Friday 9 July 2021

Eurovision 2021: Miley & Me Part 4.

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 3;

Cyprus: This year they were represented by Elena Tsagrinou with the song; "El Diablo" (The Devil).

On one level this was a reference to the US/UK's recent embarrassing, child-like, awful effort with 'Lil Nas X. The supposedly Devil worshipping video for his song; "Montero."

Through the tie up with the; "Satan Shoe." This was effectively a collaboration with Miley Cyrus. I think he even name-checks her in the song.

Not that I've actually seen the video. Nor really listened to the song.

I think very few people actually have.

Despite the huge amounts spent manipulating Airplay/Streaming charts. In an effort to convince us that silver is really gold.

The entire US/UK effort was a reference to the US TV show; "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Specifically Season 3, Episode 11; "Gingerbread." 

This sees the town gripped by a moral panic. Over witchcraft and magic.

The climax of the episode sees three of the characters being burned at the stake. I'm told the 'Lil Nas X video features him dancing on a stake-like pole. Amid the fires of Hell.

The "Gingerbread" episode was a protest by the TV show. Against the heat they were experiencing from American Evangelical Christians. Angered by the show's portrayal of witchcraft and magic.

Unfortunately Britain's intelligence and gay communities mistook it as a metaphor. For homosexuality and homophobia. 

After all, apparently everything is a metaphor for homosexuality. Something which some people believe is their magic power.

That error has become particularly embarrassing for Britain. As, through COVID-19, I appear able to do actual magic.

Really all I know about this US/UK effort I have learned from Miley Cyrus. Who is hardly an effective communicator.

However I think the most grindingly terrible part was that the Satan Shoe featured a Pentagram. Supposedly a symbol of Satanism.

The Pentagram is not a Satanic symbol. It is a symbol used in western, European Animist religions. Symbolising the five forces or; "limbs" of life.

It is the inverted Pentagram that is a symbol of evil. Life turned against itself.

I suppose you could describe that as; "Satanic." Not that the Animist religions that use the Pentagram have a concept of Satan to worship.

As I'm sure we all remember from Israel's 2016 Song Contest entry. "Made of Stars" by Hovi Star.

The Pentagram was the original symbol of Judaism

Possibly indicating a link between the "Tree of Life" concept within Judaism and Asian Animist religions. With their concepts such as the "Wu Xing."

The original flag of the Jewish nation featured a Pentagram rather than a Star of David. It actually resembled the flag now used by 1980 Song Contest participating nation, Morocco.

The headline sponsor of this year’s Song Contest is Moroccan Oil haircare products.

They seem to have been chosen as part of a wider discussion.

About expanding the Song Contest to include the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean nations. Such as Morocco. Along Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria. Who are members of the EBU.

After all. Many recent Song Contest discussions have focused on the Mediterranean Migrant Route. The Southern Mediterranean nations are a big part of that discussion. It seems rather foolish to exclude them.

In covering COVID-19. In the context of the 2020 US Election. I joked that it came into existence at exactly lunchtime (GMT) on November 14th 2019 (14/11/19).

At that time I was sitting in a restaurant in Salisbury, UK with my mothers. Amid the, sort of, awkward wait for the food to arrive. We noticed there were engravings and wall-art featuring the Star of David.

This led to a discussion. Over whether they were Jewish in origin or associated with the Freemasons.

As it was better than sitting there in silence. I started explaining how it was the Freemasons who first used the Star of David as their emblem. While Jews were using the Pentagram.

This involved me drawing a rough Pentagram on a napkin. To show how the original flag of the Jewish nation resembles the flag of the modern nation of Morocco.

During the course of this monologue even I started to wonder how I knew this. Then I remembered. I'd learned it at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest.

This reminded me. That I really needed to finish my coverage of the 2019 Song Contest before the end of the year.

With only six weeks of the year left that would mean only the essentials; Israel, Iceland and Hungary. Possibly Norway, if lucky.

After all. Using the Song Contest as a metaphor for other, more important issues. Is really the point.

