Sunday, 9 February 2025

It's Time To Renegotiate The Social Contract!

For Americans at least. They've been having their 59th Super Bowl.

As with last year the American Football Conference (AFC) is represented by the Kansas City Chiefs. Also as with last year the Kansas City Chiefs have been all consumed by Taylor Swift, her relationship with one of their players - Kelce something or other.

Although it would have been cheating to let her in on the secret at the time. Last year's Super Bowl actually marked the start of a yearlong narrative journey for Taylor Swift. A sort of test if you will. To see whether she would repeat her 2020 mistake of endorsing the Biden-Harris Regime ahead of the US Election in November. Or whether she has grown as a person, following her first foray into Heterosexuality, the American version of it at least.

By the Summer substantial concerns had emerged that Taylor Swift's emotional growth was not happening fast enough for her to pass her test. So people began hedging their bets. Putting in place a contingency plan. Should Taylor Swift repeat her 2020 mistake and end up endorsing the Biden-Harris Regime for a second time.

Chief amongst this was the July 29th 2024 (9/7/24) knife attack against a Taylor Swift themed dance party in the British town of Southport. Which saw three young girls murdered and 10 injured. This was intended to invoke memories of the May 2018 Islamist terror attack against and Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Evening News Arena (MENA). In which 22 people were killed and 1,017 injured. Many of them very young girls, similar to those whose parents were trying to tire out by sending them to a Taylor Swift themed dance party in Southport, during the long Summer school holidays.

By invoking the 2018 MENA bombing Britain was trying to remind everyone that the Biden-Harris Regime is an Islamist terrorist puppet regime. Not the sort of thing anyone would vote to inflict on themselves. No matter how many popstars of limited emotional maturity endorse it.

It also served as a stern reminder to Taylor Swift. That the Biden-Harris Regime hates her and everything she stands for. It would not hesitate to murder her and her fans. If that's what its Islamist terrorist masters ordered it to do.

In an effort to help Taylor Swift's own emotional growth steps were even taken to educate her personally and individually. A highly theatrical Islamist terror plot was created against her concerts in Vienna, Austria. Scheduled for August 8th through 10th (8-10/8/24) 9 days after the Southport knife attack. Forcing the cancellation of the concerts.

Again this made the very public association between Taylor Swift, her endorsement of the Biden-Harris Regime and Islamist terrorism. It also forced Taylor Swift to personally engage with the British Security Services in discussions over the threat and how to increase security measures ahead of her next round of concerts. Scheduled to be held in London, UK. There did seem to be some vague hope that the British Security Services would be able to act as competent personal tutors for Taylor Swift.

This all happened against the backdrop of the Summer Olympics/Paralympics being held in Paris, France. Apparently some people still bother with those. One very famous figure from French history is Marie Antoinette. Who was beheaded during the French Revolution after it was, falsely, claimed that she told peasants who couldn't afford flour to make bread to eat cake instead. Which, if true, would be one of the most completely out-of-touch political statements ever made. Flour is used in both bread and cake.

Taylor Swift is a keen home baker. When she endorsed the Biden-Harris Regime in 2020 she actually offered the peasants (twice baked) cake, as she sent them to their doom.

Despite being one of the more famous figures from French history Marie Antoinette wasn't French at all. She was Austrian. The fact she was a foreigner stealing from the French peasants really didn't help her cause. Ideally it would have been Taylor Swift's Salzburg concert which would have been theatrically targeted. However there wasn't a Salzburg concert to target.

Doubting its own ability to educate Taylor Swift Britain decided to accompany with Olympics/Paralympics and the Vienna terror alert with some, actually quite mild, rioting. You'd be surprised how much of this sort of hyper-localised rioting goes on in Britain in a typical Summer. Without it even making the local news, let alone being played up to the level of international news.

I went to university in the British city of Brighton. Within Brighton there is the Whitehawk Housing Estate, what Americans would term a; "Housing Project." At the time the most deprived Housing Estate in all of the European Union (EU). Every Summer the police would try to arrest the wrong person on the wrong street on the wrong day and the entire Estate would explode into rioting. Then the nearby Moulscombe Housing Estate would also explode into rioting. Simply to prove that it was the worst Housing Estate in all of Europe.

