Friday 31 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.3

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

The Highlights Reel I video gave particular prominence to female athletes in a variety of disciplines. The Highlights Reel II gave particular prominence to female athletes in just the discipline of Weightlifting.

A contrast which was intended as a criticism of Laurel Hubbard.

That man from New Zealand who, in middle-age, discovered that he is a terrible Weightlifter. So at these games has decided to pretend to be a woman.

Thinking all the physiological advantages of his manhood. Such as greater muscle and bone density. Would making it easier for him to beat all the female weightlifters.

It serves as a broader criticism of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Which allowed that to happen

Along with the two other, slower nations. The US and Canada. Who also seem to think that Transgender athletes are an ongoing debate within the Olympic/Para-Olympic movement.

One of the main recurring themes of these games has been to advance rights for women. Particularly within Japanese society.

The actions of the IOC and those three painfully slow nations. Has, instead, forced us to fight something of a rear-guard action.

Defending the already hard-won rights for women. From middle-aged men like Laurel Hubbard who wish to take them away again.

The Athletes Arrive.

The athletes then arrived in the arena. Following the tradition of Together, As One. Established at the 1956 Summer Olympics. Held in Melbourne, Australia.

They entered from all four corners of the arena to gather on the grass. Symbolising how the Olympics brings together people from all four corners of the globe. Even if that is a logically problematic term.

This could certainly be interpreted as a reference to the Olympics key role in advancing Transgender rights globally.

When South Africa's Caster Semenya won Gold in 2008. It fell to the Olympics to gather scientists together from all corners of the globe. To poke, prod and study Caster Semenya in microscopic, quantum detail.

Leading to even the most socially conservative nations to conclude. That Transgenderism is an actual, real thing.

Just like how Cerebral Palsy is an actual, real thing. Just like how Epilepsy is an actual, real thing.

It is not something they are just doing for attention. Nor the result of demonic possession or other mental/moral failing.

It could also, certainly be interpreted as a criticism of the IOC. Which has now become so incompetent, so corrupt.

It is no longer able to even stage an Olympics. As the sporting excuse which gathers people from all four corners of the globe. To discuss the big issues of the day.

Reducing it to nothing more than a megaphone. A megaphone for a screaming baby.

Or it could symbolise nothing other than athletes arriving from all four corners of the globe.

The national flags had been paraded into the arena earlier. During the Flag Parade section. As they arrived they were placed in a circle. Around the central Pitcher's Mound stage.

Once the athletes had arrived in the arena. Making themselves comfortable on the grass.

The colours appeared to drain from the national flags. Pooling on the floor of that central circle around the Pitcher's Mound stage.

As the colours of the national flags melted together as one. They began to form the stars of the night sky. Followed by cosmic, sub-atomic space particles, waves and plasmas.

These cosmic white lights then rose from the arena floor. Appearing to swirl around the stadium, as if carried on the wind.

Rather like Ghosts. Holy Spirits. Holy Forces. Kami.

This reminded me of that famous scene from the famous  1981 "Indiana Jones" movie; "Raiders of the Lost Ark." In which the Nazis open the Ark of the Covenant. Releasing the ghosts which swirl around and melt their faces off.

I don't think it was intended as a reference to the movie. That's just the easiest comparison I can think of to explain it. As I try to write up what was a very visual experience.

The Kami then manifested themselves as water. Falling like rain back to the arena floor. Once again pooling in that central circle around the Pitcher's Mound stage.

The Kami then formed a single, intense beam of white light energy. Which fired a column up into the sky.

Where it revealed The Olympic Rings.

This was a repeat of a sequence in the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea (RoK/South). During a section I titled; "Beaten Black & Blue."

This saw a similar intense beam of white light energy. Rise from a recessed circle in the arena floor. To a corresponding recessed circle in the arena roof.

That was a reference to China's Quantum Experiments at Space-Scale (QUESS) satellite. 

The World's first communications satellite which uses Quantum Cryptography/Encryption Technology. It was launched back in 2016.

All electronic communications/expressions. Be they lightbulbs, phonecalls, text messages, photographs, videos etc. 

Are all just a pattern or code of either Electronic Current Present/On (I) or Electronic Current Absent (O).

You may recognise that combined (I/O) from the On/Off switch on, really, all of your electronic devices.

What Quantum Cryptography/Encryption does. Is use tiny sub-atomic, quantum particles. Of, technically not even, light. To transmit that pattern of Current Present/Current Absent.

Somewhat like FibreOptic Broadband. Only much, much more complicated.

