Tuesday 28 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.1

On August 8th 2021 (8/8/21) the 2020 Summer Olympics came to a close. In Tokyo, Japan. 

As is tradition they ended with the Closing Ceremony.

Highlights Reel I.

As with the Opening Ceremony. The Japanese hosts, as possibly the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. Dispensed with the tradition of an Opening Countdown.

A tradition that has long been rendered obsolete. By advances to broadcasting technology.

Instead the Closing Ceremony began with a short video. Showing some of the highlights of the games that had just taken place.

It started at the very beginning. Including highlights of the Opening Ceremony. Such as the Athletes Parade and the Olympic Cauldron Lighting.

It also showed the moment the fan-inspired Tokyo 2020 Emblem, Ichimatsu Moyo (Harmonised Chequered), was first revealed. On a flag.

A reference to how flags used to be used on the battlefields of Japan, as a form of military communications. Rather like how flags were used as a form of military communications in western nations.

The video then showed the Olympic venues filling with athletes. The games getting under way. 

Part of the footage of the athletes competing was overlaid with animation. 

Turning the competitors into sort Manga cartoon superheroes. While showing off Japan's global leadership in animation.

In a nod to the Pandemic and the restrictions it has brought. 

Some of the winners were seen celebrating with their loved ones via Zoom calls. Where, normally, they would have been able to celebrate in person.

The video showed the highs and the lows. The successes. The Failures.

It gave particular prominence to Team GB's Equestrian team. Along with the Team GB Diver Tom Daley.

One of the big, global issues being discussed at these games. A Recurring Theme. Was Britain's decision, back in 2006. To just, completely withdraw from reality.

Japan, as a friend and ally of Britain. Was keen for the games to serve as something of An Intervention for Britain

The sort of thing that friends do for an alcoholic, drug addict or otherwise mentally ill person. To help them face up to their problems before those problems kill them.

So first Japan wanted Britain to admit that it has just, completely withdrawn from reality. Something which is obvious to the rest of us.

Then provide Britain with something of a; "Safe Space." 

So Britain can explore what drove it to just, completely withdraw from reality. Allowing it to resolve those things and start participating in reality again.

One of the hallmarks of Britain's complete withdrawal from reality. Is its belief that it possesses magical superpowers. 

Allowing it to perform elaborate Jedi-like mind-tricks to control all of us inferior beings. Myself included.

Normally such deluded thoughts would be considered a symptom of a very serious mental illness.

Equestrian events are unusual within the Olympics. As they are not really done by the human competitor. 

So much as done by the horse. The inferior being that the human is able to control through their superiority.

As a result. The Equestrian events tend to attract people who share Britain's rather troubled thought process.

The prime example would be the Modern Pentathlon. Where the German coach Kim Raisner was given a Black Card. Dismissed from the games. For punching a horse.

The thing about Modern Pentathlon is that it is not their horse. They're randomly assigned the horse.

It's part of the challenge. Being able to build the complex relationship between horse and rider in the space of about 20 minutes. Then having to control that horse as it does some very challenging things.

So if you want to ruin someone's day. You just assign them a horse that you know is naughty. Or send the horse they've picked a bit crazy. Normally by feeding it a lot of sugar.

The purpose of giving Germany's Annika Schleu the naughty Saint Boy. Was to discuss how the European Union (EU) came to completely humiliate itself in Brexit negotiations with Britain.

The idea being that the German-led EU had been unable to control me, the horse, in those negotiations. As effectively as Britain had been able to control me during those negotiations.

When, in reality. I abstained. Refusing every fence.

So the Olympic Equestrian events should have provided the perfect opportunity. To help Britain face up to its self-destructive delusion. That it has magical superpowers.

This is particularly true due to the way the US/UK have attempted to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus.

That relationship ground to a halt. As the US/UK insisted that Miley Cyrus and I can't talk to each other directly. You know, that thing humans do.

So all the benefits everyone, particularly Miley Cyrus, could of reaped from her relationship with me. Were cast aside as the US/UK became obsessed, fixated on just one objective;

Proving that I am mentally ill. My belief that Miley Cyrus hides secret messages for me in her Instagram posts being evidence of my delusional state of mind.

In no small part. This is due to the fact that under the UK Mental Health Act 1983 you can effectively imprison people for their entire lives. 

Without having to go through the formality of a Criminal Trial. Without them having any real right to appeal.

Mainly though. It's that the US/UK's extremely troubled thought process has led them to believe.  

That if they could convince everyone that I'm mad.

Then it would also prove, once-and-for all. That they are sane.

Obviously though even the US/UK realised they couldn't say that out loud.

