Thursday 25 August 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony. Pt.1

Sunday February 20th 2022 (20/2/22) saw the end of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Held in Beijing, China.

As is International Olympic Committee (IOC) protocol. The last event of the Olympics was a Closing Ceremony.

However, if you believe in parity between the Olympics and the Para-Olympics. 

Then this did not mark the end of the 2022 Winter Games. Merely the start of a short intermission before the 2022 Winter Para-Olympics. Also held in Beijing, China.

Lantern Festival.

The 2022 Winter games mark the end of a nearly decade long stay for the Olympics and Para-Olympics in Asia. 

This began with the 2018 Winter games held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea (RoK/South). Then continued with the delayed 2020 Summer games. Held in Tokyo, Japan.

So at their games the South Koreans decided to introduce us to, not only, aspects of Korean culture. But also things which are common throughout Asia.

Such as the melting pot of numerous philosophies, handed down through the oral tradition, which make up traditional Asian Animist belief systems or religions. Starting with the Wu Xing. The five essential elements which make up everything in the Universe.

The South Koreans also introduced the concept of Child-Like Ciphers. Children used as guides to allow us to access and decode the stories of the ceremonies.

This served to highlight US-led NATO's inferiority in Cryptography/Encryption, really all forms of modern military intelligence. Particularly when compared to the Quantum Cryptography/Encryption of China's Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) satellite. Launched in 2016.

An inferiority which is, obviously, quite worrying. If, like South Korea and Japan, you are militarily allied with the US and NATO against China. Although, obviously, a lot less worrying if you are China.

So China's Olympic Closing Ceremony began with Child-Like Ciphers. Chinese children, so adorable you'd think they'd inspire Chinese adults to go and make more of them. Walking around the arena floor, carrying lanterns.

This was a reference to a section in the Opening Ceremony. Which I entitled; "Those Damned Doves." This saw equally adorable Chinese children walking around the arena floor, carrying illuminated 'doves' on sticks. 

Fulfilling the piece of IOC protocol that each Opening Ceremony must include a section featuring doves, an international symbol of peace. In reference to the Olympic Truce and the IOC's belief that it is an organisation of peace and tolerance.

Carried as if floating in the air. These 'doves' were supposed to resemble Tiandeng (Sky Lanterns). Traditional Chinese lanterns in which a candle is sealed inside a paper bag. So the heated air allows it to float like a balloon.

This was a reference to US Tech companies Meta/Facebook and Google's efforts to bring Internet access to remote areas. Using drones as Internet antenna Meta/Facebook's program is known as; "Aquila." While using balloons as Internet antenna Google's program is known as; "Loon."

Both are inferior to Elon Musk's Starlink program. Which uses satellites as Internet antenna.

However all three are inferior to China's QUESS satellite.

On May 8th 2021 (8/5/21) the US brought Elon Musk and Miley Cyrus together on the TV show; "Saturday Night Live (SNL). 

The only reason for doing this would be to introduce Miley Cyrus to Elon Musk. So myself, Elon Musk and Miley Cyrus to work together. To give the US a chance of catching up with China. Or, at least, give them a chance to catch up to the Child-Like Ciphers.

Unfortunately the US couldn't even manage to get that one, little, thing right. I think even China feels sorry for them, how desperately far behind they are now.

Amid the English speaking world the music played as the children walked around the arena floor would have reminded people of the nursery rhyme; "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." However what it reminded you of very much depends on where you are from in the World.

The tune in actually used in two other English nursery rhymes; "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and "Alphabet Song." It's used in at least four other nursery rhymes in four different languages along with German and Hungarian Christmas Carols. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart alone did twelve different versions of it.

Through their games South Korea looked at things which are common throughout Asia. Japan built on this idea by looking at things which are common throughout the World.

Things like Aristotle and Plato's concept of Heartstrings. Which started in one place. Then travelled between and were adopted by different cultures. 