However. Unlike the US/UK. Most people in Eurovision circles know not to take metaphor too far.

Unfortunately Britain's 2019 General Election Purdah then ended. Meaning they launched into yet another violent, lunging, pointless attack. Leaving me only time to complete Israel.

Despite the pandemic granting me a year-long extension. I've still only been able to complete Iceland. Hungary, let alone, Norway remain unfinished.

They have been delayed by the disturbances being made by my stalker. Miley Cyrus. 

One of the big concerns we all share about Miley Cyrus is that her current record deal is coming to an end.

Amid all these disturbances she is causing. It is unlikely that anyone is going to offer her a new one.

Knowing that it will be 6-8 years before they're able to release anything. While spending a fortune on PR to get the radioactive stink off her.

Elena Tsagrinou began her career in 2013 with the girl-band "OtherView." In 2017 OtherView were dropped by their record label. Causing the band to break up in 2018.

Elena Tsagrinou is now trying to re-launch her career as a solo artist. With a new record company.

There have been rumours that Sony Records could be persuaded to take on the liability that is Miley Cyrus. Possibly as a personal favour to someone.

If Miley Cyrus has still yet to figure out that Sony Records is a Japanese company.

Then the video in support of Cyprus' entry did feature lots of references to the Rising Sun of the Japanese flag.

With its Latin American influences the song is heavily inspired by Shakira.

In reference to that time Shakira firmly shoved Rihanna in my direction. Just as people are firmly shoving Miley Cyrus in my direction now.

Highlighting the absolute bush league, Kindergarten level the US/UK and Miley Cyrus are operating at. Cyprus' entry wasn't actually particularly interested in 'Lil Nas X and his Montero song.

They were actually operating at a much higher, serious political level.

The Diablo of the song is Turkish Prime Minister/President/Emperor Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Erdogan is a Genocider who is currently illegally occupying parts of Iraq, Syria and Cyprus.

So fragile is this tyrant's ego. That he has forbidden Turkey from participating in the Song Contest since 2012. To avoid having anyone criticise, let alone, mock him.

It was Erdogan's Muslim Brotherhood group which bombed that 2017 Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK. Leading to Miley Cyrus appearing at the "One Love Manchester" concert.

Despite this Erdogan seems to be worshipped by western leftists and Progressives. Particularly acolytes of that nasty Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Jamal Kashoggi.

As their one Muslim friend they seem to see Erdogan as so exciting, exotic and spicy. That they couldn't possibly question all the evil that he does.

This is a particular problem for America. Where, through ownership of the network, Erdogan writes the latest lie. Then CNN broadcasts the latest lie.

It was CNN that bailed Erdogan out. When his own people tried to overthrow him in 2016.

Showing support for Greece over Erdogan Elena Tsagrinou was born in Athens, Greece.

Athens takes its name from a mythological battle between two Ancient Greek Gods. Poseidon and Athena.

The legend goes that in his macho, male rage Poseidon, the god of the sea. Swung his Trident against a boulder smashing it into a pool of water.

In her nurturing, female wisdom Athena used that pool of water to plant an Olive Tree. Winning the battle.

This is why Athens is called; "Athens." It is also why the Olive branch is used as a sign of peace. And the laurel or "Crown/Corona" of Olive branches is used as a sign of victory.

In January 2018. In his macho, male rage Erdogan flung his forces into the Kurdish Afrin area of North-Western Syria. He named this completely illegal invasion and occupation; "Operation Olive Branch."

Prompting much giggling. As Erdogan clearly hadn't understood the moral of the story of the battle between Poseidon and Athena.

In her live performances Elena Tsagrinou was joined by female backing dancers. All dressed in red. In reference to Shakira's rather menstrual 2020 Super Bowl performance.

In order to really drive home the message to the US/UK. There is a reason Miley Cyrus is being pushed in my direction. Don't ruin her life by attempting to hijack and pervert the plan.

The red costumes these dancers were wearing were skin-tight. An almost condom-like protective suit.

In reference to how AIDS riddled gay-men. With their inability to realise that HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 couldn't be more different. 