I think the most widely known form of electronic surveillance is the Classic Wire Tap. Traditional communications transmit that pattern of Current Present/Current Absent along a metal wire.

To intercept the communication. You literally clamp or tap another wire into that wire. 

Allowing you to, typically, hear the message before it reaches its intended recipient. When they hear the message the recipient has no idea that you've also heard the message.

With Quantum Cryptography/Encryption the quantum particles forming the pattern of Current Present/Current Absent. Are so unstable that if you try to intercept them you will destroy them.

Meaning that not only don't you get to see/hear the message. The people you are targeting will instantly know you are targeting them. Due to the message not getting through.

So Quantum Encryption is currently considered to be Utterly Unbreakable. 100% Totally Secure. Very few people even have the ability to do Quantum Encryption themselves. Let alone crack other people's.

There is, obviously, an absolutely vast distance.

Between China's Quantum Encryption/Cryptography QUESS satellite.

And the US/UK's belief that Miley Cyrus and I can't talk to each other directly. Using electronic communications like email or Instagram Direct Messages.

As those are secret.

America could have used 2021. Being taught how to start to close that vast distance.

If only that infamous episode of Saturday Night Live (SNL). Had been able to do its one, very simple job correctly.

This spectacular, immersive visual experience was achieved using a technique known as; "Augmented Reality (AR)."

Augmented Reality actually first emerged back in 1915. With the; "Rotoscopotry" technique. The hand-painting of images onto individual frames of celluloid film. To add special effects to silent movies.

However in the Digital Age. Augmented Reality really refers to any scenario where real life, Reality. Is Augmented with Digital data.

A prime example would be the Head Up Display (HUD). Which has been used in military aircraft since the 1960's. It has increasingly become used in private motor vehicles.

I'm sure you know the thing. Where your instruments such as speedometer, fuel gauge and SatNav map are projected onto a little screen in front of you.

Another widely known example of Augmented Reality is the Smartphone game; "Pokemon Go."

In which the GPS/SatNav on your Smartphone guides you to a location. When you view that location through the camera on your Smartphone. Little digital Pokemon monsters appear for you to catch.

The use of Augmented Reality here was another reference to the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in South Korea.

In that same Beaten Black & Blue section. The South Korean hosts used Augmented Reality to reveal the Olympic Rings. The first Augmented Reality Olympic Rings in Olympic history.

The problem was. That while this looked spectacular for everyone watching on TV. 

The people who were actually there, in person. Weren't able to access the digital data. So were just left staring into the vast blankness of the night sky.

Here Japan went one step further. 

Giving the people who attended the Closing Ceremony in person a special Smartphone App. Allowing them to view the ceremony through the camera on their Smartphone, accessing the digital data.

Another example. Of Japan being ever so slightly more technologically advanced than their South Korean rivals.

It also seemed to be a tacit acceptance by the organisers. That no matter how much effort they put into the Closing Ceremony. Nobody would be watching it. They'd all be filming it on their phones.

This has become a growing problem as Smartphone use has expanded.

It used to be that people would go to something like a concert, a sporting event or an Olympic ceremony. Experiencing it in its visceral, all-consuming glory.

Now everybody seems to be slightly detached from every event. Filming it rather than experiencing it. To watch a much worse version of it on TV at home later.

This even seems to have extended to basic human interactions. Such as conversations. The second there's even a momentary lull in conversation everyone's, straight away, staring down at their phones again.

This obsession with Smartphones also touches on a recurring theme of the Opening Ceremony. The ever increasing pace of modern life.

The Opening Ceremony looked at the history of European economics. From the Medieval Freemasons through to John Locke and the birth of European Colonialism. A journey of some 400 years.

Through the Portuguese Black Ships the Opening Ceremony then looked at the European Colonial Era. Which lasted some 150 years. Up to the First World War.

It then compared that to all the events that have occurred since. In just the span of Agnes Keleti's 100 year life.

This ever increasing pace of modern life has started to trigger something of a backlash.

With a handful of western bands. Such as Coldplay and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs banning Smartphones from their concerts. Forcing their fans to embrace the live experience.

There has also been the recent western trend towards the hippy-dippy concept of; "Mindfulness." A form of quasi-mediation which is all about learning to be fully present in the moment.

A concept which is hardly revolutionary to followers of Ancient Asian Animist religions. Such as Zen Buddhists or Yoga practicing Hindus.

The Highlights Reel I video paid special attention to the Kata discipline of Karate. 

Rather like the Chinese practice of Tai Chi. Kata forces you to concentrate intently on, almost, every cell of every fibre of every muscle. As you work through the complex series of movements.

Really the ultimate in experiencing or being present in the moment.

