Friday 14 May 2021

The Oscars 2021: Part 5.

To be read as a continuation of Part 4;

As I've said the two main themes of this year's Oscars can really be summed up by two hashtags. #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter.

Sometimes blending with #OscarsSoWhite the Black Lives Matter campaign is based on the rather vague notion of; "Racial Justice." 

It is particularly centred on giving people from ethnic minorities more opportunity within the entertainment industry. Both to work and to have their stories told.

In meeting the demands of the #OscarsSoWhite campaign the Academy is rather battling America's own history.

The Oscars tend to go for a certain type of movie. One that is rather mainstream and features topics you'd be happy to discuss with your parents. 

The stories of important historical events and figures tend to be popular. As do stories about ordinary people who achieve incredible things.

The problem is that, particularly, Black people have been excluded for much of America's history. 

Denying them the opportunity to be important historical figures like Presidents. Or even ordinary people who achieve incredible things.

There are only so many times you can remake "Amistad" or "12 Years A Slave." Or tell the story of George Washington Carver. Before the source material becomes completely exhausted.

This next group of movies really look at the history of Black people. At various points in America's story.

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: This tells the story of legendary Jazz/Blues singer Ma Rainey and her band. Over the course of one day in Chicago, Illinois in 1927.

For its first 90 years Black people's role in America was very simple. They were property to be owned by the Democrat Party. To be used as farm machinery and whatever else the Democrats wanted to do to entertain themselves.

Then in 1861 the Republican Party fought a war. To stop the Democrats from owning Black people as property. The Republicans were finally victorious in this US Civil War in 1865.

In 1877 Black people's role in America diverged. Depending on where they were living.

The 1876 US Election was disputed. With the pro-slavery Democrat Samuel J. Tilden claiming to 'win' the popular vote. While anti-slavery Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won the Electoral College. An Abolitionist invention.

As price for conceding the election. The Democrats demanded that Federal troops be withdrawn from the Civil War Southern States. This allowed them to begin what is known as the Jim Crow Era. Essentially returning to keeping Black people as property.

However in the Republican controlled Civil War Northern States and the newly emerging Western States. Black people continued to be free. 

Experiencing unprecedented opportunities and prosperity. Things like the so-called; "Black Wall Street" in Oklahoma in the first two decades of the 20th Century.

Not only did Black people prosper economically in Republican controlled states. They also prospered culturally.

The 1920's and 1930's saw an explosion in Jazz and Blues music. Known as; "The Harlem Renaissance." Centred around the Harlem district of New York City.

You can track the roots Rock and Pop Music. Along with Ska and Reggae directly back to the Jazz and Blues of The Harlem Renaissance.

Technically Ma Rainey was born in Georgia in 1886, just after the Democrats seized back control. While this movie sees her enjoying her freedom in Republican Chicago. However her and her music are very much part of the Harlem Renaissance.

In the first half of 2020 I found myself watching all of the US TV Show; "Boardwalk Empire." 

This explores the relationships between gangsters and politicians across New Jersey, New York State and Illinois. During the 1920's and 1930's Prohibition era.

One thing that struck me from watching Boardwalk Empire. Was just how recent the US Civil War actually was.

At various points across the five seasons they hold Memorial Day events. Attended by military veterans. Including veterans of the US Civil War.

Although they were only children. My grandparents were most certainly alive during the time Boardwalk Empire is set. So for young adults today the US Civil War is only actually about four of five generations ago.

Boardwalk Empire seems to have attracted a lot of attention in 2020. With lots of cast members suddenly starting to turn up in other things. Along with movies like Ma Rainey's Black Bottom getting made.

In part this is because Boardwalk Empire centres on a corrupt politician in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Where President Trump famously owned a casino.

Mainly though this period of the 1920's and 1930's is known, in the western world as; "The Roaring Twenties.

A huge period of celebration, partying, freedom and excess. It's often seen as a backlash against suffering of the First World War and the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

Lots of people, particularly economists, have been speculating that we could emerge from this current Pandemic in the same way. 

Although you have to wonder how much of that is based in fact. And how much is the result of being cooped up in Lockdown watching Boardwalk Empire.

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom very much deals with the creative process. Talented people feeding off each other to, hopefully, create great art. Along with the tensions and paranoia that arises from being confined in a small recording studio.

