Tuesday 10 December 2013

I'll Let You Into a Secret

Rather then watching the painfully long Mandela memorial service I may have gone to the gym instead.

However I think the Obama/Castro handshake may have begun life as the ANC trying to remind America which side supported Apartheid and which side supported Mandela during the Cold War. Rather then simply taking it on the chin and snubbing Castro Obama instead decided to build his part by making it appear that this handshake symbolised something of great significance. The next person in the line-up might like to insist on a Rihanna concert if she wants to find out what exactly it signified.

Or to put it another way; "Isn't sweet when the Rihanna's, Miley Cyrus' and the American Music Awards of this world think they can come out and play(!)"

18:50 on 10/12/13 (UK date).

Edited at around 11:30 on 12/12/13 (UK date) to add;

It has now emerged that the sign language interpreter who was standing next to all the speakers during the memorial ceremony was just randomly waving his hands around rather then translating anything for deaf viewers. This of course has sent out the message globally that all the signs given out during the ceremony were in fact nonsense. This seems to be a specific reference to Obama's handshake with Castro and in particular its attempts to sell a Rihanna tour to the South Americans.

Inititally the South African government denied any knowledge of who the alleged sign language translator was prompting speculation of security failings and whether Obama actually knew to Castro was. Those arguments are of course nonsense because while the South African authorities might allow a stranger that close to the US President the US Secret Service most certainly would not.

The 'translator' has since come forward and attempted to explain away his behaviour as the product of a Schizophrenic episode. To anyone with even basic knowledge of psychology this is instantly recognisable as nonsense. However if you were so lacking in psychological knowledge to believe this excuse you may also have had serious trouble working out what was going on in Rihanna and Chris Brown's 'relationship' or find yourself believing that Chris Brown could be rehabilitated.

So yeah if the US wants any clearer indication that it should terminate Operation Misery and put Rihanna in direct contact with me so I can assist with her recovery it's that all the nations Rihanna visited on her tour along with a fair few she didn't now passionately dislike the US. In fact at least one is actively trying to overthrow the government that helped bring Rihanna to them.

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