Have been the main driver of the paranoia, hysteria and fear. Which has made the pandemic much worse than it ever needed to be.

If you are new to the Song Contest. I should point out that unlike the Oscars, and certainly unlike the Super Bowl. This is really the upper echelon of the global gay community. Squabbling amongst itself.

In the video in support of the song however. Elena Tsagrinou was joined by near naked male dancers. Very Black, sub-Saharan African men. Symbolising irregular migrants.

Their movements were very animalistic, almost dog-like.

In part this was intended as mockery of Black Lives Matter. Particularly the way they reacted to the "Primeval" character. Introduced in Season 4, Episode 22, "Restless" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

They decided that the portrayal of a Black character as a sort of animalistic Neanderthal was racist. Not noticing that the character first appeared during a dream sequence about a High School/University drama club.

It's quite an achievement for a human actor to appear as anything other than a human. So being able to take on the role of an animal is considered a fundamental skill. A real test of an actor’s ability.

It's something the show actually explored with White actors, plus a young Kal Penn, in an earlier episode. Season 4, Episode 5, "Beer Bad."

British actor and founder of The Imaginarium Studios Andy Serkis is considered something of a darling of the industry. For his portrayal of non-human characters such as "Gollum" in the Hobbit trilogy. Along most of the Apes in the Planet of the Apes movies.

The particular dog-like movements of these irregular migrants though. Was reference to another figure from Greek mythology. "Cerberus" the original dog of war.

In the myth Cerberus' job is to guard the gate to the underworld. To prevent the dead from rising and spreading evil into our realm. Tellingly this 'hellmouth' is in modern Turkey, near Hierapolis in Denizli Province.

Here the Cerberus-like irregular migrants. Are a reference to how Erdogan is using irregular migrants - sometimes known as; "people" - as his dogs or war. Human weapons against the EU.

The main theme of the video is gymnastics. With Elena Tsagrinou performing an almost artistic/rhythmic gymnastics routine on a floor mat. In front of a the Rising Sun of a the Japanese national flag.

This could be taken as a reference to the Tokyo Olympics. Whether it will be happening or not.

Primarily though it is a reference to the gymnastics that both Cyprus and Greece  are forced to perform by the EU.

An EU that seems hopelessly in love with Erdogan. Despite his Genocide and illegal occupation of Iraq and Syria. Along with EU member state Cyprus.

Greece: This year they were represented by Stefina (Liberakakis) with the song; "Last Dance."

Although a Greek national Stefina was born in Utrecht in 2021 Song Contest host, The Netherlands. In 2002.

In 2013, at age 11, she competed in the Dutch version of; "The Voice Kids."

In 2015, aged 13, Stefina joined the "Kinderen voor Kinderen" (Children for Children) choir for the Dutch national broadcaster BNNVARA.

In 2016, aged just 14 years old, Stefina represented The Netherlands at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Placing 8th with the band; "Kisses" and the song; "Kisses and Dancin'."

You may remember that in 2020 there was something of a media storm. Over the French movie; "Cuties" which was released on Netflix.

It claimed to explore the media's role in sexualising children. However the movie was accused of going too far. Actually sexualising the child actors. In a way that some people decried as child pornography.

Stefina's 2016 Junior Song Contest performance seems to address many of those same issues. Only four years before the movie.

This served to further drive home that important message to America.

That Miley Cyrus' child stardom isn't going to trouble, let alone, shock us in any way.

Although we are prepared to help America. Clean up the mess it is clearly making of it.

Provided they're not needlessly aggressive about it. Making it more trouble than it's worth.

The song is about what Dylan Thomas would describe as; "The Dying of the Light."

A young woman who is still trying to cling to the fame and beauty of her youth. Yet is, self-destructively, refusing to listen to, let alone take the remedy that will improve her situation.

Tellingly Stefina is currently 18 years old. A full decade younger than Miley Cyrus.

Obviously Miley Cyrus is nowhere near the level where she could be considered by the Song Contest in her own right. The interest this year stems from her potential relationship with me. The remedy we've spent two years preparing for her.