In certain situations. This obsession with Smartphones is an example of what psychologists term a; "Displacement Activity."

Within psychology you have the concept of; "Cognitive Dissonance." 

The uncomfortable, almost painful feeling you get. When something you believe collides with a reality that contradicts it.

So you might be watching your favourite female popstar perform a big concert. Perhaps on New Year's Eve. 

You would, no doubt want, to believe. That this is amazing, brilliant and inspiring. When, in reality. It's just a bit rubbish really.

Or you may wish to believe you're an interesting person. With an exotic, ever fluid gender pronouns. When, in reality, you're just boring yourself.

A Displacement Activity is something you do to distract from or displace. That uncomfortable feeling caused by Cognitive Dissonance.

At the most basic level this can be extremely benign. Something like a harmless self-grooming ritual.

Such as scratching your head. As you try to find a way to impose the linear rules of language. On to the distinctly non-linear concepts of an Olympic ceremony.

Or something like running your hands along your nose. As you read, in horror, a BBC News online article. About Chrissy Teigen suffering a miscarriage.

However Displacement Activity can also take much more damaging forms. Such as alcohol or drug abuse.

One example that I can think of. Which is relatively easy for you to learn about on the Internet. Is Jason Thirsk, the bass player for the US Punk band; "Pennywise."

As far as I can tell. Jason Thirsk suffered from very serious Depression. Which he tried to displace, distract himself from through drink and drug abuse.

Ultimately that failed. Leading him to commit suicide in 1996.

Pennywise's 1997 album "Full Circle" was the cathartic response. With its main motif of overlapping guitars. Simulating the sensation of drowning in the dark abyss.

Another example of a damaging Displacement Activity would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Although, amid this now 3 year Pandemic. The musk-nutters seem to have, somehow, managed to trick us all into believing. That their mental disorder is something we all have to just accept as normal now.

This topic of Displacement Activity. Is particularly relevant to that big recurring theme of the games; An Intervention For Britain.

I think on some level. Britain realises that in 2006 it just, completely withdrew from reality.

I also think that Britain knows. That if it wants to return to reality. With things like its much dreamed about global leadership on Mental Health.

Then it is going to have to rip out everything it's done since 2006.

I've certainly explained it to them enough times. With the simplest of words, even little pictures.

However Britain doesn't want to do that. 

So every time those painful thoughts of reality intrude into their minds. They do something to distract from it, displace it.

In many ways 2021 has just been a long series of British Displacement Activities.

Things like attempting to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus. The Sarah Everard thing. The Ghislaine Maxwell thing.

As the year has gone on its become harder and harder for Britain to try and block out those intrusive thoughts. Causing their Displacement Activities to become bigger, more desperate, more dangerous.

Things like the emergence of the apparent tradition of The Friday Psychotic Outburst.

If you look at Lebanon. Belarus. Ukraine. COP 26. Even these Olympic games.

You will see that not only are Britain's Displacement Activities becoming ever more desperate. They are becoming increasingly dangerous to the nations around Britain. The whole World Really.

It's one thing if Britain wants to kill one of its MP's, like David Amess. Or blow up one of its hospitals in Liverpool. In an effort to make itself feel better about itself.

It's quite another when its desperate actions start impacting on other people and nations.

As I mentioned. The UK Mental Health Act 1983 allows for people to be, essentially, imprisoned.

That can only happen in two circumstances. If their behaviour means they are a danger to themselves. Or if their behaviour means they are a danger to those around them.

Britain currently fulfils both of those criteria.

If it doesn't sort itself out soon. Action will need to be taken.

This issue of Displacement Activity. Also has some connection to the, mainly maritime, tensions in the Asia-Pacific region

Primarily between Australia, the UK and the US (AUKUS) and China.

With the nations, such as Japan and South Korea, that are actually in the Asia-Pacific region. Being in danger of getting caught in the cross-fire.

I think we all know what Britain is trying to displace or distract from. While I don't think we have to look too hard to see what the Biden regime is trying to displace or distract from.

As Archimedes discovered. In his Eureka! moment in the bath. Vessels float by displacing a volume of water equal to their mass.

Ships are still measured in terms of their; "Displacement." The amount of water their mass will need to displace to stay afloat.

So, in many ways. Every maritime activity is a displacement activity.

The section ended with a burst of fireworks. Forming the shape of a Lotus Flower.

The Lotus Flower that is often used as a metaphor for the Buddhist journey towards enlightenment. 

Something the first Buddha achieved while meditating under a Bodhi Tree.  

To be continued in Part 4.

16:55 on 31/12/21 (UK date).

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