Thursday 29 July 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.3

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

As Arisa Tsubata sat there, head-in-hands. Heartbroken.

The arena floor was taken over by particle-like performers/dancers. All waving string-like red ribbons.

The Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato believed that all humans have a Soul. Something physically located within their body. That Soul is made up of different parts. Located in different parts of the body.

Plato believed that the part of the Soul made up of emotions - the Spirit - was located in the heart. These emotions would cause the Spirit and therefore the heart to either warm up or cool down. Hence phrases such as; "Cold-hearted."

The most powerful emotion of the Spirit is Love. Both Romantic and Platonic. 

The Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle studied under Plato. He accepted the notion of the Soul, the Spirit and the Spirit's location in the heart.

Aristotle further determined that the heart is physically made of sinews and fibres. Working through dissection. Cutting into corpses to look at their hearts. Aristotle was not wrong in this observation.

However Aristotle went on to theorize. That these sinews and fibres; "Heartstrings." Not only held the heart in place. They are also how the emotions of the Spirit are manipulated and influenced.

Both Plato and Aristotle were contemporaries of Hippocrates. Considered to be the father of modern medicine.

As their work was written down it was able to be widely shared. Meaning it became known and accepted globally. 

As other physicians and philosophers looked at Aristotle's theories. Then confirmed them by carrying dissection of their own.

Therefore the connection between the heart and love is so universal. That I almost feel that I don't need to point it out. It's already the first thing that everybody automatically thinks of.

The concept of; "Heartstrings" is also almost as universally used as a metaphor in music and art.

Just of the top of my I head I can think of "Stepstone" by Woody Guthrie. As did Switzerland's 2021 Eurovision Song Contest entry; "Yout I'Universe (The Whole Universe)" by Gjon's Tears.

If you Google the term; "Heartstrings." Then just the first page of results reveals a lot of Korean folk music. Along with the 2011 South Korean TV show; "Heartstrings (You've Fallen For Me)."

One of the main results though is the US TV show; "Dolly Parton's Heartstrings." The 2019/20 Netflix show executive produced and starring Dolly Parton.

Dolly Parton is Miley Cyrus' Godmother. In the Christian tradition the person charged with looking out for Miley Cyrus' Spiritual wellbeing.

As one of the first giants on whose shoulders were stood. Aristotle was wrong about many things to do with the human heart. Many of his observations are now considered superficial, lacking in detail and depth.

However Aristotle was not wrong about the heart being made of strings. Sinews and the fibrous tissue we now call; "Muscles."

The fibres of those muscles are all made up of individual strings. Rather like a woven fabric. Each of those individual strings are made up of tiny particles.

String Theorists consider each of those sub-atomic, quantum particles to themselves to be made up of strings. Quantum Field Theorists consider all of those quantum strings to be interlinked in a universal, invisible field or web.

The 2020 Summer Olympics were almost immediately preceded by the Euro2020 Football tournament. 

The opening of Euro2020 was rather overshadowed. By the sudden, but thankfully short-lived, death of Denmark's Christian Eriksen. During a match, live on global TV.

It seems that Christian Eriksen suffered from a heart condition known as; "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)." Although more common than you would think this is a rather rare condition. 

SADS is also extremely sudden in its onset. Meaning that often by the time you know it is happening. Then you are left with a corpse to dissect. Rather than a patient to treat.

As a result its causes are not well understood. However one of the current leading theories is that it is caused by an issue with sub-atomic particles within the heart.

Amongst the tiny particles that make up the heart muscle there are a class of chemicals known as; "Salts." Suspended in water, as they are within the human body, they're known as; "Electrolytes." 

In that Electrolyte state these Salts are able to transmit an electrical charge between them. Using their sub-atomic electron particles. "Ionic Current."

In SADS those Salts suddenly stop transmitting an electrical charge via their electrons. Or they start transmitting that Ionic Current in the wrong direction.

The reason why that happens is currently described as; "Idiopathic." As in; "We're idiots for not yet knowing what the reason is."

However it is theoretically possible that SADS is a condition that could be caused by changes in the Quantum Field. Although, at this point, it is currently only a theory that the Quantum Field even exists.

Whatever the reason. Christian Eriksen's very high profile brush with SADS came at a particularly timely moment.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The human race seems to have collectively forgotten that universal, Buddhist truth. That age, sickness and death are the inevitable fates of all life.