So the song also mocks Britain's belief that all they need is for my father to die. Then all their dreams will be made. It talks about knowing that it is the last dance. But does it with a grin on its face and a twinkle in its eye.

The video submitted in support of the entry. Shows Stefina, as a young woman, walking alone through the streets of a big city. At night.

The live performance intended to invoke that. With Stefina walking against a cityscape backdrop.

This is in reference to the fear of male violence. Which leads many young women to think that city streets are not a safe-space for them at night.

The issues that were raised in Britain's recent murder of Sarah Everard.

However it was not being done here to further that discussion.

It was being done to highlight to Miley Cyrus. Just how sickenly spiteful, unpleasant and violent her behaviour has been.

As I've said. Due to the rumours that she may be bisexual. Having my relationship with Miley Cyrus play out in public puts huge pressure on everyone in the global gay community. Particularly the bisexual community.

In murdering Sarah Everard Miley Cyrus teamed up with Britain. To specifically attack two members of the gay community in particular.

My Israeli ex-girlfriend was part of that South London - Peckham, Camberwell, Brixton, Clapham - squatter set. The very cool lifestyle that gentrifiers such as Sarah Everard try to buy their way into.

So the search for Sarah Everard was essentially a tour of every place she ever lived. Back when those parts of London had life to them.

It was essentially ten days of every media outlet in Britain, and internationally. Screaming about how they were going to murder her.

That, obviously, put pressure on her personally. However it also put huge pressure on her native Israel.

There are only about 4 million Israeli Jewish women. I think the current order of fame goes;

1. Gal Gadot.

2. Natalie Portman.

3. Her.

4. Bar Refaeli.

Then there is the third of the World Famous Thrupple. Who Johnny Cash made famous through the song; "Sam Hall."

Although I'm not exactly pleased. I'm kind of okay with that. After all, while that's what we called her. That wasn't actually her name.

Her name isn't Sarah either. But that's certainly closer than Samuel.

Again this was essentially ten days of every media outlet in Britain, and internationally. Trying to expose her secret identity and screaming about how they were going to murder her.

The Song Contest has long discussed the issue of; "Queer Baiting." Even before the term had been invented.

This is how popstars and other celebrities. Have noticed that due to homophobia, and other issues, a lot of gay people are actually quite miserable. However they do have a lot of disposable income with which to try and spend away the pain.

Making them perfect victims to exploit to sell your crap. All you need to do is hint you might be friendly to the gay community.

Particularly through her "Bangerz" era Miley Cyrus has heavily, deliberately targeted the gay community. Her adult fanbase is built almost exclusively upon it.

If the rumours that Miley Cyrus is bisexual. Rather than the attention seeking, queer baiting that seems more likely at the moment.

Then, just on a personal level, she is going to need to maintain good relations with the gay community.

So I think, just on a basic human level. No-one would want to launch such a sickening, savage attack on the gay community. Let alone specifically target two members individually.

It seems particularly suicidal. If you are so dependent on that same gay community.

There is no getting away from that fact. That in choosing to launch these attacks.

Miley Cyrus has conspired to;

Really kidnap. Really rape. Really murder. Really dismember.

What used to be a real-live person.

Before we even get on to the issue of whether that will turn her fans against her. It is the sort of thing that is likely to invite retaliation.

From extremely professional people, with extremely long memories. Who, when needed, can commit acts of absolutely extreme violence.

Although I doubt she's noticed Miley Cyrus has already been given a very small taste of this. What amounts to a friendly warning.

On May 8th (8/5/21) Miley Cyrus utterly humiliated the US TV show; "Saturday Night Live (SNL)." Along with Elon Musk.

By stumbling through a shambolic live performance. That neither she, nor her people, had clearly not even bothered to attempt to prepare, let alone, rehearse for.

On May 24th (24/5/21) - two days after the Song Contest's Grand Finale. Elon Musk had his Tesla factory in Germany set on fire.

In a retaliatory move that may have well just have been formally claimed by Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND).

In much the same way that every action by Extinction Rebellion may as well just be claimed by Britain's MI5 intelligence service.