Along with things like the colour purple being associated with wealth and power. Which appeared spontaneously in different, unconnected cultures.

During the Opening Ceremony. In a section I entitled; "Champions Of Tomorrow." China looked at another simple tune which is common throughout the World. Known in China as the nursery rhyme; "Liang Zhi Lao Hu (Two Tigers)" but elsewhere as the nursery rhyme; "Frere Jacques (Brother John)."

That tune is an example of something which has spontaneously appeared in many different, unconnected cultures.

However the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little star is something which appeared in one place. Then travelled between and was adopted by different cultures.

There is an original, definitive version. The French nursery rhyme; "Ah! vous dirai-je, maman! (Oh! Shall I Tell You Mama!)." It's a simple song about a petulant little girl complaining to her mother with the lyrics;

Oh! Shall I tell you, Mama,
What is causing my torment?
Daddy wants me to reason
Like a big, big person,
But I say that candies,
Are worth more than the reason! 

It's a mockery of the much longer, more adult anonymous French love poem; "La Confidence Naive (The Naive Confidence)." The childish complaint of young woman who is heartbroken by a young man who tricked her into believing he loved her.

So widespread is the influence of Ah! vous dirai-je, maman! It seems to be the inspiration for the song; "What Have They Done To My Song, Ma." By US folk singer Melanie (Safka).

Based on the only time I've listened to this song, whilst drunk. It seems to be the emerging American Hippy counter-culture mocking the established mainstream culture. During the time of President Richard Nixon and the US' Vietnam War.

At around 17:40 on 25/8/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up later. 

Edited at around 16:50 on 29/8/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

A young woman moves to the big city, losing her virginity. Much to the upset of her Bible reading mother. Finally she has an abortion. An aspiration, apparently.

It encapsulates much of the Culture Wars that have divided America ever since. Particularly the division caused by the Roe v Wade (1973) abortion ruling.

Many people have covered What Have They Done To My Song, Ma. Including Miley Cyrus. Whose version was used over the closing credits for the 2014 film; "Free The Nipple."

Free The Nipple is the directorial debut of Lina Esco. Who also produced the film.

Lina Esco is probably most widely known for playing the bisexual Christina "Chris" Alonso character of the current US TV show; "S.W.A.T."

In this role she introduced the term; "Thrupple" - a Three Person Couple - into the public consciousness. When her character became part of a Thrupple with a man and his bisexual girlfriend.

This is a topic which seems to have been of long-term interest to S.W.A.T's Executive Producer, Shawn Ryan. Who was also the Executive Producer of the similar US TV show; "The Unit."

The 2007 episode of The Unit, "Two Coins" features the Sgt Grey character falling in love with a Jewish female soldier in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). A reference to a Thrupple I was involved in with a bisexual Israeli Jewish woman and her Black, British girlfriend.

Lina Esco is herself bisexual. Aside from introducing the term Thrupple S.W.A.T also started the rumour that Lina Esco has a massive crush on the supposedly bisexual Miley Cyrus. A result of their work together on the 2012 movie; "LOL." Alongside Demi Moore.

So it was S.W.A.T which really pitched the idea of; "The Fantasy Thrupple." Myself, Miley Cyrus and Lina Esco.

Unfortunately my relationship with Miley Cyrus was immediately hijacked by the US/UK. Who prevented us from talking to each other directly. Something which is essential for us to talk about anything, let alone talk to anyone else.

The real reason why the US/UK wouldn't let Miley Cyrus and I talk to each other directly. Is they wanted to 'prove' that I was suffering from Erotomania or; "de Clerambault's Syndrome." The delusional belief that I have a relationship with Miley Cyrus, who hides secret messages for me in her Instagram/Social Media posts.

This would allow the UK to detain me under Mental Health laws. Effectively imprisoning me for the rest of my life. Without them having to go through the formality of identifying a crime I've committed or putting me on trial.

This is A Really Common Tactic Of Totalitarian China.