As the Mary Elizabeth Fry poem; "Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep" put it. To be alive is to be surrounded by death. It is the air that you breathe, the rain that falls, the soil on which you stand.

However listening to the all the talk of; "Zero Covid!" and; "Zero Deaths!" You would think that 2020 was the first year in which any human had ever died. 

Prior to that we were apparently all immortal. The likes of Socrates, Aristotle and Hippocrates were still walking amongst us at some 2,500 years old.

SADS is one of those conditions that reminds us.

That you could be a person in peak fitness. With every aspect of your health being closely monitored by the best Doctors money can buy. Particularly those provided by the people who paid your US$22million transfer fee.

Yet you can still suddenly just drop dead. For no good, explicable reason.

All the muscles in the human body are made up of the same fibrous structure of the heart. Including the multitude of muscles that will be used and abused by athletes throughout these games.

However as the particle-like performers. With their red string-like ribbons flowed out across the arena.

They gave proceedings a sense of Menstrual red. The same Menstrual red of Shakira and Jennifer Lopez's 2020 Super Bowl performance. 

I have to confess that Japanese social attitudes to menstruation is not a topic I am at all knowledgeable about.

However I do know that Japanese society is very polite and deferential.

I think most people are familiar with the concept of regional accents. How people from different parts of the same country can speak the same language very differently.

Japanese has societal and hierarchical accents. You are expected to adopt not only different words but an entirely different tone of speech. Depending on whom you are talking to.

For example if you are speaking to a superior or a junior within the workplace. If you were speaking to a waiter in a restaurant. Even how an adult child would talk to their parents and grandparents.

This goes beyond simply using your best manners. It almost constitutes an entirely different language.

So while it may be discussed between husbands and wives. Parents and children. I think it is unlikely that menstruation is spoken about in public in Japan. Certainly not within the workplace.

So making the topic a talking point here supports the recurring theme of improving rights for women in Japan.

Hopefully the start of a discussion which challenges long-held notions. Such as that women are biologically determined to stay home and raise children. 

That there is no point employing women because they'll get pregnant and quit. Or their hysterical Ovaries leave them too emotional to be trusted with important decisions.

At this point I'm getting sick of talking about Miley Cyrus. As opposed to talking to Miley Cyrus.

However Miley Cyrus was central to America's big bold move this year. The thing that would dazzle us with their brilliance. Forcing us to drop to our knees in worship of the new saviour, Joe Biden.

Obviously America's big bold move failed to launch.

Rather than us dropping to our knees in awe. It was America that went slamming face first into the pavement. 

In the sort of faceplant that would embarrass even the worst Olympic Skateboarder.

It's always been more of a talking point about what sort of Learning Impairment/Mental Illness America must be suffering from. To ever think that it was going to work.

Some seven months in now. That discussion has really morphed into what sort of Learning Impairment/Mental Illness America must be suffering from. To still not notice that it hasn't worked.

Although America's big bold move has achieved absolutely nothing it set out to. 

They expended so much effort on it, over such a long period. That it's almost impossible not to discuss it here.

Particularly in a year to 18 months which haven't exactly been overburdened with things to talk about.

At around 17:30 on 29/7/21 (UK date). I'll attempt to pick up that discussion after dinner. 

Edited at around 19:45 on 29/7/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

Rather proving what an idiot Miley Cyrus has been. For not only allowing herself to be associated with, but also be an enthusiastic participant in, this embarrassment.

A large part of the America's big bold move. Has been to try and get us all to take an unhealthy interest in Miley Cyrus' menstrual cycle.

On one level. I think this was an attempt to be the 2021 version of the so-called; "Rihanna Effect."

When, in 2013, the US tried to convince us that Climate Change wasn't caused by Greenhouse Gas (ghg) emissions. But by Rihanna's mood swings during her Diamonds World Tour (DWT).

I think America seriously believed. That we'd all start looking for something like a connection between Miley Cyrus' menstrual cramps and earthquakes.

Rather like the 8.2 that seems to have tried to shake some much needed sense into the US State of Alaska this morning.

On another level. There are obviously different attitudes towards menstruation globally.

Intended as the first act of an Olympic year. Shakira and Jennifer Lopez's 2020 Super Bowl performance took a more global perspective than the Super Bowl typically does.

