Sunday 23 May 2021

The 2021 Eurovision Song Contest.

Yesterday (22/5/21) saw the Grand Final of the 65th Eurovision Song Contest. Held in Rotterdam in The Netherlands.

The Song Contest is the big gala event of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). 

Founded in 1950 the EBU is a network of 115 TV and Radio broadcasters across 56 nations. Along with 34 associate members spread across 21 nations. 

Its mission is to promote unity amongst its members. While furthering technological advancement in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The EBU was founded six years before the launching of the first satellite, Sputnik-I, into space. Eighteen years before the invention of the first microprocessor. Marking the start of the computer age.

The first challenge the EBU set itself. Was to develop technology to simultaneously broadcast live TV pictures and audio across a continent.

It took them six years to achieve that goal. Leaving them with just one remaining problem. What to point the cameras and microphones at?

They settled on the idea of a singing competition.

Since then the Eurovision Song Contest has grown, massively. Into a forum for its participating nations to discuss the big political and social issues on the day.

I don't mean just the social and vaguely political issues. Such as those discussed by the Super Bowl and Oscars in the US.

The Song Contest tends to deal with full on, hardcore matters of policy. Such as specific clauses in European Union (EU) legislation. 

It also serves as something of a safety valve. Allowing nations to release the aggression they hold towards each other over various disputes. Without having to resort to actual war.

In 2020 the Eurovision Song Contest was cancelled. For the first time in its 65 year history.

In the year since. Across those 56 nations and 21 associate nations. Precisely 5 things have happened.

1. The Pandemic. Which caused the 2020 Song Contest to be cancelled.

The Song Contest has a large gay, male fanbase. 

Feel free to discuss whether those AIDS riddled homosexuals. Shrill inability to understand the role of the T-cell within the human immune system. Let alone the simple fact that the World does not revolve around them.

Has been, really, the main driver behind the fear, paranoia and hysteria which has defined the pandemic. Making it far more deadly and destructive then it has needed to be.

With their very camp Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Protective Suit costumes. Lithuania has certainly been encouraging you to have that discussion.

2. The war over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region (NKR). A significant escalation in the hostility between Armenia and Azerbaijan. From the insults they normally hurl at each other during the Song Contest.

Recently the World seems to have been completely transfixed by fighting between Irseal and Palestine. Shocked that some 200 people were killed in a week of fighting.

In this fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region a thousand people were being killed a week. Over a period of five weeks.

No-one seemed to notice.

3. The EU's gay community decided to pick an extremely bloody fight with itself. Blocking the distribution of financial relief for the pandemic. As part of a dispute between Poland and Hungary and the other EU member states.

Particularly in Poland there are many issues involved. Such as efforts to pack the country's Supreme Court. Making it nothing more than body to rubber-stamp the actions of the ruling Law & Justice Party (PiS).

However opposition to the PiS within the EU is really fuelled by the fact it is a Conservative, Catholic Christian party. Opposed to gay rights. A similar position to that of the government of Hungary.

4. The EU's gay community decided to pick another extremely bloody fight with itself. This time in an effort to overthrow the government of Belarus. In order to impose a pro-EU, anti-Russian regime.

The crisis in Belarus has been entirely Britain's work. An effort to set the EU against itself. During the intense year of Brexit negotiations.

Britain was able to do this by exploiting the gay community's seemingly feeble-minded inability to see any issue beyond their obsession with trying to have sex with everything in sight.

They simply got famous British homosexual Stephen Fry to point at Belarusian President Lukashenko and squeal; "He's homophobic!"

Then suddenly, apparently there was no limit to the level of appalling, self-destructive violence the EU's gay community wouldn't be prepared to inflict on itself.

5. Me. I definitely happened in 2020. Some would say overbearingly so.

The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest was held in Tel Aviv, Israel. There the hosts declared me to be their new Messiah, the King of Those Jews. As a joke. 

A way to dismiss claims that I had been anti-Semitic in my coverage of their 2018 Song Contest victory.

Legend has it. That by the winter of 2019 I had become so furious that every cell in my body began to resonate. 

Allowing me to weaponise the Quantum Field and conjure the pandemic as a Biblical plague with which to smite my enemies.

It also forced the cancellation of the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest. Buying me time to catch up with my coverage of the 2019 Song Contest. A privilege I've still yet to take advantage of.

One of the main reasons for this is. That in 2021 I have finally been facing up to my long-time stalker. Miley Cyrus. A woman who, in 2013, just turned up at my house. Completely uninvited.

Obviously my relationship with Miley Cyrus is probably not the most important issue to have affected the Eurovision community. However it is, by far, the one I am the most expert on. 

So on a wet, hungover Sunday afternoon. It seems the best place for me to start.

Much of the current attention surrounding Miley Cyrus stems from rumours that she may be Bisexual.

Amid all this talk of gender fluidity and self-selecting gender pronouns. Bisexuality has become of particularly interest amongst the chattering & ruling classes. Bisexual people being equally attracted to both genders.

