Thursday 20 January 2022

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.9

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 8;

Fun With Flags III.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section.

In which the Olympic Flag is raised. While the Olympic Anthem/Hymn is played.

A smaller version of the Olympic Flag is then handed. From a representative of the current Olympic host. To a representative of the next Olympic host.

The National Flag of the next Olympic host is then raised. While the National Anthem of the next Olympic host is played.

This is to signify the transfer of the Olympics. From one host to the next.

All of which took place on the Protocol stage.

On this occasion the Olympic Flag was raised by a gender-balanced flag detail from all branches of the Japanese Self-Defence Forces (JSDF). 

With three male members of the JSDF on one side of the flag detail. An equal number of female members of the JSDF on the other.

The Olympic Anthem/Hymn was performed by a Soprano. Standing alone on the Pitcher's Mound stage.

Soprano is typically a female vocal range. It was hard though to identify the gender of this rather androgynous Soprano.

Having looked it up though. This Soprano was a man. Tomotaka Okomoto.

Tomotaka Okomoto's appearance. In traditional Turquoise/Purple Japanese robes. 

Was intended to resemble the Kotomatukami (Gods of High Heaven) and the first three generations of the Kaminyo-nanayo (Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods).

Although I don't think it was intended as a reference to any particular Kotomatukami or Kaminyo-nanayo. You could certainly think of Kuni-no-Tokotachi

The Kaminyo-nanayo who is manifested in Mount Fuji. The inspiration for the Olympic Cauldron structure.

As we learned. During the; "Intermission!" section of the Opening Ceremony. 

The Kotomatukami and first three generations of Kaminyo-nanayo are considered; "Hitroigami." The; "Singular." "Those Who Exist Alone."

Hitroigami are considered to be simultaneously male, female and genderless.

As the Hitroigami were used in the Opening Ceremony. They were used here.

To troll the slower nations; The US, Canada and New Zealand. Who still think Transgender athletes are an ongoing discussion within the Olympic/Para-Olympic movement.

Reminding them just how slow they are. Still struggling with a concept that has been a major part of Japan's culture and spiritual beliefs for many thousands of years.

The lyrics of the Olympic Hymn, written by Kostis Palamas. Are about invoking an ancient spirit, immortal. To sparkle its glory over Earth and Heaven.

Within the Japanese Shinto belief. That could be interpreted as a reference to Susanoo. One of the; "Three Precious Children" of Izanagi and Izanami. The seventh generation of Kaminyo-nanayo.

Particularly with Tomotaka Okomoto also, somewhat, resembling Susan Boyle.

Susanoo is the Kami that brings forth wildness and violence. Storms and Floods.

This image of a figure, standing alone on an island. Surrounded by storms and floods. Was intended to invoke; "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare.

Particularly the 2010 movie adaptation of The Tempest. Which featured the female Helen Mirren in the lead, male role of Prospero. Another example of this gender-fluidity fad.

Serving as yet another reminder to the slower nations. Of just how slow they are. Still being obsessed with that fad, 11 years later.

Shakespeare's The Tempest was a central inspiration for the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Summer Para-Olympics. Held in London, the capital of Shakespeare's native Britain.

The tale of Prospero's rational magic being victorious over Sycorax's irrational magic. Serving as a metaphor for the victory of science and knowledge over ignorance.

The ignorance that continues to shape many people's attitudes towards disability and disabled people.

So this was another huge Japanese advert for the Para-Olympics. Here in the Closing Ceremony for the Olympics.

Particularly the Turquoise/Purple themed "#WeThe15" disability rights campaign. Set to be launched at the Para-Olympics.

The outgoing Olympic hosts were represented as they were in the Opening Ceremony. By Yuriko Koike. The current Governor of Tokyo.

In the Opening Ceremony Yuriko Koike wore a typical western business suit. Here she chose to wear traditional Japanese formal wear. A Kimono.

I can't really tell you why the first female Governor of Tokyo. The first female Governor of any Japanese Prefecture. Chose to wear a Kimono. 

However. Amid that big recurring theme of these games. Improving rights for women, particularly within Japanese society.

We can certainly use this as an opportunity. 

