Tuesday 2 June 2020

Big Wheels Keep On Turning.

For the past seven days America has been gripped by widespread and ferocious rioting.

Even that description though seems to unfairly downplay the levels of violence.

On Friday, May 29th (29/5/20) an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was used to destroy a police station. In Minneapolis, Minnesota. Something which has been repeated in several other US cities since.

Events such as those have, in the past, occured in the Northern Ireland region of the UK. Along with the Kurdish regions of Turkey.

There they have been acknowledged as acts of terrorism. The military have been used to eliminate the threat.

When the perpetrator is white. Such as Timothy McVeigh. The US has not hesitated to agree with that description.

America's current wave of violence really reminds me of the UK's August 2011 riots.

In the sense that the entire country is not ablaze. However enough of it is to make hard to provide a comprehensive list.

Like much of the developed world Americans have effectively found themselves under house arrest since March 2020. Ironically in response to a virus. Which was spawned as we were discussing how US Democrats use fear as a weapon of oppression.

The June 12th 2016 (12/6/16) mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Florida. The October 27th 2018 (27/10/18) mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Philadelphia. As with the locations of the current riots it is certainly a long list.

US Democrats have been particularly enthusiastic in their embrace of lockdown policies.

As a result citizens in States under Democrat control have been particularly badly affected. With particularly their non-white citizens making up the bulk of the 40 million Americans who are currently unemployed.

Aside from that pent-up frustration there are specific political issues which have played a role in the violence.

Unfortunately many of them relate to ongoing, overseas military intelligence operations. Limiting me in what I can publish on the Internet.

It is fair to say though that the US Directorate of National Intelligence (DNI) is still formally endorsing Robert Mueller's dossier on Russia. More then a year after people actually read it.

This has put the US' allies in a very difficult position. The same difficult position they found themselves in when the US intelligence community were formally endorsing the 2003 Iraq WMD's dossier.

Although, then, it only took the US intelligence community a year to formally disown the Iraq WMD dossier. Issuing a burn notice for it in the jargon.

So there's been this recent crop of strange events.

For example charges have been withdrawn against Michael Flynn. The implication being that Robert Mueller was not being obstructed in the commission of a lawful duty.

You've also had the sudden promotion of the Ahmaud Arbery case. Some five-to-six weeks after it actually happend.

Along with the Breonna Taylor case these are not intended to be seen as credible. Instead they're supposed to show how totally lacking in credibility the Democrats allegations actually are.

In the Breonna Taylor case the police obtained from a Court a warrant of entry for the address where she was killed. When they carried out that warrant Kenneth Walker, Ms Taylor's boyfriend, opened fire on them. As is their lawful duty they returned fire. Breonna Taylor was killed in the crossfire.

We may not go so far as to prosecute Kenneth Walker for the attempted murder of the police officers. Along with the manslaughter of Breonna Taylor.

However there is no getting away from the fact that her death is entirely his fault. The notion of him being rewarded financially is just beyond parody.

Unfortunately Benjamin Crump inserted himself into both cases.

Benjamin Crump is possibly the worst lawyer the profession has ever seen. Some might even go so far as to suggest that he is not a lawyer. He is in fact a Potection Racketeer.

Give him his money. Or violence will follow.

Proving that when it rains it pours amid all this George Floyd died in Minneapolis, Minnestota. His death was captured on video.

Anyone watching the video can quite clearly see that George Floyd has died of Opioid misuse. Or at least anyone with basic First Aid training. And no desire to suspend their disbelief.

Unfortunately Benjamin Crump still hasn't got his money from Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.

Meanwhile the Democrats have looked at all this fear, frustration and anger. Along with the entirely artificial collapse of the US economy.

Then concluded that it is all just a perfectly normal part of their 2020 Election Campaign.

So, suddenly; "WOOSH!"

Yesterday, June 1st (1/6/20) US President Donald Trump finally invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807. Which is hardly the first time that words such as; "Insurrection" and; "Sedition" have been used since, well, the publication of a certain dossier.

The Democrats are understandably furious about this. Lining up to condemn Trump and his unprecedented tyranny.

The fact is that historically there is plenty of precedent for the use of the Insurrection Act of 1807. You could almost descibe its use as cyclical.

Probably the most famous use was the US Civil War between 1861 and 1865. Technically this was the use of Federal troops to put down an insurrection. Although, admittedly, a rather large insurrection.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 was also used during what it known as the; "Reconstruction Era." Between 1863 and 1877. Overlapping with the Civil War this is considered a rare golden era for African Americans.

The Civil War was essentially fought between Slave Owning Democrats and Abolitionist Republicans. When the Abolitionist Republicans won Federal troops were embedded in Democrat controlled States. Specifically to stop them from re-starting the practice of slavery.

How the Reconstruction Era ended seems eerily familiar.

The Presidential Election of 1876 was disputed.

A systemic campaign of ballot stuffing and the violent suppression of black voters saw the Democrat Samuel J. Tilden 'win' the popular vote. While the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won the Electorial College. An Abolitionist invention.

As price for conceeding the election Tilden and the Democrats forced Hayes and the Republicans to withdraw Federal troops from Democrat controlled States. This saw the end of the Reconstruction Era and the start of the Jim Crow era.

Essentially the Democrats resuming slavery in all but name.

The Democrats persisted with their Apartheid policies all the way until the 1960's.

On the way they were thwarted by the Supreme Court (SOCTUS) in the Brown v Board of Eduction (1954) ruling.

A full year before anyone had even heard of Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks SCOTUS made racial segregation in US schools illegal. Under Federal law.

The Democrats were understandably furious about this.

In 1957 attempts were finally made to de-segregate the Little Rock High School in Arkansas. The Democrat Governor of the State, Orval Faubus, objected particularly strongly. Deploying to State's National Guard to block de-segregation through military force.

The Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower's response was to embed Federal troops in the Democrat controlled State. Although, technically, he turned Arkansas National Guard troops into Federal troops.

So if you know your history you would know that this is not unprecedented tyranny. It's basically just the history of US politics.

The Democrats try to keep the niggers dumb, afraid and oppresed.

Forcing the Republicans to periodically send in Federal troops to sort the buggers out.

Having dared to say that I may well now find myself banned from every Social Media platform in the World.

But my conscious is not going to bother me.

16:40 on 2/6/20 (UK date).

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