In case anyone is still believing. In Russian hackers attacking the Colonial Pipeline, the Irish Health Service or  the meat supplier JBS.

I really hope Miley Cyrus does heed that warning. In the world of the people she's declaring war on. That wasn't a threat. It was a sign of friendship.

As she walks through the city in the video Stefina stops at a cross-walk. 

Then water rises up from the ground. Forcing her to take refuge in a tall building. As the city is flooded.

This obviously invokes the issue of Climate Change leading to Sea Level Rise. Along with the wider issue of Watershed Management.

Watershed Management is an increasingly important global issue. 

Climate Change is causing water to gather where it is not needed causing flooding. While dragging water away from where it is needed. Causing drought and desertification.

Scientists have also been warning us that as water becomes more scarce. Wars will increasingly be fought over it.

After those years of warnings. We are actually now starting to see that happen.

As part of its efforts to annex northern Syria and Iraq. As part of a new Ottoman Empire Turkey has been restricting the flow of the Euphrates River. In order to make the areas downstream unsuitable for farming and therefore uninhabitable.

As if they were, perhaps, directly allied with Turkey. The Nazis who continue to hold far too much sway in Ukraine have been using a similar tactic. Damming man-made canals to block the flow of water to the Russian Crimean Peninsula.

Then there is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Although its purpose is to provide Ethiopia with hydroelectric power the GERD will significantly restrict the flow of water in the Blue Nile. One of the main tributaries of the Nile River. On which both Sudan and Egypt depend.

This has obviously massively increased tensions between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan were already high enough. Due to cross-border clashes between Nomadic farmers over increasingly scarce fertile land.

Plus much of the terminology used in watershed management; Dykes, Dams, Tributaries etc. Sound like and are sometimes used as euphemisms for lesbianism.

As I've said. I don't think anyone wants to de-gay the Song Contest. But it would be nice if it’s very gay male fanbase could expand their horizons. To at least include the other half of the gay community.

It's also important to remember that while I'm really here to cover the serious side of the Song Contest. There is also a large silly and fun side of the Song Contest. Which should not be forgotten.

So, for example;

The Netherlands is a low-land country. Already sitting below sea level. One of their most famous fictional characters is Hans Brinker. Who supposedly saved the nation. By sticking his finger in a dyke.

Not that it could have been a full dyke. Allowing him to do something like that.

Then there is the Led Zeppelin song; "When The Levee Breaks." Which I'm starting to think might have something of a sexual subtext to it.

Trapped atop of the building Stefina looks at the moon and sees a winged beast emerge.

In the distance this could be the FengHuang. The mythical Chinese Firebird that uses the sun as a portal to travel between dimensions.

Along with the Wu Xing the FengHuang was something we were introduced to during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

The event that turned into the World's intelligence agencies rounding on the US. For its Joe Biden led attempt to rig the 2016 US Election. Using the lie of Russian interference.

An event that has received a lot renewed attention of late. During efforts to install Biden as US President. Following a, not so much rigged, as openly stolen 2020 US Election.

As it draws closer this winged beast is revealed to be a winged horse. Very much in the style of Pegasus. The winged horse from Greek Mythology.

In a gesture of the alliance between the two. In their entry Cyprus referenced Poseidon and Athena's battle for, what became known as Athens.

Pegasus is the child of Poseidon and Medusa. Birthed after Medusa was slain by Perseus.

As the offspring of the god of the sea. Wherever Pegasus would stomp his hoof a new spring would appear. A quality he seems to share with Erdogan.

Before their falling out Poseidon and Athena helped Bellerophon catch and bridle Pegasus. Using him to slay the Chimera

Rather like how Joe Biden helped slay the New Zealand/Chimera solution to Climate Change.

Which was unfortunate. We do rather need a solution to Climate Change.

"Pegasus" was the codename given to the Benouville Bridge, over the Caen Canal. The capture of which was central to the success of D-Day liberation of France during World War Two.