According to my university I'm still engaged on a very long-term, very in-depth, research project into the; "Geographies of Urban Disorder (rioting)." It is such a common feature of British Summers it represents a legitimate field of Geographic study. Alongside drought.

In an effort to play that particular Summer's riots up, rather than down, the media hysterically dubbed them; "Anti-Immigrant Riots." Or even; "Far-Right Racist Riots." In truth they were; "Anti-UK Labour Party Riots."

Almost for as long as there has been a UK Labour Party the White, Working-Class areas of Northern England have voted for the Labour Party. The so-called; "Red Wall." Then at the last, 2019, General Election they all switched and voted for the Conservative Party. Becoming the so-called; "Blue Wall." At the 2024 General Election, held a month earlier, the Blue Wall switched away from the Conservatives. However they didn't switch back to the Labour Party. Instead they switched to the newly formed Reform UK Party. It was these areas of England which were rioting.

While the UK Labour Party won a landslide 400+ seat majority at the 2024 General Election they actually only won less than 20% of the popular vote. That means that 80% of British voters took one look at the Labour Party and chose to vote for literally anyone else. Even the amongst the tiny number of people who did vote for them. Most were voting to get the Conservatives out rather than the Labour Party in. That's only counting the people who thought there was anyone worth voting for at all.

At the time the UK Labour Party was directly interfering in the upcoming US Election. Working closely with the US Democrat Party and the Biden-Harris Regime. Apparently they were particularly advising the Biden-Harries Regime on how to win back disenfranchised White Working-Class voters. A task they, themselves had clearly failed at.

So aside from reminding the UK Labour Party of how unpopular it is in Britain. These riots were deliberately overplayed by the media in the hope of reminding US voters of how deeply unpopular the UK Labour Party is and, by extension, their US partners - the Biden-Harris Regime. No matter how many emotionally immature popstars endorse it.

Despite the majority of the rioting taking place in the Red/Blue Wall areas in the North of England much of the attention focused on Belfast in Northern Ireland. This was to remind everyone of the TV show which had inspired the whole thing; "Blue Lights."

Set amongst the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) in Belfast Blue Lights is very much someone watching the US TV Show; "The Rookie" and trying to make a much harder, tougher version of it.

Season 2 of Blue Lights begins with the rookie officers undergoing public order or anti-riot training. The entire season then builds towards a big riot in the final episode. Once the long, hard fight of the riot is over the rookies then unwind in a bar. As the Dolly Parton song; "Light of a Clear Blue Morning" plays.

This was the first song for which Dolly Parton received a full writing credit. After an acrimonious split from her long-time songwriter Porter Wagoner. So it is all about shaking of the shackles that have held you back for so many years and emerging into a bright future.

As you would expect from Southern racists Dolly Parton is intertwined, like a choking vine, with the US Democrat Party. My old Super Bowl sparring partner Miley Cyrus is Dolly Parton's Goddaughter. Miley Cyrus' Grandfather, Ron Cyrus was actually a State Senator representing the Democrats in Kentucky. I'm sure we all noticed that Miley Cyrus seemed to be everywhere in 2024. Both personally and in the forms of Sabrina Carpenter along with Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars.

So the focus on the Belfast rioting was supposed to remind everyone who was in the know of the TV Show. It's hidden subtext of our hopes and dreams that we will soon be freed from the dark years of the Biden-Harris Regime and, finally, get to see the Blue Mourning.

As I'm sure Taylor Swift and her fans understand. You feel so much intelligent and superior to everyone else, almost energised and mobilised. When you're in on the cool kids secret.

Representing the National Football Conference (NFC) there is the Philadelphia Eagles, from the State of Pennsylvania.

At around the time of the US' November 2024 Election everyone seemed captivated by the story of Peanut the Squirrel. A Squirrel who had found fame on Social Media only to be seized and killed by New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation. This got me thinking about the wildlife I regularly encounter in the gardens of my compound. Predominately Foxes, along with Cats and the occasional, very brave Squirrel. A Squirrel who actually put in an appearance again today.

In watching these animals go about their lives in a state of nature I'm often reminded of John Hobbes' observation in "Leviathan." That life in a state of nature is; "Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish and Short."

