Wednesday 20 January 2021

There's Not A Lawyer On The Planet.

Who believes America is inaugrating a President today.

The US held it's Election back in November 2020. Like the rest of 2020 this was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Where others saw misery US Democrats saw an opportunity.

The Democrats are now a party that has become so consumed by hate that they have absolutely nothing to offer. Other than their self-belief in their own Divine Right to rule.

They attempted to rig the 2016 Election. By following the playbook set out by South Korea's Liberty Korea Party in its rigging of it's 2012 election.

Where the Liberty Korea party succeeded though the US Democrats failed.

So the Democrats simply set about trying to overthrow the lawfully elected government of the United States. First by persisting with the big lie of Foreign Interference. Through the Mueller investigation.

For the Democrats the wheels came off that big lie in April 2019. When the Mueller Report was finally published. Unable show any Foreign Interference in the 2016 Election, let alone Russian interference.

So the Democrats immediately just moved on to another big lie. Attempting to impeach President Trump for cutting off military aid to Ukraine. 

A policy goal which President Trump was legally obligated to pursue. By restrictions placed on the supply of military aid to Ukraine by Congress in September 2019.

The wheels came off that in February 2020. So the Democrats immediately grasped onto the emergence of COVID-19 as their next big lie.

As always with lies, big or small. It was just a matter of time before the wheels came off the Democrats latest one.

It was particularly easy to predict when the wheels would come off the Democrats COVID-19 lies. Respiratory diseases always recede in the summer months while flourishing in the winter months.

Something which only highlights just how devoid of fact the Democrats claims have been. Such as attacking President Trump for claiming that COVID-19 can be killed by dry-heat.

Despite the fact that the World Health Organisation (W.H.O). Along with any medical professional know. That as a droplet-borne virus COVID-19 begins to die once the temperature raises beyond 8C (46F).

As a result the Democrats election strategy was entirely dependent on one thing. Tricking people into voting early, before November's election day. Before the wheels started to come off their latest big lie.

The Democrats achieved this by encouraging the use of Absentee/Postal ballots. Claiming they had the right to change election law at the State level. Under Article 1, Section 4 of the US Constitution.

Article 1, Section 4 of the US Constitution does give States the right to set election law. However the Constitution then continues with other articles and amendments. Most of which restrict State's rights to set election law.

Really the most crucial is the 14th Amendment.

This added to the Constitution after the US Civil War. So covers a range of issues, across four sub-clauses.

However, in this context, the most important element is that establishes the terms of US citizenship. Giving all Americans dual citizenship. Of both the State in which they reside and of the Federal nation.

Which is really why you have State driving licenses but Federal passports.

Importantly the 14th Amendment clearly states that the Federal citizenship is the superior citizenship. No State can take away a Federal right. Such as those enshrined in the Constitution.

The use of Absentee/Postal ballots removes the secrecy of the ballot. By requiring things like the signature of the voter it allows them to be indentified. This opens the door to discrimination.

One area of discrimination which has long affected the US electoral system is that of sex/gender. Between 1807 and 1920 women were systematically denied the right to vote completely.

This ended with the passing of the 19th Amendment. Which explictly states that;

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

Not only do Absentee/Postal ballots remove the secrecy of the ballot. They also shift the casting of each vote. Away from the public sphere of a polling station, with staff and oversight measures. Into the privacy of the home.

For many women in America the home is not a safe place.

I could provide you with mountains of statistics and evidence. Showing how Domestic Violence disproportionally affects women in America.

Along with a similar mountain of statistics and evidence. Showing how Domestic Violence has been made worse by the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders brought about by COVID-19.

However this gender discrimination within Domestic Violence is already well established within US law. To the point there is a dedicated Federal Agency - Office on Violence Against Women - to combat it.

This was established by the 1994 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Although, for the life of me, I just can't seem to remember the name of the Senator who sponsored that legislation.

The Patriarchal beliefs which lead to gender-based Domestic Violence are often tied to religious beliefs. Particularly within the Abrahamic religions; Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

The 1st Amendment forbids the discrimination on the basis of religious belief. Explictly stating; 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Saying that someone only has the right to vote. If they forgo their religious belief and turn their backs on their families. That is exactly the type of discrimination forbidden by the 1st Amendment.

Another area where there has been huge discrimination in US electoral system is that of race.

From its inception the Democrat Party has believed that it has the right to own Black people as property.

Not only that. The Democrat Party has believed it has the right to cast votes on behalf of the human property that it owns.

In 1787 the Republican Party started to put restrictions. On the Democrat Party abhorrent beliefs. Through the so-called; "Three-fifths Compromise."

