. Like those shown in the animation.

It must be said that Tritium isn't a particularly dangerous radioactive material. The chances are you've probably got some of it in your house now. Possibly even on your body.

Tritium is used to make things like watches and gunsights glow in the dark. It is much, much safer than the Radium which used to be used.

Tritium is a Beta emitter. Meaning that it is stopped by human skin and, really, dust particles in the air. Despite the outlandish claims made by Britain when it accused Russia of poisoning Alexander Litvinenko.

So Tritium is only dangerous to humans if it is ingested. Eaten essentially. Even then it is only harmful to the human cells that it actually comes into direct contact with.

It also has a very short biological half-life of 7 days in humans. Meaning that even if ingested it will only come in contact with human cells, potentially damaging them for 7 days.

Tritium is actually considered so harmless that it is used as an Oceanic Transient Tracer. 

It is deliberately released into seas and oceans. To allow scientists to track how the different currents circulate and interact.

Although there we are talking about far less Tritium. Than the 1.25 million tonnes of Tritium laced water that Japan is proposing be released into the Pacific.

The main issue is what happens when this Tritium enters the aquatic food chain.

At the bottom of the aquatic food chain you have small simple organisms. Which would absorb small amounts of Tritium.

However those small simple organisms are eaten in very large numbers. By slightly bigger aquatic animals. Like small fish.

In turn those small fish are eaten, in large numbers, by bigger fish.

So by the time a human comes to eat one of those bigger fish. It will potentially contain a very large amount of Tritium.

This was the problem identified by Rachel Carson in her book; "Silent Spring." Which is widely credited as starting the modern environmental movement.

The use of the Pesticide DDT. Promoted as part of the Green Revolution released Dioxins into the aquatic foodchain. 

Unlike Tritium Dioxins have a very long biological half-life in humans. In terms of 8 years compared to 7 days. Longer in less complicated organisms.

So Dioxins rapidly built up in the aquatic food chain. Entering the human food chain in large amounts. Causing Cancers and birth defects.

Eventually leading to DDT being banned in much of the World.

While the biological half-life of Tritium in humans is well understood. There is very little data on how it affects other forms of, particularly, aquatic life.

So although the release of this Fukushima-Daiichi water is generally accepted to be safe. There is still this quite sizeable element of the unknown. 

In the case of DDT. An element of the unknown that ended badly.

Now that I'm apparently no longer in the grenade juggling business. This Fukushima-Daiichi water issue is something I'd be interested in looking at in more detail.

Along with catching up with the latest inter alia of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Once the Child-Like Ciphers and their teacher had finished singing Hoshimeguri no Uta. They started singing; "Clair de Lune" by French composer Claude Debussy.

Possibly one of the most famous French songs ever. Clair de Lune translates as; "The Light of the Moon." 

An obvious nod to France taking over from Japan. As the hosts of the 2024 Summer Olympics and Para-Olympics.

However it was also a reference to the 1998 US TV mini-series; "From the Earth to the Moon." One of the many things I streamed during 2020, the Pandemic year.

From the Earth to the Moon tells the story of the US' Apollo Space Program. Up to and beyond the historic Apollo 11 mission which landed the first humans on the Moon.

As has been mentioned throughout these ceremonies. Article 9 of Japan's Peace Constitution (Heiwa-Kenpo) forbids Japan from possessing purely offensive weapons. Particularly ballistic missiles.

Ballistic missiles and Space Rockets differ really in only what you put on top of them. So Article 9 also forbids Japan from having any meaningful Space Program. Despite the fact it seems Japan would be rather good at it.

Japan perhaps expresses its frustration with the annual Kanamara Matsuri. The "Festival of the Steel Penis." Launched in 1969. The year of the Apollo 11 mission.

I think a lot of people forget. That is was another Michael Collins who piloted Apollo 11. While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon.

Perhaps an interesting choice. Given that 1969 also marked the start of the Northern Ireland Troubles. Seen by some as an extension of the Irish War of Independence.