China have even invented a unique mental disorder, similar to Erotomania. Political Monomania.

People with Political Monomania suffer from obsessional delusions. Such as that local officials shouldn't be corrupt. Or that they should be allowed to choose their governments through elections.

Common symptoms of Political Monomania include the chanting of or carrying placards with political slogans. Or assembling together in large groups to march.

People diagnosed with Political Monomania are then confined to police-run "Ankang" hospitals, often for the rest of their lives. Without the police having to go through the formality of identifying a crime they've committed or holding a trial.

Obviously even the US/UK understood that they couldn't say out loud. That they were using tactics so Totalitarian even China, officially, abandoned them in 2012.

So instead. The US/UK claimed that Miley Cyrus and I couldn't talk to each other directly. Using electronic communications, such as Instagram Direct Messages. 

As that would be a secret. So no-one would be able see as the mysteries of Miley Cyrus' sexuality and both of the Thrupples I've been part of were revealed.

Highlighting just how far behind the Child-Like Ciphers the US/UK and, by extension NATO, are. When they first claimed that, they genuinely believed it!

However in the months leading up to the delayed 2020 Tokyo games. Whilst waiting for Miley Cyrus to develop basic conversational skills. 

I used the opportunity to teach all the people, for whom it really wasn't a secret, about the Cavalletti method of horse training. The one pioneered by Reiner Klimke, winner of Mens Gold in Dressage at the 1964 Summer games. Held in Tokyo, Japan.

During the delayed 2020 Summer games. Whilst still waiting for Miley Cyrus to develop basic conversational skills.

I used the opportunity to teach people about Japan's complex, pictographic language. Including the System of Kanji Indexing by Pattern (SKIP). Which is used as an alternative to an alphabet.

Of the more than 2,800 characters or pictograms which make up written Japanese. 1,945 of them are shared with written Chinese. The Joyo Kanji. Although not all of them have the same meaning in Japanese and Chinese.

One character which is shared and has the same meaning in Japanese and Chinese is; "Ma." Literally it means; "Vacancy" or; "Void."

However it is often used to refer to subtext. The inference. The notes-between-the-notes, the lines-between-the-lines. 

It is also used to refer to Marijuana. The pictogram is a cloud of smoke blanketing or resting over some trees. Betraying an ancient understanding of what that particular plant does.

So the theme music for the 2020 Summer Games was very much the traditional Irish song; "I'll Tell My Ma." The version by The Dubliners being probably the most famous of the many, many versions.

The chorus of the song is about how this girl will get herself a boyfriend; "by-and-by." Meaning; "Soon enough." However it's pronounced exactly the same as; "Bi" as in; "Bisexual."

On one level it's a song about girls skipping, playing jump-rope, in the street. All the attention they're (trying to) get from the boys.

On another level it's about what all those boys do to prove themselves worthy of the girl's attention. Boxing. 

The song UK Para-Olympic broadcaster, Channel 4, used to promote their 2020 Summer Games coverage. Was a version of; "So You Wanna Be A Boxer" from the 1976 US musical; "Bugsy Malone." 

Expressing their desire of how the games would go for me. Getting all torn apart amid the pressure of the competition.

However Channel 4 were forced to scrap their entire campaign. After the Japanese sponsor Toyota pointed out to them. That; "Boxer" is a Colonial-era term of racist abuse for an Asian person. Particularly a Chinese person.

Something which China expanded on in its Olympic Opening Ceremony. 

The 1899 Rebellion of the United Righteous and Harmonious Fists (Yiheguan). Known, dismissively, to the Colonialists as; "The Boxer Rebellion."  

Its end in 1901, with the imposition on China of the; "Boxer Protocol."  Considered by China as one of the; "Unequal Treaties."

I'll Tell My Ma became even more of a theme song. When the US/UK finally realised. That not only wouldn't Miley Cyrus and I talking to each other, directly, be a secret.

A very large number of people were laughing at the US/UK. Over their belief that it would be a secret.