This does not state that Black man - at this point we are talking only of men - are worth only three-fifths of White men. It states that the Democrat Party can only cast votes on behalf of three-fifths of the Black men they own as property.

In 1861 the Republican Party pushed back even harder. Fighting a Civil War to end the Democrat Party's belief that it could own Black people as property. Let alone cast votes on their behalf.

Such is the Democrat Party's belief that they have the right to own Black people as property. That this civil war lasted for four, long years. Claiming the lives of roughly 1 in every 50 people alive in the country at the time.

Eventually the Republican Party were successful. Issuing the Emancipation Proclomation. Ending, in law at least, the Democrat Party's belief that it had the right to own Black people as property.

The Republican Party went futher. Passing the 15th Amendment. This not only gives Black Americans the right to vote for themselves. It also explictly states;

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Unfortunatley this; "Reconstruction Era" was brought to an end in 1877.

When the Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes was forced to withdraw Federal oversight of  Democrat controlled States. In order to stop the Democrat Party from whining on about how their Presidential candidate won the popular vote.

In the absence of Federal oversight the Democrat Party immediately went back to its old ways.

Casting votes on behalf of Black people they still considered to be their property. While discouraging Black people from daring to vote Republican. Often through the use of violence.

It wasn't until the 1960's that further attempts were made to protect Black Americans right to vote. Through the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The passage of which caused a massive and violent split within the Democrat Party. Such was the depth of their opposition to the idea that Black Americans have the right to vote.

This culture of discouragement and intimidation. Of Black Americans who would dare to vote Republican continues to this day. With a general perception that Black people are only allowed to vote Democrat.

Particularly in 2020 this culture that Black people may only vote Democrat was enforced with violence. During a summer which saw violent gangs tear through predominately Black neighbourhoods.

All to 'remind' the residents to vote Democrat in November.

Alongside those Constitutional protections. There is also the so-called; "Equal Protection Clause" of the 14th Amendment. Which states, with emphasis added;

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Granting Federal protection to all people. Beyond those groups given specific, named protection. Such as victims of Domestic Violence who are in same-sex relationships.

So widespread, sustained and intense was the political violence unleashed by the Democrat Party throughout the summer of 2020. It constituted a State of Insurrection. Similar to that seen in 1861 and threatened in 1877.

In a State of Insurrection US States lose all of their independence. Having to defer to the Federal government on any matter of the Federal government's choosing. The Federal government is empowered to enforce that deference with military force, if need be.

Much has been made over whether the Insurrection Act of 1807 was invoked ahead of the 2020 Election. However that relates only to the use of military force to suppress an insurrection. It is seperate from a declaration of insurrection itself.

That came when Federal Law Enforcement were deployed to States, such as Washington. To enforce Federal law and suppress insurrectionist forces.

US Democrats were certainly aware of this declaration of insurrection. Commenting on it widely and loudly. However the Democrats declined to raise any legal objection or challenge to it.

Obviously you cannot infer from that the Democrat States supporting their deference to the Federal government. However they certainly consented to it.

If any State attempts to alter its election laws. In any way which even raises to the possibility of any of the above mentioned rights being violated.

Then the procedure laid out in the 1965 Voting Rights Act must be followed.

In the first instance the State must seek pre-clearance from the Federal Department of Justice (DoJ). 

A process which will look at whether any Federal, superior, law is being violated. Along with any enhanced monitoring procedures that can be introduced to prevent illegal discrimination created by such a change.

If the DoJ does not grant pre-clearance for any change. Then the State can, in effect, appeal to the First Disctrict Court of D.C to obtain pre-clearance. 

Again a process which will look at whether any Federal, superior, law is being violated. Along with any enhanced monitoring procedures that can be introduced to prevent illegal discrimination created by such a change.

Either of these avenues will produce a clear, paper certificate of pre-clearance.

If such a certificate cannot be produced. Then US Courts have, not only the power, but an obligation to nulify any election result obtained under illegal election rules. Something they have done on numerous occasions.

There is no record of any US State which changed its election rules prior to the November 2020 vote. Having sought, let alone, obtained pre-clearence. From either the DoJ or the D.C Court.

If these pre-clearance certificates have been obtained, in secret. I think it's highly unlikely that, particularly the Democrats, would be continuing to keep them hidden from the public.

Without those certificates we cannot declare the election to be; "Fair." 

We have no way of knowing that votes were cast by the individual with the right to cast that vote.

Nor can we declare the election to be; "Free."

We have a way of knowing that when a vote has been cast by an individual with the right to do so. Hidden away in the private, rather than public sphere. 

That it has been cast through their own free will. Rather than through coercion, fear or duress.

In fact there is only one way to describe election results obtained with such complete disregard for election law.


12:40 on 20/1/21 (UK date).

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