Frustratingly, after five months. I'm still not in any position to confirm or deny whether Miley Cyrus is bisexual or not.

In fact I'm getting the distinct impression. That Miley Cyrus is so lacking in emotional maturity. That she is in no position to confirm or deny it either.

However. If it were true.

Then there is an, admittedly small, global community. For whom this is in absolutely no way exciting, exotic or mysterious. It certainly isn't for me.

Long-time readers will know that I've been in separate relationships with not one, but two bisexual women. Thus, by extension, their various girlfriends as well. 

It would genuinely be a novelty for me. To be in a relationship that involved just two people.

If I were to get into any form of relationship with Miley Cyrus. Then her fame means we would need to take certain precautions. To prevent the very intimate details of her sexual and emotional life appearing in the tabloids.

However. I can now legitimately put; "Military Intelligence Officer" on my C.V. So I don't see TMZ being much of a problem.

Once we overcome that small obstacle. Then a relationship between myself and Miley Cyrus should be just the chillest thing ever. Something everyone in the Eurovision community could celebrate.

Like all single people who find themselves shoved together by their mutual friends. I assume it would start with us talking to each other. 

Then, if we find we have things in common, a relationship may develop. In which I might share my life experience with her. Which could help improve Miley Cyrus' life.

In return. All I really get is the small reward of knowing that I've helped make someone elses' life better.

However, so far. Miley Cyrus has reacted with nothing but sickening, childlike aggression and spite. Choosing to launch savage personal attacks on me and everyone around me.

Miley Cyrus is, of course, not the first US-based female popstar I've become entangled with. 

At the Closing Ceremony of the 2012 Summer Paralympics I found myself being forced into a 'marriage' to Rihanna. A distinctly unhappy 'marriage' that continued throughout Rihanna's 2013 Diamonds World Tour (DWT).

There the overriding priority was preservation of life. There was a very real possibility that Chris Brown would end up beating Rihanna to death. 

The next priority was preservation of health. The US' objective was to destroy Rihanna psychologically. Leaving her dependent on Chris Brown and themselves. 

A process immortalised in the 2021 Oscar nominated movie; "The United States Vs Billie Holiday."

Once you've managed to achieve those two objectives. Rihanna being left with any form of career should be considered a bonus.

Rihanna has not been able to tour since 2013. She's not been able to release any music since 2015.

2021 is supposed to be the year that Rihanna relaunches her musical career. 

Me going through a similar experience with Miley Cyrus reopens a lot of long forgotten wounds. At the worst possible time.

I clearly explained this to Miley Cyrus really early on. Yet Miley Cyrus has chosen to continue with the vicious attacks.

Through Rihanna's DWT I, weirdly, became Social Media friends with Kim Kardashian. Perhaps because I occupy that intersection between her ancestral Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Eurovision Song Contest.

Me developing a Social Media relationship with Miley Cyrus also puts pressure on Kim Kardashian. Not least because of the link with Rihanna.

Kim Kardashian is currently going through a divorce from Kanye West. Trying to keep things amicable for the sake of their four children. I don't want to speculate but I doubt the NKR war exactly helped their relationship.

Again I clearly explained this to Miley Cyrus really early on. Yet, again, Miley Cyrus has chosen to continue with the vicious attacks.

This all playing out very publicly also put huge pressure on everyone in that small, global community. Particularly people I've known personally.

I've even heard stories of the actress Anna Paquin now getting attacked. For the life choices she's made as a bisexual woman.

Almost no-one in that small, global community. Enjoy lives as luxurious as Kim Kardashian, Rihanna or Miley Cyrus.

As we know from the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. One of my bisexual girlfriends was, and I have to assume still is, an Israeli Jew. 

The relationship was really made possible by her avoiding compulsory military service during the second, Al-Aqsa Intifada. Something that horribly scarred everybody that it touched.

That relationship was immortalised by the current Mrs James Bond, Rachael Weisz in the 2017 film; "Disobedience." 

Featuring Rachael McAdams in her first nude scenes. Along with graphic lesbian sex scenes. Which have been described by, even connoisseurs of the genre, as; "Niche."

The film transfers the story to a gentrified Haredi Jewish neighbourhood in London, UK. Which due to my relationship being with a secular Jew from Tel Aviv all came as news to me.

The main US objective of Rihanna's DWT was to force her into a complete psychological crisis/breakdown. During her concert in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

When Israel heard about this. They cancelled a Tel Aviv municipal election. To go through the motions of holding a Rihanna concert. Simply to give Rihanna a place of safety to recover.

As you may have learned from Israel's 2021 Song Contest entry. It has been a long-running sore within Israeli politics. The refusal to grant that right to a place of safety. To Black women who are Jewish.

Reminding everyone of the time Israel granted that right to a Black woman who is not Jewish. Was only ever going to pour more gasoline on the fire.  

Once again I clearly explained this to Miley Cyrus early on. Yet, once again, Miley Cyrus has chosen to continue with the vicious attacks.

So to be continued. Hopefully at a point when I've recovered the ability to do so. 