So instead they claimed that Miley Cyrus and I can't speak directly. Through Direct Messages, email etc. As that would be a secret.

No-one else would be able to see. As the mysteries of Miley Cyrus' rumoured, alleged bisexuality were revealed.

Meanwhile, over in reality. I was using it as an opportunity. To teach all my paywall readers the Cavaletti method of horse training. 

The Cavaletti method pioneered by Reiner Klimke. The German winner of the Mens Gold Medal in the Equestrian event of Dressage. At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

This became a massive running joke. Throughout the Equestrian qualifying events for the 2020 Olympics.

It even played a role in Jessica Springsteen, daughter of Bruce Springsteen. Being selected as part of the US Olympic Equestrian team.

Jessica Springsteen probably enjoys something of a similar relationship with her famous father. As Miley Cyrus does with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus.

There is, of course, a reason. Why I was able to teach everyone about the Klimke Cavaletti method.

Prior to having children. Both my mother and father owned horses.

It's a bit of a longstanding family joke. That they traded their horses for children. Regretting it ever since.

My mother currently owns a horse. As does my sister.

Making my sister the latest generation in a long family tradition of owning horses. That stretches back, at least, 130 years.

So not only do I have a riding saddle in my house now. I have a 19th Century riding saddle in my house now.

As if the Universe was trying to prove a point.

During the Para-Olympics my mother broke her leg. While trying to; "Back" a horse.

Long before you can ride a young horse. You have to teach it to be comfortable around humans. Wearing a bridle on its head, being led around on a rope etc.

Unless the horse is completely wild this is pretty easy. You just let the Mummy Horse (Oh, Dam!) explain. That you're where the food comes from.

Next you have to teach the horse to be comfortable with a saddle on its back. Then with a human sitting on the saddle on its back. 

This is known as; "Backing." Although everyone has their own slang.

It is only then that you can attempt something like Cavaletti training.

So Backing is extremely advanced horsemanship

Amongst horse people it's a massive brag. To say that you've been able to Back a horse. Particularly if you've got the broken bones to prove it.

Meaning my mother's antics probably made a few Para-Olympic Equestrians uncomfortable. Proving that, actually. They're not *that* good with horses.

This is the mother who is also an extremely highly accomplished Physiotherapist.

As a child I used to spend school holidays as a stable boy/groom. A way to ride other people's horses for free.

Although I sort of drifted away from it. As I started to intimidate the horses. With my size.

I was actually meant to visit my mother and sister back in June 2021, just before the Olympics. To meet their horses for the first time.

Along with a couple of horses other horse people have lent them. To back and otherwise bring along. Including one who seems to only understand Gypsy Irish.

Unfortunately I had to cancel. Due to my father being admitted to hospital to undergo major surgery.

Putting me in a lot of contact with Health Professionals and Social Workers. All of whom seemed to be aggressively fishing for evidence of my delusional state of mind.

When I did, finally, get to meet the horses. In November 2021. We had to take a little detour to buy a new riding hat.

As none of the riding hats I already own fit anymore.

That was actually the joke about the Cavaletti method;

Someone needs to teach Miley Cyrus how not to fall over even the smallest of things. Before she breaks something and gets bolted out.

So in any laboured Olympic Equestrian metaphor.

I am definitely the horse-rider. Not the horse.

Having me as the horse. That Britain is world-class at expertly controlling. With its magical superpowers.

That is not even remotely connected to reality.

Some would even describe it as abusive. The equivalent of buying an alcoholic yet another beer.

Sadly. Particularly when I'm discussing it with my mothers.

Britain's 2006 decision to just, completely withdraw from reality. Is deeply intertwined with their decision to grant greater rights to gay people.

For example. Britain introduced Civil Partnerships for gay couples in 2005.

This has been a huge problem in trying to convince other countries to grant greater rights to gay people.

It makes it appear as though that is the quickest, surest way to destroy your country. Listening to gay people, let alone giving them rights.

It certainly set the cause of equal marriage in the US back by a good five years

Making the issue so politically toxic. That in the end the former Biden regime had to cheat the system a bit. Leaving the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to legislate from the bench.

The Fun With Flags I section, in the Opening Ceremony. Was a celebration of my own global gay-rights activism. Particularly the way I've overcome the barriers Britain has put in everyone's way.

Unfortunately it is another hallmark of Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality. That they genuinely believe that they have spent the last 16 years acting as global torch-bearers for the cause of gay-rights.

It seems no amount of evidence is able to shake them from that delusion.

The Team GB diver Tom Daley has been a central part of Britain's gay-rights delusion.

