Wednesday 13 January 2021

And Speaking Of Apologies.

I'm told wine often works.

I've been what you might call an; "Early Adopter." Of the US popstar Pink.

I was fortunate enough to see part of her first press junket in the UK.

Certainly those in the Eurovision nations will be very familiar with this sort of thing.

When a celebrity has something to promote they're set up in a hotel room. Then a day long procession of journalists are paraded before them.

In their two minutes all the journalists ask the same questions. To which the celebrity gives the same answers. If anyone dare deviate from this an army of lawyers and public relations people immediately step in.

I think the part of Pink's press junket I saw must have been from towards the end of the day. Her eyes were suffering from the worst case I've ever seen of the; "Yeah. Really's."

As in her mouth would give an answer. Such as;

"I really like L.A Reid. He's a nice man who's really helped my career and passion for R&B music."

While her eyes would say;

"Yeah. Really(!)"

So I remember deciding there and then. To keep an eye on this one. It's clearly going to be a fun ride.

As a result I actually own all of her first three albums. Including the intensly personal second; M!ssundaztood." Along with the, frankly, offensive third; "Trouble."

Now when two thirds of the World Famous Thrupple. The two who often pretended to be brother and sister. In the interests of even numbers.

When they met the other third. She had the same shocking pink hair. Just adding to the embarrassment of how long it took to work it out.

Now obviously there were some comments. From the oh, so tolerant gay community.

However, close up, it was obvious that these are two completely different women.

Although looking at it from Pink's perspective now. Yep I see it;

"Weird Sex Game."

Obviously I could have just as easily posted this at this time last year.

But then she could just let her kids eat mud. Innit. 

18:10 on 13/1/21 (UK date).

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