So they just rung the bell and quit. Locking me out of Instagram and denying me any contact with Miley Cyrus. The Great American Bell Ringing of October 2021.

Something which denied many of you a tutorial on Fibre Optic Communications.

While leaving Miley Cyrus with nothing but her dogs and (human) crooks.

At around 17:10 on 29/8/22 (UK date) I'll pick this up tomorrow.

Edited at around 17:40 on 30/8/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Mozart's "Twelve Variations On Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman!" is particularly interesting here.

As the name suggests. It is simply 12 variations on the very simple tune. Each with its own tone or, if you like, accent. I find number 4 to be particularly petulant. Like a toddler stomping their foot.

As with Japanese. Written Chinese and spoken Chinese are two entirely different things. As if having to memorise an alphabet of more than 1,900 characters wasn't difficult enough.

Each of those characters can mean more than one word. For example the character with the smoke resting over the trees; "Ma." That can mean; "Vacancy." It can mean; "Void." Or it can mean; "Marijuana."

Spoken Chinese is a Tonal Language. So what word a character means is defined by the very specific tone used to pronounce it. There are four tones;

Yinping (Dark Level).

Yangping (Light Level).

Shang (Rising).

Qu (Departing).

As was brought up during the Opening Ceremony. China is a vast, geographically and culturally diverse country. Really 100 different nations. United by the Qin Dynasty, China's first Imperial Dynasty, at the end of the Zhango Shindai (Warring States) in 221 BC.

Across this geographically and culturally vast area you have a wide array of regional dialects and accents. As you do in many countries.

What we typically think of as Chinese; "Mandarin." That's actually a Portuguese word, with its roots in Sanskrit, meaning; "Minister" or; "Counsellor." It refers to the Beijing dialect or accent used in official circles. Similar to the Received Pronunciation of; "The Queen's English."

Having a vast array of regional accents and dialects in a tonal language. Is an absolute recipe for chaos.

In Britain a common example of a regional accent is the word; "Bath."

Some people think this should be pronounced with a long a; "B-aaaath."

While others think it should be pronounced with a short, sharp a; "B-ah-th."

However regardless of the pronunciation used everyone can still understand the meaning.

In spoken Chinese this type of difference in pronunciation not only changes the meaning of the word. It changes the word itself.

If someone suddenly announced they were going upstairs to run a cabbage. You would assume they have lost their minds or are suffering from some sort of Stroke.

Following the Toilsome Pig (Xinhai) Revolution of 1911. The newly formed Republic of China quickly discovered that most Chinese people couldn't actually understand each other.

So, in 1912, they established a national commission to standardise the language. The Commission on the Unification of Pronunciation (Duyin Tongyi Hui).

Highlighting what a problem it is, having a range of regional dialects in a tonal language. This conference quickly turned out to be incredibly bad tempered.

As a member of, say, the Beijing delegation would say something completely innocent in their accent such as; "Hello. Good morning. How are you today?"

While a delegate from, say, Qinghai would hear that they should go kill their father. As their mother enjoys sexual relations with pigs.

It took until 1932 for the commission to agree on a standard form of Chinese, using the Beijing dialect. Standard Chinese or Mandarin.

Officially this is because the pronunciation used by the metropolitan elite was seen as more prestigous and sophisticated. Although, it's possible, that all the other delegates were simply too offended to keep on arguing with the Beijing delegation.

The problems Chinese people have being understood by each other. Is nothing compared to the trouble they have trying to be understood by people who don't use pictographic languages. So, really, everyone except for the Japanese.

Having established the People's Republic of China, following the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949). The Chinese Communist Party tasked a group of linguists, led by Zhou Youguang. To devise a system or cipher to code/decode Standard Chinese into the Latin or English alphabet.

Adopted in 1958 the result was Hanyu Pinyin or simply Pinyin.

