Monday 13 July 2009

Animal Magic

While the deaths of British troops in Afghanistan last week seem to have shaken Britain's government to it's core and provoked an unseemly episode of political point scoring the propaganda arm is still very much in business. Last week it was announced that scientist at Whipsnade Zoo are working to discover what makes Cheetahs so fast. As part of the experiment researchers, led by professor Wilson, are getting female Cheetahs run along a specially designed track by making them chase a dead chicken tied to a piece of string. The Cheetahs are filmed as they make the run so when the recording is played back in slow motion the scientists can examine how the Cheetahs bodies behave while running.

The methodology of the experiment is really that important because as with most animal interest / natural science stories the idea of talking about the research is to convey a hidden message. Initially the talk about Cheetahs which sounds like cheaters would make people think that Britain released the story was to reassure interested parties that research and investigation into me was going ahead on schedule. This is only partly true because the use of female cheetahs would indicate that the hidden message relates to a female subject and the professor leading the research shares a surname with a female test subject that is indirectly linked to me. Therefore the agenda of the story is to reassure interested parties that the research project known as the Bristol Abuse Case (BAC) is progressing on schedule whilst at the same time increasing the pressure on the BAC test subjects which in turn helps the research project along.

The fact that Britain is choosing to tell this particular story in terms of cheaters is interesting because it indicates that they are now accepting, publicly at least, that the BAC is not a credible situation and are focusing their attention on how one participant was able to cheat herself into it. Finding the answer to that is hardly going to be solving one of life's great mysteries. Int he run up to the BAC little miss no life was living a stress free existence working in a cafe whilst concentrating on her hobbies with only the one thing to focus on. By comparison she was up against someone who was in the process of moving house in dramatic fashion while carrying out precision work at several locations spread over around 400 miles while still finding the time to play an active role in the Israel/Lebanon war. When you consider that massive imbalance the result of the contest was no great surprise so much so that you would think that it had been planned that way. This means that once again Britain is researching it's own actions, something you would think they would have understood at the time of acting.

I think the story came to light last Wednesday so I apologise for the delay in posting but if you thing this was a dull read you should try writing it.

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