Hobbes was arguing that amongst wild animals the threat that another animal is going to kill them or steal their food is so constant that they must dedicate their entire, short, lives to trying to kill all other animals first. To rise above this State of Nature, allowing them the freedom to do things like farming, science, art and sport, Humans must enter into an agreement or contract with each other. Not to kill and steal from each other. That contract is only valid if there is an all powerful Sovereign to enforce it. Hobbes then went on and on and on about what form that all powerful Sovereign could take. Be it a Monarch, a President a Parliament etc.

Hobbes' Leviathan was written during the Age of Enlightenment, against the backdrop of the two, main, English Civil Wars. It was actually published just after the Second English Civil War.

The Age of Enlightenment was preceded by the Dark Ages. During which the rule of the Roman Catholic Christian Church was absolute. Anything, like science, which challenged the absolute rule of the Roman Catholic Church was forbidden. The end of the Dark Ages and the start of the Age of Enlightenment was ushered in by people protesting (Protestant) within the Roman Catholic Church. Led by the Lutherans of Martin Luther.

A group of these Protestant Christians were very pure in their interpretation of God's teachings. Everything except for the worship of God, as embodied through Jesus Christ, was invalid. In the First English Civil War they established Britain as a Puritan Christian Republic. The Second English Civil War was everyone in Britain getting fed up of the Puritans and kicking them out.

The Puritans were accompanied by the equally miserable Pilgrims, the first European Settlers to the US. Quite a few Puritans decided to become Pilgrims. After getting kicked out of Britain in the Second English Civil War.

It was a mixture of Dutch and Swedish Puritans who first settled what is now considered the US State of Pennsylvania. However the State only got its name after William Penn, with permission from the British Crown, kicked the Dutch and Swedish out. Establishing the; "Plantations of Penn" - "Pennsylvania."

William Penn was a member of the; "Religious Society of Friends" - known informally as; "Quakers," Strictly speaking Quakers aren't Puritan Protestants. However they are Primitive Christians. They believe that Christianity should be practiced as it was at the time of Jesus Christ. Anything which has been added since, like Churches, Priests or the Bible, is an impurity which needs to be cleaned away. The group's informal name actually comes from the group's founder George Fox telling a Judge to; "Quake before the authority of God!" The laws of man having no authority over the authority of God.

While it was the French Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rosseu who coined the term; "Social Contract," in his 1762 book/essay of that name, Hobbes work was expanded on by numerous other Age of Enlightenment thinkers. Particularly by John Locke in the "Second Treatise of Civil Government."

John Locke's work, particularly his Second Treatise, was of huge influence of America's Founding Fathers. It was here that Locke laid out his; "Labour Theory of Property." That the natural environment is a gift from God. It is only through our Labour that we can turn that gift into our private property. Beyond the reach of the British King or Sovereign.

This Labour Theory of Property was used to justify the European Settlement of Aboriginal, Native American lands. In the eyes of the Settlers those Hunter-Gatherer's didn't believe in the only true God, so weren't entitled to his gifts. Plus they weren't applying Labour to those gifts through farming so didn't own them. Meaning those who were entitled to the only true God's gifts could just take them. Something which was codified into law in the Homestead Act of 1862. Although I think that only proves that a thief will always find some way to justify their theft.

In 1787 three of American's Founding Fathers; Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, were so inspired by John Hobbes' work, as expanded by John Locke, that they set about devising their own Sovereign. Publishing their ideas on the type of entity which would enforce the Social Contract in a series of 87 essays in what is now known as; "The Federalist Papers."

In 1773 a group of Tea Merchants in Boston, Massachusetts destroyed a shipment of Tea from China. In protest over the British Crown's failure to levy tariffs on those Chinese imports. The so-called; "Boston Tea Party." Despite the popular slogan the complaint was actually the failure to impose taxes. Not Taxation Without Representation. The destroyed Tea was untaxed.

In response to the Boston Tea Party the British Royal Navy blockaded Boston's port. This prompted America's Founding Fathers to gather in Philadelphia for the; "First Continental Congress" in 1774.

In 1775 through to 1781 America's Founding Father's again gathered in Philadelphia for the; "Second Continental Congress." Issuing the; "Declaration of Independence" and starting the; "American Revolutionary War." It was their victory in that war which required America's Founding Fathers to start devising their own Sovereign in 1787.