This is what I've been trying to use in my coverage, when giving the Chinese terms. Although even the tone marks in Pinyin are still too complicated for my standard English keyboard. 

Honestly I think any Chinese readers are reading this perfectly well in English. Then attempting to infer from context what on Earth I mean with my attempts at Pinyin.

At around 18:00 on 30/8/22 (UK date) I'll pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:00 on 1/9/22 (UK date) to copy & paste;

As it was during the Opening Ceremony. The arena floor was the World's largest LED screen. Made up of 40,000 LED modules, stretching over 10,552msq (113,580ftsq). Covered by a protective screen.

During this sequence that World's largest TV screen was used to show Snowflakes. The main motif of these games.

The Olympic Cauldron was a giant Snowflake. Itself made up of 91 individual Snowflakes, each bearing the name of a competing nation. In both English/Latin characters and Chinese characters.

Performed during the "Those Damned Doves" section of the Opening Ceremony. The official anthem of the 2022 games was; "Snowflake." 

All expressing the desire for nations to join together like thousands of snowflakes in a sense of openness and family peace. Both at the games and beyond.

Unlike the Tiandeng (Sky Lanterns) carried by the children in the Opening Ceremony. These Child-Like Ciphers were carrying simple Dengiong (Paper Lanterns). A candle placed inside an open paper frame which are supposed to be hung or carried. Rather than float like balloons.

Those Paper Lanterns were decorated with images of Snowflakes.

Paper Lanterns seemed to adorn the entire arena. All the lighting for all the rows of seating in the arena was provided in the style of Paper Lanterns. All in the colour red, symbolising prosperity and good fortune.

This was all done in reference to The Shangyuan Jie (Lantern Festival).

The 2022 Opening Ceremony took place on February 4th. As was explained in the Opening Animation Video. This marks the first day of the first of the 24 solar terms of China's Lunisolar Traditional Calendar. Chinese New Year's Day.

This is the big national holiday in China. Equivalent to Christmas in Christian countries or Eid al-Fitr in Muslim countries. 

The holiday begins on New Year's Day then ends with the Lantern Festival. Which occurs on the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month.

Having used the Opening Ceremony to celebrate New Year's Day. China was using the Closing Ceremony to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Although, due to the Olympics lasting for 16 days, they were a little late. The Lantern Festival actually took place on February 15th (15/2/22), during the games.

Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam are codified, written down in a single book. 

So I can definitively say that Christmas Day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. A prophet in Islam and the Son of God in Christainity. Likewise I can definitively say that Eid al-Fitr celebrates the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Asian Animist beliefs however are not codified. Being made up of a shifting melting pot of philosophies and legends handed down in the oral, mythological tradition.

As a result there is no definitive answer as to what the Lantern Festival celebrates.

Within Taoism the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month is considered the birthday of the god Tianguan. 

Tianguan is the god of good fortune. So Taoists believe they will be rewarded with good fortune. If Tianguan sees them honouring and celebrating Tianguan's birthday. As Tianguan looks down on Earth from the Heavens. Through the Zeta Tauri star within the Taurus constellation.

Within Buddhism the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month is considered Uposatha. A day dedicated to cleansing the defiled mind by intensifying Buddhist practices such meditation and recommitting to the either 5,8 or 10 Precepts of Buddhism.

During this big day of collective meditation and study Buddhist monks in China would light their temples with Dengiong. The only way to do so in the 1st Century AD.

Emperor Ming, the Second Emperor of the Han Dynasty was a Buddhist. He was keen to spread Buddhism throughout China. So he thought encouraging people to hang pretty lanterns late into the night on Uposatha, as Buddhist temples did. Would encourage Chinese people to adopt other aspects of Buddhism.

In the Opening Ceremony, during the fireworks which marked the end of the Opening Speeches and the official opening of the games. We were introduced to The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

That is there is a Supreme God of High Heaven (Taiyi). They look down on this earthly dimension though the Heaven's Gate or Swastika. The apparent movement of the Chariot constellation (The Plough/Big Dipper) around the North Star.