For example it touched on the three-way conflict between Pakistan, India and China over Kashmir. A reference to India's August 2019 scrapping of the special status granted to Indian administered Kashmir. 

A lot of the coverage of the crisis that decision triggered focused on how it affected Indian Muslim women. Specifically their ability to access menstrual hygiene products.

Some rural Indian Hindus still practice "Chhuapadi" which declares menstruating women to be unclean. Banishing them from villages to spend a week in isolation in menstruation huts.

Although more East African than Pakistani. Islam also has a rather intolerant attitude towards women, their genitals and reproductive systems. With some still engaging in Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

One of America's big focuses this year has been the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. By September 11th 2021 (11/9/21). 

The day before the 20th anniversary of my rather impressive first day at work. September 12th 2001 (12/9/01).

Again. Afghan societal attitudes towards menstruation is not a topic I am at all knowledgeable in.

However Afghanistan is a tribal based Muslim society. Where the Taliban are certainly not famed for their enlightened attitude towards women's rights. It also not a particularly well educated nation.

America was clearly hoping that discussion of Miley Cyrus' menstrual cycle. Would so shock and disgust those backwards Afghans. That they would be dazzled by America's brilliance and drop to their knees in worship of the new saviour, Joe Biden.

Obviously as a nation Afghanistan may be significantly below the educational level of a typical western nation. However even on the Taliban side the people in charge are intelligent men (and some women) of science and reading.

So while Miley Cyrus' menstrual cycle is unlikely to be even Miley Cyrus' favourite topic of conversation. It is highly unlikely that anyone at the level of national government is going to be shocked or mystified by the fact that women menstruate.

It really betrays the delusional level of optimism in which America has been operating under. That they seemed desperate for me to demand some sort of payment from Billy Ray Cyrus. To take on the growing disaster area that is his daughter.

As if it is Afghans, rather than Americans, who would struggle with the concept of a dowry.

The other large part of America's big bold move. Has been to put about the rumour that Miley Cyrus may be bisexual.

Amongst that tiny group of weirdoes. Who have any interest in nonsense concepts like; "Gender Fluidity" or self-selecting gender pronouns.

Bisexual people have become particularly fetishised of late. They being people who are equally attracted to people of both genders.

Here in the interest in Miley Cyrus' menstrual cycle was supposed to lay the groundwork. For the US Women's football team. 

At this Olympics they are using the Fitrwomen App to measure their menstrual cycles. To gather data on the issue of why women are more susceptible to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears.

As has already been discussed. Alongside Canada and New Zealand America is part of that small group of really slow nations. Who still think the Transgender athletes are a current topic of Olympic discussion. 

Even before the Opening Ceremony game day had arrived for the US Women's football team. They were nowhere near ready.

It was almost as if no groundwork had been laid. As if their efforts had failed to launch. Slamming face first into the concrete.

At around 20:00 on 29/7/21 (UK date) I'll continue this tomorrow.

Edited at around 16:15 on 30/7/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

One of the most appalling elements of America's big bold move. Certainly from an Asian perspective.

Was the March 16th 2021 (16/3/21) Atlanta Spa Shootings. Something Fox News dubbed the; "Atlanta Blood Bath."

This saw a 21 year old White man launch a gun attack against three Spas/Massage Parlours/Brothels in Atlanta in the US State of Georgia. Killing 8 and injuring 1.

The attack coincided with alleged US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken taking a diplomatic tour of Asia. 

Taking in Japan, South Korea and then China. At a summit held in the relatively neutral territory of the US State of Alaska.

Due to the time difference the attack occurred as Blinken was meeting with the Japanese (Chief) Minister of Foreign Affairs Toshimitsu Motegi. In Tokyo, Japan.

The initial reports that began to emerge from Atlanta were that Asian people had been the targets of the attack. The casualties included foreign nationals. 

However no details were immediately available as to which type of Asians. Or what foreign nations.

This put pressure on the Embassies of really all Asian nations to the US. To find out if their citizens were amongst the casualties.

It particular pressure on Foreign Minister Motegi. To ask the person passing himself off as his American counterpart directly for details of the incident.

It later emerged that not Japanese nationals were killed or injured. However four of the dead were ethnically Korean. While one was a South Korean citizen.

This information emerged just in time. For Blinken to meet with the South Korean (Chief) Foreign Minister Chung Eui-jong in Seoul, South Korea.