There are only three types of people who think Tom Daley has advanced gay-rights globally;

Gay men. A particularly sleazy type of gay man.

Fag-Hags. Those wretched straight women who latch themselves onto any passing gay guy.

Grandmothers With Gay Grandsons. That regret that they never had the opportunity to be fag-hags.

The proverbial choir. Which some find it so much easier to preach to.

When everyone else looks at Tom Daley. They see;

A boy who was groomed in the lifestyle by a much older man

When he made his debut at the 2008 Olympics, held in Beijing, China. Tom Daley was just 14 years old. He was joined in his underpants by the 26 year old Blake Aldridge.

In Tom Daley we still see that same little boy. Still trapped in the lifestyle. 

At the age of 23 Tom Daley seems to have been coerced into marriage to, yet another, much older man. A full 20 years older Dustin Lance Black was 43 years old when the pair married in 2017.

Since then it seems Dustin Lance Black has traded Tom Daley in for an even younger model. Using the marriage as a cover to lay his hands on an infant boy in 2018.

Even the knitting thing. Looks like what psychologists would term a; "Displacement Activity." 

Something Tom Daley does to distract himself. From those intrusive thoughts about what Dustin Lance Black is doing to that younger model while he's not around.

So the only accurate storyline for Tom Daley at these games. Would have been for him to mess up so badly. That he suffered a catastrophic injury.

An injury so absolutely catastrophic he would have to sell all his medals. To pay for rehabilitation therapy. At the sort of camp that could convert him back into a functioning member of society again.

Even I'm not quite that spiteful though. So a reasonable compromise would be something like Tom Daley developing the yips. Having some sort of mental health problem. Rather like Simone Biles.

The sort of thing that would allow us to discuss; "How did Tom Daley get it so wrong?!" "What is Tom Daley's problem?!"

Instead we got Tom Daley being donated Gold Medals. As if he's something Britain, let alone anyone else should be proud of.

Particularly problematic was the Gold donated to Tom Daley in the Synchronised 10m platform. Alongside yet another of his much older male partners. On Monday July 26th (26/7/21).

As I've said. One of the main symptoms of Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality. Is that it believes it has magical superpowers. Allowing it to perform Jedi-like mind-tricks, particularly on me.

This has led Britain to keep trying to turn me into an Olympic event. Who can predict and control what part of the Opening Ceremony I will cover, on what day?

Something Britain still seems to be doing. With its Queen's Christmas broadcast. The Ninja-like intruder that accompanied it. Before being detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.

But I guess, we all have our level.

One of the things Britain was desperate to use its magical superpowers for in 2020. Was to get me to tell them how to respond to the pandemic. Entirely for free.

When their magical superpowers failed. It didn't prompt them to question whether they, in fact, don't have magical superpowers. 

Instead they attempted to rationalise their failure to themselves. Convincing themselves that I, an inferior being, just couldn't cope with the; "Advanced Chemistry" involved.

In the weekend leading up the July 26th. I'd covered the parts of the Opening Ceremony dealing the Building Blocks of Life. 

The differences between RNA and DNA. How Amino Acids form cells. Particularly how mutations has allowed COVID-19 to defeat vaccines etc.

I also looked at the possible Ionic Current cause for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). In relation to Christian Eriksen's very public heart attack.

This is all the supposedly; "Advanced Chemistry" that is beyond an inferior being such as myself.

Crucially everyone also saw me being able to do it from memory. I didn't need to look any of it up. It's stuff I already know. "High School Physics" basically.

That made it undeniable to everyone. That I most certainly can cope with the science. I'd simply chosen not to help. Britain's magical superpowers had failed.

I had; "Taken a Dive" so-to-speak.

Although I feel I should point out. I told you all the correct answer at the start of the Pandemic. Despite being a bit busy, having Covid at the time.

What I did not do. Is take the time and expend the energy to argue with you all. As to why you aren't even capable of repeating the correct answer back to me.

I should also point out. That in 2006 my entire life was stolen from me. Then gifted to someone else. On the basis that they had the potential to be a World leader in exactly this sort of Biomedical Science.

Meaning I thought simply telling you the correct answer was me being overly generous. When I should have just left you with what you've spent all of my money on.

So Tom Daley was donated that 10m Synchronised Gold. As a talking point about how I was a world class diver on the Pandemic issue.

The entire premise was, of course, ridiculous

As was discussed, at length, during the Opening Ceremony. I've had this long, 20 year relationship with Japan. Really the main part of this has been our mutual efforts to combat Climate Change.

Between 1997 and 2020. Combating Climate Change has been done under the Kyoto Protocol. As in the Japanese city of Kyoto. Where it was agreed upon/signed.