The Supreme God of High Heaven communicates with this dimension through the Five Deities (Wudi) or Five Gods (Wushen). The five planets that make up the Wu Xing; Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus. 

To further aid humans the Supreme God of High Heaven and the Five Gods sent three demigods and five sages to give them essential skills and knowledge. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

The Jade Emperor (Yu Di) was sent to teach humans the skill of Felicity. The ability to properly express one's thoughts. Essential for happiness. Something the Supreme God of High Heaven does through heavenly ornaments and lights; the Five Gods, planets and stars.

However the Jade Emperor became frustrated that as a mere sage he could not do enough to ease the suffering of humans. So the Jade Emperor retreated to a cave to meditate to increase his mastery of the order of the universe (Tao/Dao) and ascend to the level of god/demigod. A process that is said to have lasted for 960 million years.

While the Jade Emperor was attempting to master Tao/Dao. An evil force emerged on Earth with the intention to impose its will on all of dimensions of the Universe, forcing its image upon them. I believe that in modern China this evil, monolithic force is known as the girl Jiaozhi.

By the time Jade Emperor emerged from his cave the girl Jiaozhi's attempts to conquer heaven were already underway. Seeing the evil glow emerging from the Heaven's Gate the Jade Emperor returned to the Heavens where he was able to defeat the evil girl Jiaozhi.

As reward the gods, immortals and humans declared the Jade Emperor to be the Supreme Sovereign. Forcing him to remain in Heaven, taking over the duties of the Supreme God of High Heaven.

Ruling Heaven and Earth kept the Jade Emperor so busy that he was unable to visit Earth. He particularly missed Earth's animals, even starting to forget what they looked like.

So the Jade Emperor decided to invite Earth's animals to visit him in Heaven.

Not wanting to miss the chance to visit the Jade Emperor in Heaven. The Cat asked the Rat to wake him up on the day of the trip. 

However the Cat was considered the most beautiful of Earth's animals. So worried that he would look ugly in comparison the Rat chose not to wake the Cat up.

The Cat has never forgiven the Rat for cheating him out of his chance to visit the Jade Emperor in Heaven. Which is why Cats and Rats remain mortal enemies to this day.

The Cat's anger is understandable. When they visited him in Heaven the Jade Emperor was so impressed by the beauty of all Earth's animals he decided to name the months after each of them.

The Twelve Earthly Branches which, alongside the Ten Heavenly Stems make up the sexagenary cycle of the Traditional Chinese Calendar. 

Rat made sure that he came first. While the poor Cat had his place taken by Pig.

At around 17:30 on 1/9/22 (UK date) I'll try and pick this up after dinner.

Edited at around 19:10 on 1/9/22 (UK date) to quickly tidy the above and copy & paste;

The Jade Emperor was so impressed by Earth's animals that he then let them come and go from Heaven as they pleased.

One day a Crane he was particularly fond of visited Earth. Only to be killed by villagers.

The Jade Emperor was so enraged that he decided to send a Dragon to destroy the village with fire as punishment. On the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month.

Luckily for the villagers the Jade Emperor's daughter, Zhinu, was a weaver. Each day she would use a magical cloak of she had made to travel between Heaven and Earth to bathe. Zhinu decided to warn the villagers of her father's plan.

A Wiseman from another village then suggested. That the villagers hang lanterns from their houses, light bonfires and throw firecrackers in the streets on the 14th, 15th and 16th nights of the first Lunisolar month. 

In order to make it look as though the village was on fire. Tricking the Dragon into thinking the village had already been destroyed.

This trick worked. The Dragon reported back to the Jade Emperor that the village had been destroyed and the village was spared.

So the villagers decided to mark their victory over the Jade Emperor and the survival of their village. By hanging lanterns, lighting bonfires and setting off firecrackers on the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month every year.

