Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Pox On All Your Houses Pt.4 v1

When I started putting this together I planned it as a three part series.

The first dealing COVID-19. The virus and the illness it causes.


The second dealing with how to mitigate COVID-19's effects on the healthcare system. Which admittedly got a bit out of hand.




This third section was intended to look at how to mitigate COVID-19's effect on society more widely.

I really don't think that governments should have any role in people's personal lives. Therefore by society I really mean the economy.

I deliberately left that area until last. It truly feels like absolutely just stating the obvious.

It is, of course, a normal, everyday, part of running any business or enterprise. Dealing with staff absences through illness.

The other day I was watching an episode of a TV show called; "Schooled." A wobbly spin-off from; "The Goldbergs" it's essentially a workplace sitcom. Set amongst teachers at a US middle-school in the early 1990's.

This episode was entitled; "Outbreak." It dealt with the hilarity of them all having to rush about covering each other's classes. As people were out sick during an Influenza outbreak.

Obviously things differ slightly based on the specific enterprise. However generally;

If one person is out sick. Then you ask the people who have turned up to work a little bit harder to cover for them. Possibly paying them overtime.

If the person is going to be out for more than a couple of days. Or if more than one person is out. Then you contact an employment agency to bring in temporary replacements.

If that's not possible you have to take the hit to productivity. Start begging patience from customers for late deliveries.

If all your staff are out sick you have to shutdown completely. Passing business off to your competitors in the hope they'll return the favour.

In the meantime the question of how to mitigate COVID-19's effects on society have been rendered totally moot. Many governments - both local and national - have simply decided to totally shutdown society in response to COVID-19.

Meaning the question now is when will these lockdown policies be reversed?

The answer to that question owes more to psychology, philosophy even, than anything else.

Essentially how long will it take the public to forget the reasons their governments used to justify moving to lockdown?

If the public can still remember those reasons government won't be able to claim the the lockdown has been necessary. Let alone a success.

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