So a perfect metaphor for filmmaking during the Lockdown restrictions then.

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom is produced by Denzel Washington. It was originally intended to be one nine adaptations of August Wilson plays made by HBO. However it was made by Netflix after the

HBO deal fell through. With only one of the movies being made. "Fences" which was well received at the 2017 Oscars.

Fences looks at the Black experience in a Civil War Northern State, Pennsylvania, during the 1950's. The period after the Second World War which really sees the start of so-called "Civil Rights Era."

The movie dares to take an unvarnished, balanced look at that era.

Obviously there were huge benefits for Black Americans brought about by the Civil Rights Era. The end of the Jim Crow era in Democrat controlled Civil War Southern States.  For a start.

However there were also downsides. Particularly for long free Black Americans living in Civil War Northern States. Things like the collapse of the Black family and employment leading to an immersion in crime.

The argument the movie was making. As part of a wider discussion. Is that it is these, often self-inflicted problems, rather than racism which are now holding Black people back in America.

The United States Vs Billie Holiday: This movie rather bridges the gap between Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and Fences.

Billie Holiday began her career towards the end of the Harlem Renaissance period. Before dying at the age of 44 in 1959. At the start of the Civil Rights era.

The movie begins with onscreen graphics telling us about the lynching of Emmett Till. Prompting the introduction of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill which failed to pass the US Congress.

Events which prompted Billie Holiday to write the song; "Strange Fruit.

The movie then sets out to tell the story of how the US government went about destroying Billie Holiday. As punishment for the song and her opposition to lynching.

The Emmett Till lynching and the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill have recently become something of a go-to slogan for US Democrats. Particularly in reference to the George Floyd case.

This movie sets out to make a mockery of the Democrats historical revision.

For example Emmett Till wasn't even born until 1941. So certainly wasn't the inspiration for the 1939 song Strange Fruit.

The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was first introduced in 1918. By Leonidas C. Dyer, a Republican

It was repeatedly blocked by Democrats, including Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Who launched the campaign to punish Billie Holiday.

The movie though really focuses on how FDR's pro-lynching stance was continued. By another Democrat President, Harry S. Truman.

Both FDR and Harry S. Truman’s point man at the FBI in the destruction of Billie Holiday was Harry J. Anslinger. The movie ends with a real photograph of him being congratulated by Democrat Party demagogue John F. Kennedy.

The man who had to be killed, by someone who actually did collaborate with Russia. In order for the Civil Rights Era to really begin in earnest. With the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The 2016 movie “Jackie” looked, in detail, at the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination. 

It was widely praised at the Oscars. For examination of the event as the start of this collaboration between the US media and the Democrat Party. In the mythmaking and historical revisionism which just seems to be widely accepted as normal today.

It seems a good time to remind social media. That not only was Natalie Portman once ever so slightly critical of the Democrats. She's also a Jew, born in Jerusalem.

The United State Vs Billie Holiday is itself is really an entire exercise in an alternative history. It's not really about Billie Holiday at all.

It's really an alternative history of Rihanna's 2013 Diamonds World Tour. The version where Democrat President Barack Obama and Chris Brown won.

So in the movie various men are introduced into 'Billie Holiday's' life. They are all acting on orders from the Democrat controlled US Federal government. To feed her Heroin and get her further ensnared in their attempts to destroy her.

Every single one of those men is Chris Brown.

Since the 2021 Super Bowl attempts have been made to turn Miley Cyrus into the new Rihanna.

The people directing this think that because Miley Cyrus is White while Rihanna is Black. This will make the point that it's not about race. It's about Democrats seeking absolute domination and control.

She is, after all, a seemingly perfect case study. In the Democrats desperate need to infantilize the electorate.

Miley Cyrus is herself a proud Democrat. The granddaughter of a Civil War Southern State Democrat Senator in fact.

So it is literally painful for us to watch. Her completely fail to figure this out for herself.

But perhaps that’s our fault. For expecting anything else from a 28 year old who’s clearly still in Kindergarten.

If anything the movie plays down Billie Holiday's rumoured bisexuality. Leaving the fact they both own dogs as really the only visible connection to Miley Cyrus. Which is hardly a unique connection.

Requiring me, as is so often the case with Miley Cyrus. To do most of the heavy lifting.