On the back of this success British forces launched; "Operation: Market Garden." To similarly capture a series of bridges across The Netherlands. The bridge at Arnhem being the famous; "Bridge Too Far."

Leading Canadian forces to launch; "Operation: Pegasus." To rescue what was left of the British forces there.

I assume Twitter are the only ones still hearing the laughter of the lunatics from the woods.

Particularly after the Afrojack, Glennis Grace and Wulf's performance from Erasmus Bridge. During the Grand Finale show.

Stefina then leaps from the rooftop and rides this winged horse through the sky. Rather like how Daenerys Targaryen used to ride her dragons, In the TV show; "Game of Thrones."

The Johnny Cash song; "Sam Hall" is featured on the album; "America IV." The opening track to which is; "The Man Comes Around."

That song itself opens with a reading of an artistic imagining of the Biblical passage from the Book of Revelations.

In which the Messiah appears wearing a crown/corona and carrying a bow. Riding a white horse.

That white horse is sometimes considered to represent either just, as opposed to unjust, war. Or pestilence, rather like a pandemic.

Putting attractive young women atop a white horse. Seems to have emerged as the internationally recognised symbol. For them being sent in my direction. 

For example Maisie Williams. Who rode a white horse in the final season of Game of Thrones.

Apparently she's now working on a British TV drama about the Sex Pistols. If she does nude scenes. They will appear in the tabloids.

Then there is Zendaya. Who rode a white horse in a commercial for Lancome in 2019.

Although I think that was more to do with the fact that "Euphoria" is originally an Israeli TV show.

Apparently they had to tone the US version all the way down. Due to Israel having absolutely no concept of; "Too far!"

Like Zendaya's character in Euphoria. Israelis now doing their compulsory military service will have absolutely no memory of the 9/11 attacks. On account of them not, or only just, being born.

Just to confuse matters. Horses and death have really been my family business. For at least the last hundred years. 

So Zendaya's character in Euphoria is named; "Rue." I know an actual horse, also named; "Rue."

Prompting lots of inappropriate jokes. About my lesbian mothers wanting to get Rue out for a good ride.

Stefina's winged horse delivers her to a place where she meets an attractive man. Who seems rather like Atlas from Greek Mythology.

Atlas was condemned to carry the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for all eternity. Although he may have been helped by the fact Perseus had turned him into a mountain range.

When Miley Cyrus was doing "Hannah Montana" I was a single, childless heterosexual man in his mid to late twenties. So if I had been a fan. Then she probably wouldn't have wanted me as a fan.

So I have an almost remarkable lack of knowledge about Miley Cyrus' life and career. I'm actually trying to keep it that way.

I thought it might be quite refreshing for someone who has spent so long in the public eye. Starting with a clean slate. Telling me only the parts of the story she wants to tell me.

However since the Song Contest I've learned she dated one of the Jonas Brothers. I genuinely can't tell you which one.

There was an appearance by the Jonas Brothers on British TV that I think sticks in the memory of all who saw it.

They were appearing on a daytime chatshow hosted by Gabby Logan on Channel 5. This was the sort of chatshow that Song Contest participants would try to get themselves on.

When the Jonas Brothers appeared the show was doing a child literacy drive. Asking guests to donate a copy of their favourite childhood book. Things like; "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe," "Charlotte's Web," etc.

The Jonas Brothers brought a copy of Ayn Rand's Nihilistic Neo-Conservative tome; "Atlas Shrugged."

Indicating two things;

That the Disney Corporation has not moved as far away from its Nazi roots as it would like everyone to believe.

The Jonas Brothers really, really hadn't understood the invitation.

Although she couldn't make him shrug. In the video meeting Stefina seems to make this Atlas lose interest in his task. 

Amid flashes of pure, white Quantum energy. The heavens break open and gush forth.

Fortunately this drains all the water out of the city. Allowing Stefina to return to the cross-walk. Where she is finally given permission to move on.

Just as we're all hoping the British and American hijackers will give Miley Cyrus permission to get on with her life.

Not that she should really be waiting for their permission.


Continued in Part 5;

20:55 on 9/7/21 (UK date).


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