Another little reminder here. To the US/UK in their efforts to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus. To turn her into some sort of Sharp Power/Propaganda weapon.

Just my biological family alone. Have been doing that sort of thing for a very long time. At a much more sophisticated level.

By the final episode of From the Earth to the Moon. Even the creative types making the show had got bored with the science of the Space Program.

So decided, instead, to make an episode about the making of; "Les Voyage dans la Lune" or; "A Trip To The Moon." This 1902 French short film by Georges Melies is widely consider to be the first sci-fi movie ever made.

It was episode 10 of From the Earth to the Moon; "Galileo Was Right." Which seems to have predicted what some see as an important event in my life.

It focuses on the Apollo 15 mission. Which was centred on exploring the Moon's geology. Chosen to captain the mission was Harrison "Jack" Schmitt.

Jack Schmitt trained as a Geologist before quitting for the glamour of being a Navy Fighter Pilot. He has to recruit one of his old lecturers, Lee Silver, to help prepare for the mission. 

Lee Silver is still angry at Jack Schmitt for quitting Geology. But eventually has to concede. That the student has become the master.

Three years later I was studying Geography, which has a large Geology element to it, at university. When I walked out of a lecture.

In order to stop the sensation of my brain-cells being killed. By a Geology lecturer explaining how Statistical Analysis, specifically Regression Analysis. Proves that Climate Change isn't real. 

As I left I remember him telling the other students that I; "Would never amount to anything."

The UNFCCC is really peak Geography.

From the Earth to the Moon is a passion project for Tom Hanks. A follow on from his role in the 1995 movie; "Apollo 13."

So Tom Hanks produced the show. Each episode begins with him giving a short introductory, really, lecture. Telling us what we're about to watch.

Tom Hanks was probably the first truly globally famous person to contract COVID-19.

The response to which. Seems to have been driven by an obsession with Statistical Analysis. Rather than science.

The teacher then gestured to the Olympic Cauldron Structure.

As was explained. During the Opening Ceremony this structure was intended to resemble; The Sun Rising Over Mount Fuji.

It was now though bathed in a pale blue light. So as it rotated and closed, extinguishing the Olympic Flame. 

The orb was intended to resemble; The Moon Rising Over Mount Fuji.

Marking the end of the day. The end of the games.

On the Closing Ceremony's Wikipedia page. It is suggested that the teacher's gesture was intended as an example of; "Telekinesis." It was her gesture that caused the cauldron to close.

Telekinesis being that thing used by Jedis in the Star Wars universe. To move objects with the power of their minds. Using; "The Force."

Really the purpose of any Olympic or Para-Olympic Ceremony. Is to make artistic statements that are open to interpretation. To start various discussions.

So there aren't really any wrong answers. Just as there aren't really any right answers.

Interpreting this sequence as a reference to Star Wars and telekinesis. Would certainly allow for further mockery of that particular type of basement dwelling virgin.

That particular type of basement dwelling virgin who has watched far too much Manga. Convincing themselves they have magical Jedi-like Superpowers.

However, personally. I think the teacher's gesture was just that. A way to draw everyone's attention to the Olympic Cauldron as it closed. 

At around 18:15 on 24/1/22 (UK date) I'll try and finish this tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:40 on 25/1/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Para-Olympic Preview Video.

Both the Opening Ceremony and this Closing Ceremony. Have featured many coded adverts for the Para-Olympics.

So the earlier "Life Beyond The Wire" section was a tribute to the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 Summer Para-Olympics. Held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil.

The "Fun With Flags III" section referenced Shakespeare's The Tempest. The central inspiration to the 2012 Summer Para-Olympics Opening Ceremony. Held in London, UK.

Anywhere Rihanna and I were mentioned. Was a reference to the 2012 Summer Para-Olympics Closing Ceremony. Our elaborate wedding ceremony.

There were also various Para-Olympians used in various roles such as Flag-Bearers. Along with a number of performers with obvious physical impairments. Such as wheelchair users.