Billie Holiday was a Heroin addict. At the time of her 2013 Diamonds World Tour Rihanna was something of a Marijuana addict.

This movie seems intended to be watched by Rihanna and her fans. While they're all high on Marijuana.

In keeping with the theme of historical revision. It attempts to mess with the concept of time. Like Marijuana does.

So one scene will begin with an onscreen graphic showing the date. March 3rd 1947, for example. The story will then leap forward to another point without the date being shown on screen.

It will then leap forward again to another point. With the onscreen graphic "Six Months Later." Prompting the question; "Six months from when?"

Throughout the movie really tries to capture the mind bending, hallucinogenic qualities of drug use.

One sequence is supposed to show the characters as they're in a Heroin induced stupor. It sees them witness the aftermath of a lynching. Then descends into a random modern dance sequence.

This was intended as a reference to the 2019 US TV show; "Euphoria." Which ends in a ridiculous, indulgent modern dance sequence. That seems to serve no other purpose than to showcase the lead actress Zendaya's dancing ability.

It was an idea stolen directly from the 2019 UK TV show; "Giri/Haji." Which also featured a random modern dance sequence. However that attempted to tell a story. So the lead character's wife and daughter pull away. Just was the new woman in his life moves towards him.

The movie also features three nude/sex scenes.

The first of these is completely non-sexual. As she is arrested 'Billie Holiday' strips nude in protest.

Shortly after the Diamonds World Tour some nude photographs were leaked of Rihanna. Having been taken as part of an haute couture fitting. 

The director seems to have handed Andra Day, the actress playing Billie Holiday, copies of those photographs and said; "Just do that."

This seemed intended to serve as a talking point about Revenge Porn and the way women's bodies are objectified.

After all I doubt Rihanna would appreciate being reminded of the leaking of those unflattering, stolen photographs. But will probably be able to console herself in the fact she has much better breasts than Andra Day.

The next nude scene is also completely non-sexual. It shows 'Billie Holiday' and other women being hosed down in a prison shower. It's a direct reference to the Netflix show; "Orange Is The New Black." Natasha Lyonne featured in both that and this movie.

Netflix is an online streaming service. So at the time Orange Is The New Black debuted it was no more regulated that online pornography. Something the show took full advantage of in terms of nude and sex scenes.

That serves as a talking point about how online streaming is and/or should be regulated. While proving that gay women can be every bit as sleazy as straight men.

The final nude scene is a sex scene. To be honest I'd rather stopped caring by this point. However I suppose it does contribute to the #MeToo discussion about how the participants in nude/sex scenes are treated within the industry.

The United States Vs Billie Holiday does acknowledge it's connection to Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. Through the "Roslyn" character played by Da'Vine Joy Randolph. Who is remarkably similar to Viola Davies' portrayal of Ma Rainey.

In one scene 'Billie Holiday' and Roslyn wrestle, while clothed on the floor. A reference to a scene in 2013's "Blue is the Warmest Color." In which two women wrestle, nude, in a lengthy and graphic lesbian sex scene.

As with 2013’s “Nymphomaniac” Blue is the Warmest Color isn’t a movie featuring people pretending to have sex. It is a movie featuring people actually having sex. It is often cited in #MeToo discussions about the impact on the people those sort of scenes

Referencing it here also reinforces the point. That in the wide world of the movie making artform. The Oscars are very mainstream. Very tame. Very safe.

The United State Vs Billie Holiday is produced by Sky TV. Not just the Sky TV that operates in the UK but also all the Sky TV's that operate across all of the European Union (EU). The Brexit deal's failure to even attempt to address the trade in audio visual media has certainly complicated the relationship between Sky (UK) and Sky (EU).

You would know that The United States Vs Billie Holiday is produced by all the Sky TV's across Britain and the EU. If you've seen season two of the Sky Germany TV show "Das Boot." All of the costumes, props and sets have come straight out of that into this movie.

I think that the United States Vs Billie Holiday is undoubtedly the greatest movie ever made about Rihanna's 2013 Diamonds World Tour. However that and the Brexit connections are really the only reasons why it was even considered by the Academy.

So it is appropriate that it was Ma Rainey's Black Bottom that won Best Costume and Best Make-Up & Hair.


There should be much more to follow. Unfortunately I've been having my time wasted by heavy lifting. 

16:00 on 14/5/21 (UK date).


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