As the Olympic Cauldron lighting section of the Opening Ceremony. Gave me ample opportunity to showcase.

It turns out. There's a fair bit of science involved. In that whole; "Climate Science" thing.

That charitable donation to Tom Daley was particularly hard to explain. As it saw him beat Chinese divers.

As was discussed in the Opening Ceremony. In May 2021 there was an infamous episode of the US TV show; Saturday Night Live (SNL)." Which brought together Elon Musk and Miley Cyrus.

The only possible explanation for doing this. Was to introduce Miley Cyrus to Elon Musk. So the three of us could work together on finding a discreet way from Miley Cyrus and I to talk to each other directly.

A military intelligence officer such as myself. Being able access to SpaceX's Starlink satellite communications network. Would have certainly given us the option of taking things to a level the US intelligence community doesn't even know exists.

That is the only possible explanation for that infamous SNL episode. Certainly nothing else happened as a result.

However, being aware of the level the US/UK operate at. China, charitably, gave them a little bit of a hint. In the form of its Long March 5B space rocket.

On April 29th (29/4/21) the Long March 5B rocket was successfully launched. Putting a module for China's new Tiangong Space Station into orbit.

The World, including Elon Musk's Space X, then watched in amazement. As the rocket supposedly began an uncontrolled, unpredictable, dangerous descent back to Earth.

Over the next 11 days the rocket then twisted, spun and turned on its 425,000m dive. Before safely splashing into the waters of the Indian Ocean.

On May 8th (8/5/21). Around 45 minutes before that infamous episode of SNL was broadcast, well, live.

At which point China won all of the 2020 Olympic Diving medals.

Tom Daley can't even call himself a participant in comparison.

At around 18:25 on 28/12/21 (UK date) I'll try and finish this section off after dinner.

Edited at around 21:00 on 28/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

In discussing the Torch Relay during the Opening Ceremony. Particularly in reference to the use of the Queen song; "Teo Torriate."

I mentioned how I used the Freddie Mercury version of; "The Great Pretender." To Mock The Paris Agreement.

Freddie Mercury's version of the song was a sort of coded way of confirming his HIV/AIDS+ status. The video heavily invokes the imagery of Britain's early 1980's AIDS awareness public information campaign.

The Death Sentence. Set In Stone.

Across, particularly sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS continues to be a massive problem. Not just on a public health level. On structural, economic level.

We often talk about the; "Population Pyramid." Where you have a large base of young people, children. Alongside a summit of a small group of very old people. All supported by the healthy, working age people in the middle.

What HIV/AIDS does is destroy the middle of that pyramid. Leaving only the very young and the very old. People who are unable to look after themselves.

The economic, developmental challenge presented by HIV/AIDS frequently comes up within Climate Change negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

Where the aspiration is to make combating Climate Change a mechanism of economic development. Rather than a barrier. 

To the point that one of the largest HIV/AIDS charities is; "(RED)." One of the main programs dealing with forests under the UNFCCC is; "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation Plus (REDD+)."

That is absolutely no coincidence. REDD+ is where we have all those meetings. About who's got wood, what are they planning to do with their wood?

So we could certainly discuss whether it was appropriate for me. To use that Freddie Mercury song to mock the Paris Agreement. Or whether it was, perhaps, a little too vicious.

Although the Paris Agreement was signed in Paris, France at the 21st Conference Of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP21). In December 2015.

COP21 really began on November 13th 2015 (13/11/15). The Black Friday of the Paris Massacres. In which 130 civilians were murdered and brutally dismembered. Some while still alive.

So I think we were already pretty far beyond; "Vicious" by the time the Paris Agreement was signed.

Tom Daley and the British Equestrian team being donated all those medals. Was different from that though. It wasn't a criticism or an opinion I disagreed with being expressed.

It was more Britain and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) not being able to participate in the discussion. A discussion they simply lacked the ability to understand and follow. Let alone join in.

The equivalent of adults trying to have an over-dinner conversation. Only to be constantly interrupted by someone else's screaming baby.

The donation of the Gold Medal to Tom Daley on July 26th (26/7/21). Was really the first big warning sign for me. However I stayed with it until August 1st (1/8/21). In the hope that was just a blip.

By that Sunday it hadn't improved though. So I had to put a stop to things.

Until we could have something at least resembling a rational discussion. 

In many ways, I'm still waiting.

At around 21:30 on 28/12/21 (UK date) I'll have to try and finish this section tomorrow.

Edited at around 17:45 on 29/12/21 (UK date) to further tidy the above and copy & paste;

The highlight video also showed what some people have called; "The Moment of the Games."