This video was one big, clear advert for the Para-Olympics. Here in the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics.

Japan expressing its desire for parity between the Olympics and Para-Olympics. Viewing them not as two separate events. But as one singular, continuous event.

The video was made up of highlights of previous Summer Para-Olympic games. With the bulk of the footage coming from the 2012 and 2016 Summer games. 

The only two Summer Para-Olympics where there is a lot of high quality footage to choose from. Something which shows the Para-Olympics' journey towards parity with the Olympics.

The video gave particular prominence to British sprinter Jonnie Peacock. It ended with a shot of him triumphantly crossing the finishing line as winner.

Aside from he who shall not be named. Jonnie Peacock is probably the most famous Para-Olympic sprinter.

He is a single, below-the-knee amputee competing in the T44 class. Winning Gold in the 100m at both the 2012 and 2016 games. He also picked up a Silver and Bronze at these games.

Outside of the world of sport Jonnie Peacock has also boosted his profile by crossing into the world of mainstream TV. 

He appeared in the 2017 season of the British version of; "Dancing With The Stars" (Strictly Come Dancing). 

As part of efforts to promote the 2020 Summer Para-Olympics Jonnie Peacock appeared as a guest character in the soap opera; "Hollyoaks." In August 2021.

Also in August 2021 he hosted his own show; "Jonnie's Blade Camp." Mentoring aspiring Disability sport runners.

Jonnie Peacock has also appeared as a guest on various chatshows. Along with on celebrity versions of shows like; "The Great British Bake-Off" and; "Masterchef."

The US Olympic and Para-Olympic broadcaster is the NBC network. They recently launched their online streaming service; "Peacock."

So this seemed a bit of a challenge to NBC. Over how much Para-Olympic coverage they were going to broadcast.

Also NBC's Peacock is where you can stream that infamous episode of; "Saturday Night Live (SNL)." Along with Miley Cyrus' Hitroigami Karaoke special; "Stand By You."

Making for a right pair of Peacocks.

Who've been humiliated through their association with Team GB.

Firework Finish.

As seems to have become tradition. The ceremony ended with a massive firework display. 1,072 of them to be precise.

As the fireworks were going off. The scoreboard displayed the message; "Arigato" is Roman/English script. The Japanese word meaning; "Thank You."

This was a reference to the 1964 Summer Olympics. Also hosted by Tokyo. 

The one I'd been hinting at in the run-up to the games. By teaching my paywall readers about Reiner Klimke's Cavaletti method of horse training.

During the Closing Ceremony of the 1964 games. The scoreboard displayed the message; "Sayonara" in Roman/English script. The Japanese word meaning; "Goodbye."

Using the cutting edge technology available at the time. The 1964 scoreboard was only able to display this message in analogue form. Using stop-motion toy cubes.

This was something that was alluded to in the "Ichimatsu Moyo/Harmonised Chequered" section of the Opening Ceremony.

In which the Kindergarten aged children. The Child-Like Ciphers. Moved their toy blocks to hint at the fan-shape inspired Tokyo 2020 emblem.

Itself a reference to the much more sophisticated Building Blocks of Life. Featured in the Opening Animation of the Opening Ceremony.

So once again. We had the scoreboard high up on the arena roof. Displaying a message being transmitted as particles of light.

A reference to Quantum Cryptography/Encryption. Particularly as it is used in China's QUESS satellite.

Then way, way below that. At the sub-Kindergarten level.

We had the Child-Like Ciphers of the US/UK's attempts to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus.

Insisting that we couldn't possibly speak to each other directly. Using electronic communications such as email or Social Media Direct Messages.

As those would be a secret.

In one final flourish. After the ceremony ended. As the stadium lights came up and people started to leave.

A long, instrumental version of Elton John's "Chosen Family" was played throughout the stadium.

Sending the message;

You know it's time to go. Get as far away as you can.

When Elton John starts up.


18:20 on 25/1/22 (UK date).

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