This put huge pressure on Foreign Minister Chung. Not to punch Blinken full in the face.

The attacker claims that he suffered from sex addiction. Which conflicted with his Christian faith. So he targeted Asian women to remove the temptation for him to sin.  

This led to a lot of discussion about the way that Asian women are sexually fetishised. Particularly by White, western men.

That was an issue that came up at the 2018 Winter Olympics, held in South Korea. I remember because it was something of a challenge for me to deal with.

As part of the recent western #MeToo/#TimesUp Feminist campaigns. The issue of; "Mansplaining" was raised. 

This is when a man patronisingly attempts to explain a topic to a woman. A woman who is much better qualified in and has a much better understanding of the topic.

This is how I felt. Suddenly having to try to explain how Asian women are sexually fetishised. To millions of Asian women, who were probably well aware of the issue.

I also started tying up myself up into knots. Trying to explain how there's nothing weird about finding some Asian women attractive. Just as there's nothing wrong with finding some Asian women unattractive.

The issue with the fetish is the finding all Asian women attractive. 

For no other reason than the fact that they are Asian. Reducing them to,  not just their physical appearance, but a very narrow aspect of their physical appearance.

As Miley Cyrus is learning. From her attempts to shock me. I'm certainly more open minded then most on this sort of topic.

So have absolutely no problem discussing such topics, often in very graphic detail, socially. Amongst trusted friends and sexual partners. Even with my lesbian mothers.

However it's not something I feel the need to discuss with my mechanic, my accountant, the person who works in the supermarket. Or in any other professional setting.

I think that in any workplace. If there's always that one person who keeps trying to turn the conversation to sex. What their sexual preferences are and what your sexual preferences might be. 

Then, pretty quickly. You're going to report them for sexual harassment and contributing to an unprofessional workplace.

Sex work is also a very contentious issue within Japanese/South Korean relations.

During the Second World War Imperial Japan occupied the Korean Peninsula. They recruited large numbers of Korean women to work as prostitutes, serving Japanese soldiers. Known as; "Comfort Women."

The extent to which this was involuntary is extremely disputed. Simply mentioning the topic is often a good way to start a fight.

This was also a period when Miley Cyrus was menstruating. From March 14th (14/3/21) through to March 18th (18/3/21). Details that were shared in an effort to get us all far too interested in Miley Cyrus' menstrual cycle.

This section of the Opening Ceremony has been attempting to start a wider discussion within Japanese society. About menstruation and women's rights within the workplace more widely.

So I'm certainly not saying that discussion of menstruation should ever be completely banned in the workplace.

However. If the job at hand is security policy. Then the conversation should really focus on security policy.

In fact that seems to be one of the main points in the wider discussion. That women can be menstruating yet still focus on complex issues such as security policy.

Through the Atlanta Spa Shootings America was firstly killing South Korean citizens. It was also trying to create an extremely unprofessional workplace in its meetings with the Japanese and South Korean governments.

So that the Japanese and South Korean governments would be so dazzled by America's brilliance. That they would drop to their knees in worship of the new saviour, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden seems to be suffering under two very serious misapprehensions.

The first being that he is a President.

The second being that he is going to pick up where he left off as Vice President. Imposing the; "Pivot Towards the Pacific" policy.

The Pivot Towards the Pacific policy was deeply unpopular across the Asia-Pacific region. Particularly amongst America's allies in the Asia-Pacific. Led by Japan and South Korea.

This is another recurring theme of the Opening Ceremony.

It comes up whenever the Second World War, the Japanese Self Defence Forces (SDF) or Boats/Ships are referenced.

So everything to do with the Protocol Stage, then.

Borrowing heavily from the 2018 Winter Olympic ceremonies. Produced and performed by South Korea. The position seems to be;

Japan and South Korea are united on Asia-Pacific security issues. Such as North Korea and China.

It is America that needs to get over the notion that it is entitled to opinions. Let alone ideas. 

At around 16:25 on 30/7/21 (UK date) I'll be picking this up at a later date. 

Edited at around 16:00 on 1/8/21 (UK date) to copy & paste; 

Those were the US Democrats foreign policy objectives in carrying out the Atlanta Spa Shootings.

They also had some domestic policy objectives.

One was to manufacture consent for increased gun control. The US Democrat Party is the Tyranny. That the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written to guard against.