17:20 on 23/5/21 (UK date).

Edited at around 23:45 to copy & paste. From a life long ago;

Edited again at around 16:26 on 24/5/21 (UK date) to overwrite with a copy & paste;

Miley Cyrus appeared at the 2017 "One Love Manchester" concert. Held in response to the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK.

That bombing was carried out by the nation state of Qatar. Along with its ally Turkey. Through the Muslim Brotherhood terror group.

Britain's response seemed to be to apologise profusely to both Qatar and Turkey. For allowing its citizens to get in the way of their explosives. While throwing huge amounts of money at them as compensation.

Saudi Arabia responded differently. Leading its allies in a total boycott of both Qatar and Turkey. 

To the point they began plans to build a Manchester-style canal. In an effort to physically remove Qatar from the Arabian Peninsula.

This was an absolutely seismic event in the Middle-East. On a par with the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the 2003 US invasion of Iraq or the 2010 Arab Spring.

The US Democrat Party and its compliant media have been heavily infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. To the point that their alleged President, Joe Biden is nothing more than a puppet of Qatar and Turkey.

The five months I've been facing up to Miley Cyrus. Has seen the US put huge pressure on Saudi Arabia and its allies to end to boycott of Qatar and Turkey. Apparently blowing up Ariana Grande concerts is something we should all just accept and celebrate now.

The most high profile part of this effort has been the US ending military support to Saudi Arabia. In its war in Yemen.

The war in Yemen is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It's got to the point where it seems neither side are even bothering to try and keep up the illusion of using proxies any more.

The US ending military support for Saudi Arabia in that war has, obviously emboldened Iran.

At the same time the US is continuing its so-called "Maximum Pressure" campaign on Iran. Through sanctions that former US President Obama stupidly imposed. Then forced the rest of the World to go along with.

In the five months I've been facing up to Miley Cyrus this Iran sanctions issue has been in sharp focus. Through US-led efforts to start lifting those sanctions. But only when the World complies with the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA).

The JCPOA is being negotiated by Iran the five Permanent members of the UN Security Council (P5). So America, Russia, China, Britain, France. Along with Germany/EU (P5+1).  

I get the impression that the five parties to the negotiation who aren't America. Are just stunned that they're being forced to work with a nation whose main negotiating strategy seems to have collapsed to the level of; 

"Teenage Virgin Giggles After Watching First Porn Movie."

So for the past months America's approach to Iran has been to make it stronger. While, at the same time, making it angrier.

This entire US Maximum Pressure campaign is supposedly being done to protect Israel from Iran. 

However the US has excluded Israel from the JCPOA negotiations. Seemingly in no way interested in hearing Israel's views on its own security.

So not only has America emboldened and enraged Iran. It's also enraged Israel.

As a result Israel and Iran are now at war with each other. Admittedly it's a low-intensity, clandestine war. But a war none-the-less.

A major feature of this war has been Israeli airstrikes against Iranian weapons shipments in Syria. 

Too really drive home the point. That the US' Maximum Pressure campaign and the JCPOA negotiations are contributing absolutely nothing in terms of protecting Israel from Iran.

Part of Iran's efforts in this clandestine war. Has being trying to get its allies in Gaza to resume rocket attacks against Israel. 

Something they'd had only limited success in doing. With Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PiJ) seeming to be more keen than Hamas. Not that they were particularly.

So I don't think anyone should be at all surprised. That this recent bout of violence between Israel and Palestine exploded. During the rehearsal week of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. 

Which brought all of the problems caused by Miley Cyrus into sharp focus.

Leaving us with some 200 dead and tens of thousands left homeless.

Which shows the main person Miley Cyrus is hurting with her aggression and spite. Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus is currently at the end of her record contract. Her current single; "Without You" certainly feels like one final release too many.

Obviously Miley Cyrus is going to struggle to find a company prepared to offer her a new record contract. 

If they're going to have to wait 5-7 years before they can actually release anything. While spending a fortune on PR, to get rid of the absolutely radioactive stink. That comes from hundreds of deaths.

It's certainly not going to strengthen her hand in negotiations. The US using those negotiations as a metaphor for JCPOA negotiations.

I've heard a rumour, unconfirmed. That Miley Cyrus has been offered a new record deal. By Japan's Sony records.

The same Sony records that 2021 Eurovision winners Maneskin are signed to.

Belgium were represented by Hooverphonic who were a huge band, even in America, at the turn of the 21st century. That "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Cruel Intentions," "I Know What You Did Last Summer" era.

They left Song records in 2006. To release music independently. They've never been as successful since.

It's actually part of my life experience that Miley Cyrus has prevented me from sharing with her. 

How I've had a relationship with the Japanese State. For almost precisely as long as I've had a relationship with samurai swords. It's funny how that works out.

So it seems unlikely. That collaborating with me would harm Miley Cyrus in negotiations with a Japanese congloemerate.


To be continued. Probably in another part now.

16:45 on 24/5/21 (UK date).

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