Friday 12 September 2008

Sorry I completley forgot to mention.

My sister is currently back in hospital after being detained under the mental health act. I probably should have mentioned it as part of yesterday's update but we've been going though this routine for the last 15 odd years so it's just sort of slipped my mind. Besides if they've haven't found the answer by now I doubt they ever will.

Following on from yesterday, without going into too much detail, the test result that was causing concern with my grandmother was a blood test which showed the chemical conditions associated with blood clots similar to Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). On Wednesday my father explained this too me by saying, I shit you not;

"Imagine that the vein is like a massive tunnel. If a blood clot forms it is like a car crashing in the middle of that tunnel stopping the traffic flowing through it. In order to get the traffic moving again you can either take the crashed car to pieces inside the tunnel and remove it bit by bit or you can attach a rope to the wreck and drag it out of the tunnel in one go. If you can't do either of those then you have to open up another tunnel next to the blocked one and use it to divert the traffic around the blockage."

Today we went up for an ultrasound scan of the leg and there were no clots or blockages which was good news. The process of getting the scan done though was an absolute fucking disgrace because after 11 years of a Labour government and billions of pounds of investment the NHS still can't manage the simple task of getting the right patient to the right department at the right time choosing instead to leave them lost in a corridor on their own for the best part of an hour. There you have it though patient transport, one of the great mysteries of the NHS.

Speaking of local disasters I noticed that as I was writing yesterdays post about Croydons Tram crash, an incident so serious the Air Ambulance (HEMS) helicopter was still hovering above the scene a full day after the crash occurred, the following piece of performance art was taking place in Bristol town centre; Bristol 9/11 Truth 7th anniversary Note the interesting choice of headgear.

About thirty minutes after I made yesterday's post a major news story broke as a truck caught fire in the Channel Tunnel blocking the tunnel and forcing passengers into the emergency tunnel that runs parallel diverting them past the blockage. Although no-one was killed in the incident several people had to be treated in hospital after breathing in the toxic smoke from a burning truck carrying Phenol a chemical which can be used to make plastic. As the emergency shut down the cross channel link the authorities quickly issued instructions warning people against travelling that night.

Of course today that story along with the announcement from Zimbabwe has been swept off the agenda to make way for the news that yet another budget airline known as XL has gone out of business. As I'm not one of their passengers I'm actually quite pleased because after the collapse of Zoom if things carry on like this pretty soon there won't be any flag left to fly.

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