So, obviously. The US Democrat Party wants to do away with the 2nd Amendment. Along with any other restriction on their tyranny.

Such as the restriction on uncontrolled immigration. Specifically cited in the US Declaration of Independence as an example of tyranny. Hence Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

Along with the host of Amendments to the US Constitution which protect the integrity of the electoral system.

Such as the 14th Amendment. Which prevents any US State from passing laws stripping citizens of their right to participate in Federal Elections.

Or the 15th Amendment which prevents political parties from casting votes on behalf of entire ethnic groups.

The 19th Amendment. Which prevents any US State from passing laws stripping citizens of their right to participate in Federal Elections. Specifically on the grounds of gender.

The 1st Amendment. Which prevents any US State from passing laws stripping citizens of their right to vote in Federal Elections. Specifically on the basis of religious preference.

The Atlanta Spa Shootings was also a part of the US Democrats other domestic policy objective. The victimisation of Asian-Americans.

The US Democrats are the party of Slavery. The Confederacy during the US Civil War (1861-1865).

Their entire existence is dependent on their ability to subjugate the population. Turning them into victims. Then presenting themselves as the only people who can protect those victims.

Black Americans have, generally, been very enthusiastic in embracing this victimhood. 

Repeatedly voting for a party that has fought wars for its perceived right to keep Black people as human property. Then wondering why their situation never seem to get any better.

Asian Americans have, generally, been much less enthusiastic in embracing this victimhood.

They tend to take the position that it doesn't matter which political party is in power. Whether you succeed of fail is entirely dependent on you. How much work you are prepared to put in.

As was discussed, at length, during the 2018 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremony. In the section dealing with the "Red" element of the Wu Xing.

This divide between Black and Asian Americans is most neatly highlighted by the; "Harvard Affirmative Action Case (Students For Fair Admissions v President & Fellows of Harvard College)."

Refusing to be subjugated as victims. Asian-Americans tend to believe that places at Harvard University should go to the most qualified people. The people who have worked the hardest.

Despite the 15th Amendment, along with Title 6 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Explicitly forbidding Harvard, as a government funded institution, from discriminating on the basis of race.

Harvard University sees things differently.

They believe that the most qualified, hardest working people should be denied places. 

To allow for those places to be given to Black people who are not qualified, who have not worked hard enough. Simply because they are Black.

Harvard University is very much a bastion of the US Democrat Party. 

Their collective attitude towards Asian-Americans is neatly summed up the argument Harvard put forth in defence of the lawsuit.

That having too many Asians on campus would be detrimental to the health and function of university society. More or less explicitly saying;

"No-one here likes Asians. No-one here wants to be around Asians."

The Atlanta Spa Shootings was just one small part of a widespread, systematic campaign of violence the Democrats unleashed against Asian-Americans in 2021. 

A very literal attempt to beat Asian-Americans into submission and make them victims.

Working hand-in-glove with the attackers. US Democrats also tried to present themselves as the saviours of Asian-Americans. 

Such as by staging recruitment events. Through the "astroturfing" group; "Stop Asian And Pacific Islander (AAPI) Hate." 

A group which really shows how the Democrats see Asian-Americans as nothing more than a single electoral bloc. Whose ballot papers can be filled in by the party.

Refusing to make any distinction between Asians and Pacific Islanders, two very different ethnic groups. 

But also not bothering to make any distinction between different types of Asians and Asian cultures.

Apparently they're all just something that can be coloured in crayon. On the map of how the Democrats will build a reich to last a thousand years.

The Democrats also introduced to COVID-19 Hate Crimes Bill*. Attempting to link the rise in violence against Asian-Americans to President Trump and his COVID-19 policies.

Treating Asian-Americans as if they are so stupid. That they would not notice that it is the Democrat's Black Lives Matter thugs who are beating on them.

Just as they were treating the governments of Japan and South Korea as if they are so stupid. That they would be shocked and mystified by the fact that Miley Cyrus menstruates.

The sequence ended with Arisa Tsubata refusing to be a subjugated victim.

Picking herself up from her heartbreak. Getting back on that treadmill.

Relying on the strength within to keep going.

16:25 on 1/8/21 (UK date).

*Yeah. I checked (22:25).

For a Bill to become an Act.

It must first be passed by both Houses, of a lawfully elected, Congress.

Then signed by a lawfully elected President.


Neither of those things have happened.

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