The sharing of the Mens High Jump Gold Medal. Between Italy's Gianmarco Tamberi and Mutaz Barshim of Qatar.

Far from being a heartwarming moment. This was a talking point about how the IOC has allowed itself to become so corrupt, so incompetent.

That it is no longer able to stage an Olympics. The big sporting excuse that gathers all the nations of the World together. To discuss the big issues of the day.

Instead the IOC has allowed the Olympics to become nothing more than a way to promote the views of a small group of countries. A small group of increasingly extreme and isolated countries.

If you like the Olympics has become nothing but a megaphone. A megaphone to amplify the noise of that screaming baby.

So in the Mens High Jump event we were shown the person that one the Gold Medal, Gianmarco Tamberi. Alongside the person Qatar bribed the IOC to pretend had won the Gold Medal. Mutaz Barshim.

Sadly this is not a problem that is limited to the IOC. Although it is probably where it is at its worst.

Take for example the Football World governing body FIFA. Who are still refusing to hold a World Cup in 2022. As Qatar has bribed them not to go ahead with a World Cup in 2022.

The problem has also spread to more formal international political bodies. Such as the UN.

I think it's widely accepted now. That the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) simply says whatever Qatar tells it to say.

Qatar is one of main backers of the Muslim Brotherhood. If you look at Libya, Syria, Sudan and beyond. 

Particularly in 2021 many UN bodies now seem to see it as their purpose to help the Muslim Brotherhood Colonise as many counties as possible.

The video also gave a lot of prominence to Karate events. Now this could be because Karate is a sport invented by the Japanese hosts. One they are proud of.

However within Olympic Karate there are actually two disciplines;

Kumite. Literally meaning; "Meeting of Hands" this is the combat sport side of Karate. Where two competitors fight each other, with one emerging as the victor.

Kata. This is Karate as an artform, an exercise in self-discipline. The only person the competitor fights is themselves. As they expertly showcase the precise movements of Karate.

The video actually gave particular prominence to Kata. I don't think any Kumite was actually shown.

"Kata" is pronounced almost exactly the same as; "Qatar."

It was the Egyptian women who bested Kata. With Feryal Abdelaziz becoming the first Egyptian woman to win a Gold Medal.

In the combat Karate discipline of Kumite. Which is like doing Kata. While another Kata kicks and punches you.

There has been a lot of discussion. As to whether 'Kata' can continue as part of the Olympics?

Obviously Qatar are the main driving force behind the problem. Alongside being the easiest to discuss in this way.

However the problem is really anyone who is allied with Qatar. Or the Muslim Brotherhood. A Nation of Islam (NoI) like organisation.

The video also seemed to give a lot of prominence to female athletes.

In reference to that other Big Recurring Theme of these games. Alongside Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality.

Improving rights for woman. Both globally and within Japanese society in particular.

Welcoming The Dignitaries.

It is IOC protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section acknowledging and welcoming the dignitaries in attendance. 

This must include a representative of the IOC. Along with a representative of the host nation. 

Ceremonies are also normally attended by representatives of many of the participating nations. Depending on who is sulking or not.

As within the Opening Ceremony. This was a very subdued sequence. With Pandemic restrictions limiting attendence to just the people essential to uphold protocol.

So the IOC was represented by its President, Thomas Bach.

Somewhat interestingly Japan were not represented by Emperor Naruhito. Who represented them at the Opening Ceremony.

Instead Japan were represented by Fumihito, Crown Prince Akishino. The younger brother of Emperor Naruhito and his presumed heir.

Emperor Naruhito only ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in April 2019. When Emperor Akihito abdicated, in order to retire.

This is something that was utterly without precedent in Japanese history. As unprecedented a Catholic Pope Benedict XVI abdication and retirement in 2013.

Traditionally these Messiahs, in the Jewish sense. Are expected to die on the job. 

It is God or the gods who anointed them to rule. So it is up to God or the gods to decide when their employment is terminated.

Having Emperor Naruhito's presumed successor replace him here. References Emperor Akishino's abdication. 

Something which gripped Japan for many years. The abdication process alone lasted for months. At the end of a long debate over whether the Japanese public would ever allow it to take place.

It could also be taken as a little hint to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. That perhaps it's time for her to follow the lead of Pope Benedict and Emperor Akishino and quit.

Particularly as Britain seems to have a new Messiah in town.

Japan were also represented by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. Almost immediately after the Para-Olympics Prime Minister Suga announced he too was stepping down. Citing exhaustion.

He was formally succeeded by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on October 4th 2021 (4/10/21).


To be continued in Part 2.

18:30 on 29/12/21 (UK date).




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