Philadelphia is often known as; "The City of Brotherly Love." Based on something of a mis-translation from Koine Greek; "Philos (φίλος)" meaning; "Beloved" and; "Adelphos (ἀδελφός)" meaning; "Brotherly."

Unfortunately the use of Philadelphia here is unnecessarily provocative and inflammatory. As the border area between The Gaza Strip and Egypt is known as the; "Philadelphi Corridor." The much talked about Rafah Crossing is located within the Philadelphi Corridor.

In June 1967 the nation states of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and, to a lesser extent, Lebanon all declared war on Israel. In an effort to wipe Israel from existence. However Israel managed to defeat the combined armies of those five nation states in just six days. Leading to it being known as the; "Six Day War."

So resounding was Israel's victory in the Six Day War that it not only survived it was able to re-draw its borders. Seizing territory from the nations which had attacked it. Including Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and Jordanian controlled Jerusalem. When people talk about the; "Pre-1967 Borders" within the; "Two State Solution" they are referring to the borders which existed on June 4th 1967 (4/6/1967), prior to the Arab Aggression.

On October 6th 1973 (6/10/1973) the nation states of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Cuba again tried to wipe Israel from existence. Attacking it on the Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Leading it to be known as either the; "October 6th War" or the; "Yom Kippur War," depending on who you ask.

Again Israel was able to quickly rout the combined armies of those five nation states. It was only the Soviet Russian threat of a Nuclear response which forced the US to go to DEFCON 3 on the Jews. Preventing Israel from expanding its borders beyond the Sinai Peninsula, across the Suez Canal and deep into Egypt.

In 1978 US President Jimmy Carter brokered the Camp David Accords. In which Egypt renounced any right to destroy Israel in its people, in return for control of the Sinai Peninsula being returned to it. All of the Sinai Peninsula except for a 100m wide area of the border between The Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. In the spirit of brotherly peace this was named the; “Philadelphi Corridor.”

Despite Israel's victory it was the 1973 war the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) were trying to recreate. Through its October 7th 2023 (7/10/23) attack on Israel. Taking place on the last day of the Jewish High Holidays, Simchat Torah. Only for Hamas to be completely left hanging. Left hanging by everyone except for the Biden-Harris Regime. They're even quicker to slaughter Jews than Taylor Swift fans, They don't even seem to need to wait for orders from their Islamist masters.

A big part of the Biden-Harris Regime's support for Hamas was trying to prevent Israel from entering the Philadelphi Corridor, in violation of the Camp David Accords. Despite the Philadelphi Corridor being the obvious point Hamas would use to smuggle hostages out of The Gaza Strip. The Biden-Regime's final F*ck You! to the World was this idiotic plan which would see Israel return control of the Philadelphi Corridor to Hamas and pay for Hamas to rebuild and attack again. In return for Israel getting some of its hostages back.

Despite all the work of 2024 US President Donald Trump decided to adopt the Biden-Harris Regime's big f*ck you to us all. Meaning that the terms of Israel's surrender are being negotiated as I write this. Details such as whether individuals such as the 16 year old Palestinian woman Tasneem Abbas can be allowed to use the Rafah Crossing in the Philadelphi Corridor to be flown, by Air Ambulance, for treatment at the Shriner's Hospital in Philadelphia. Which individual hostages will be freed by Hamas in return. There's currently a list of only 39 individual people to choose from.

Personally I don't think that level of intense, highly personalised, detail is appropriate for a supposedly fun, broad brushstrokes event like a Super Bowl.

To make matters even worse. Even I know that Philadelphia Eagles fans are the most disliked fans in American Football. So if we are able to enjoy the sight of the deluded Marie Antoinette being defeated. That joy will be tempered by the fact we'll be forced to watch the Philadelphia Eagles win and their fans celebrate. Something which will probably involve a lot of rioting, as would their defeat.

I'm actually sitting here writing, editing and posting this as they're playing the game. From the moment the fixture was announced I knew that there was absolutely no possibility of a winner.

Alternatively we could be watching the NFC runners up, the Washington Commanders, put the deluded Marie Antoinette in its place. The type of universal feel-good story that's so rarely seen these days.

Coming between the Golden Globes and The Oscars the Super Bowl is part of America's Awards Season. The period in which it’s Social Contract is renegotiated through the discussion of the broad sociological topics of the day. Things like do Transgender people exist, what are they? Whether they're entitled to rights? If so then how are those rights enforced and protected by the Sovereign?