To discuss why women are so closely scrutinised on what they choose to wear. As if their physical appearance is their only contribution, their only value to society.

When we don't even notice yet another man. Wearing yet another anonymous, bland western business suit.

The incoming hosts. The French capital Paris. Were represented by Ana Maria Hidalgo Aleu, Anne Hidalgo. The Mayor of Paris.

The first female Mayor of Paris. Whose term has so far include the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo Attacks, the November 2015 Paris Massacres and the December 2015 signing of the Paris Agreement.

We all hope the 2024 Summer Olympics won't be quite so tragic.

In December 2020 Anne Hidalgo's administration was fined after violating gender-balance laws. By appointing 11 women to the top 16 leadership positions. In violation of the 60% threshold.

France's Bit.

It is IOC Protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section.

A section produced by the incoming Olympic hosts. To give us a taste of what to expect as we prepare for their hosting of the Olympics.

However I now find myself less than two weeks away. From the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics. To be held in Beijing, China.

So it is probably better that I finish covering Japan's sizeable contribution. Then come back to this.

Japan, of course. Had to wait two years for my coverage of their section of the 2016 Closing Ceremony.

Closing Speeches.

It is IOC Protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section.

A section in which a closing speech is given by a representative of the IOC. Along with a closing speech given by a representative of the outgoing Olympic host.

This is a section which doesn't normally require much of an analysis by me. The meaning of the speeches are the meaning of the words used in the speeches.

During the speeches the dignitaries were accompanied on stage. By medal winners from these games. Representing the only five continents the IOC claim exist. Along with refugees.

The IOC seem to view refugees, the creation and sale of such. To be a core value.

The IOC's speech was given by its President, Thomas Bach. It was spectacularly tone-deaf.

Thomas Bach declared the 2020 Olympics to be the; "Olympic Games of Hope, Solidarity and Peace."

These games were supposed to serve as something of An Intervention For Britain.

An opportunity for Britain to face up to the fact. That in 2006 in just, completely withdrew from reality.  Shortly after the IOC had awarded it the privilege of hosting the 2012 Summer games.

Then provide Britain with something of a; "Safe-Space." In which it could explore what drove it to just, completely withdraw from reality. Allowing it to resolve those issues and start participating in reality.

Rather than displaying solidarity in that common cause. The IOC decided to completely isolate itself. Cheering Britain on in celebration of how wonderfully it is doing.

The equivalent of buying an alcoholic yet one more beer.

As a result the IOC failed in its most basic task. Holding an Olympic games.

As everything had to be put on hold. Drowned out by the sounds of screaming babies.

Even those screaming babies have surely now got to be regretting. The false hope the IOC gave them.

Japan's speech was given by Seiko Hashimoto. The President of the local organising committee. 

Seiko Hashimoto's speech spoke of how postponement of the games, due to the Pandemic. Had presented Japan with a lot of challenges. 

The implication, the "ma" (3-3-8), seeming to be. That the IOC still, somehow, managed to prevent the games from going ahead.

She then spoke of the story of Japan's journey towards these games. How it was awarded to them in 2013. As a way to chart Japan's recovery from the 2011 Tokhu Earthquake Disaster.

When Japan's response to the 2011 Tokhu Earthquake Disaster. Is compared to how other nations have coped in response to the Pandemic. Those other nations are not exactly covered in glory.

In reference to Japan being awarded these games in 2013. Seiko Hashimoto spoke of the questions which arose. Of what value sport, athletes and the IOC can be to society?

Questions that only seem to have become more pressing. Due to the IOC's failure to hold an Olympic games.

Seiko Hashimoto seemingly went on to remind the IOC. 

That citizens of the World, gathered from across the globe had arrived in the hope of an Olympics. One that embodies "Unity in Diversity," respect for each other.

Not just a megaphone for a screaming baby.

The speech also made lots of references to hands. 

The hope being passed between hands to overcome the challenge of the Pandemic. The helping hands being offered to Japan in the wake of the 2011 Tokhu Earthquake.

My particular hands. With the thermal burn scars. In the shape of what is said to be Jesus Christ's Stigmata.

Those are some very famous hands.


To be continued in Part 10.

17:40 on 20/1/22 (UK date).

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