Obviously the Social Contract is really a series of compromises, the exact balance of which is to be decided by the parties to the contract, the people living in the society at the time. So the negotiation of the Social Contract never really stops. It continues and becomes more detailed within the apparatus of the Sovereign. Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches being the model America's Founding Fathers decided upon. However, alongside elections, Awards Season is when there is mass public engagement in the discussion.

Europe has its own annual event to facilitate mass, public participation in the negotiation of the Social Contract. In the form of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The Eurovision Song Contest is the big, gala event of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). In a similar way to how The Oscars is the big, gala event of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 2020 the EBU partnered with its associate member, the US broadcaster NBC, to hold an American version of the Song Contest. In which all of America's 50 States competed against each other.

This really didn't work. Largely because Americans treated it like just another TV singing competition. Like; "America's Got Talent" or; "The Voice." They didn't really understand the very serious political underpinnings to the Eurovision Song Contest. In no small part that's because none of the US States full on hate each other, in the way that many nations participating in the Eurovision Song Contest do. All US States are part of the same country. Any disputes they have between each other are, relatively, easily resolved through the Sovereign Federal Government.

Americans lack of understanding of the Eurovision Song Contest really showed through in, failed, attempts to stage a 2024 Song Contest. This came amid calls for Israel to be banned over the war Hamas imposed upon it. These calls were often made while citing the precedent of Russia and Belarus being banned from the Song Contest. So were really protests against the precedent, rather than actual calls for Israel to be banned.

Prior to Russia and Belarus being banned it was unheard of for nations to be banned from Eurovision. Over the previous 67 years it was perfectly normal for nations to compete against each other in the Song Contest while engaged in active, shooting wars against each other.

As I've said I don't think the surrender the fallen Biden-Harris Regime has attempted to impose on Israel is an appropriate topic for the Super Bowl. However it is the sort of topic that is almost the point of the Eurovision Song Contest.

One of the most important differences is that Eurovision is a discussion between nation states. So, as a frequent example, if Armenia wants to say something rude about Azerbaijan at the Song Contest as part of the nation's rounds of fighting. Then Azerbaijan is able to respond by saying something mean about Armenia. Whereas the Super Bowl is more one nation's, America, statement to the World. None of the nations I've cited here have any right to reply.

Israel's preparations for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest were somewhat disrupted by one of their prospective performers, Shaul Greenglick being killed in battle during the war Hamas imposed on the country. In 2023 the song; "Heart On My Sleeve" was released purporting to be by the Canadian rappers Drake and The Weeknd. Expect it wasn't. It had been completely created by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted computer program.

With AI assisted computer programs newfound ability to create pop music without Human performers being the big issue in the entertainment industry at the time. One option for Israel would have been to enter an AI version of Shaul Greenglick in the 2024 Song Contest.

Over the Summer of 2024 Drake found himself caught up in a Rap Battle with the American rapper Kendrick Lamar. What became known as the; "2024 Rap Wars." I think that we can all agree that Drake lost the Rap War to Kendrick Lamar. Hard.

In many ways Eurovision entries by nations which full on hate each other are a lot like this sort of feud between rappers. Only much camper and backed by actual Armies, actual Navies and actual Air Forces. Not that they're allowed to be overt about it.

Shortly after his victory over Drake it was announced that Kendrick Lamar will be performing the 2025 Super Bowl Half-Time Show. Alongside SZA who will be joining him on tour later this year. No doubt the Biden-Harris Regime's desperate, hopeless attempts to latch itself onto Kendrick Lamar's Drake trouncing track; "Not Like Us" will be amongst the topics to be discussed.

While I know enough to recognise the obvious talent neither Kendrick Lamar or SZA really make the sort of music that gets played on daytime radio in the UK. Meaning that if I wanted to familiarise myself with their work I would have to do so by leaving a digital trail online. If either of them still don't understand why I haven't been keen to do that, I advise them to go ask Rihanna. Or Miley Cyrus, if they can find her.

However Kendrick Lamar and SZA agreeing to do the Super Bowl Half-Time Show now gives me an excuse to go work them both as if they were problems. I should probably start by watching the Half-Time Show. 

03:28 on 10/2/25 (UK date).

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