That story is perhaps the inspiration for the legend of Lan Moon, who is said to have led a successful rebellion against a tyrannical King. He was killed in the storming of the King's city, on the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month. His supporters honour his sacrifice every year.

Amongst people who don't believe that the Jade Emperor went on to be the Supreme Sovereign. Then it is believed that the God of High Heaven still commands Heaven and the Earth.

At his disposal the Supreme God of High Heaven has 16 Dragons

He can use those Dragons to give good weather, prosperity and good fortune to the people of Earth. Or he can use them to inflict droughts, storms, famine, pestilence and all round misery on the people of Earth.

Therefore China's first Emperor, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, decided that it would be a good idea to start each new year by honouring the Supreme God of High Heaven. On the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month.

So the Surpreme God of High Heaven would choose to send good fortune and prosperity rather than famine and misery in the coming year. 

At around 19:40 on 1/9/22 (UK date) I'm not sure when I'll be able to pick this up again. 

Edited around around 19:55 on 8/9/22 (UK date) to copy & paste;

Then there is The Tale of Dongfang Shuo and Yuan-Xiao.

As we learned during the Opening Ceremony. The Qin Dynasty was the first of the Chinese Imperial Dynasties. Uniting over 100 disparate nations as China. At the end of the Zhango Shindai (Warring States Period) in 221 BC.

The Qin Dynasty was replaced by the Han Dynasty in 202 BC. The Han Dynasty is probably one of the most important of the Chinese Imperial Dynasties. The largest of China's ethnic groups, officially recognised or not, is the Han Chinese. Named in honour of Han Dynasty.

Probably the most important Emperor of the Han Dynasty is the seventh. Emperor Wu of Han or Emperor Wu the Filial (156-87BC). His 54 year reign set a record which was not broken until the Kangxi Emperor in the 17th Century AD. 

It was Emperor Wu who really established China as what we recognise it as today. Defeating the Xiongnu to conquer out to Xianjiang in the west and to Mongolia in the north. Emperor Wu also extended China to the Korean Peninsula in the east and what is now Vietnam in the south.

Through his conquest of Xianjiang it was really Emperor Wu who first established the Silk Road. The vast trade route on which everything travelled for the best part of 2,000 years. It was also Emperor Wu who moved China away from Taoism and Buddhism. Adopting Confucianism as the national philosophy.

Another of Emperor Wu's key reforms was opening up his court to talented people from everyday life. Which is how Dongfang Shuo became one of his advisers.

Some people believe that Dongfang Shuo is but one incarnation of one of the Five Gods. Either Jupiter or Venus, depending on who you ask.

Whatever its origins the incarnation of Dongfang Shuo certainly had a wicked sense of humour. Known by the affectionate nickname Huaji (Buffon) Dongfang Shuo is remembered more as a practical joker and jester than for any of his other roles as courtier.

The most widely known of the stories about Dongfang Shuo all involve him playing some prank or another. Normally at Emperor Wu's expense.

It's said that one day Dongfang Shuo was walking through the gardens of the Imperial Palace when he heard a young woman weeping. Approaching he found the maid, Yuan-Xiao about to commit suicide by throwing herself into a well.

The reason for Yuan-Xiao's sorrow was that the Imperial household were working her so hard. That she was unable to visit her parents, fulfilling her duty of Filial Piety or Ancestor Veneration.

That key Asian philosophy that your first duty is to honour your parents, both in life and death. Represented in written Chinese by the character; "Xiao." In which the character "Lao" (Old) is literally carried by the character; "Zi" (Son). Establishing the patriarchal system which is key to Confucianism.

In order to ease Yuan-Xiao's suffering. Dongfang Shuo dreamt up a prank in order to trick Emperor Wu into giving her a day off.

Outside the walls of the Imperial Palace Dongfang Shuo set up a fortune-telling stall. With Dongfang Shuo being such a well respected fortune-teller people immediately flocked to it.

However rather than telling them their fortune. Dongfang Shuo told everyone the same fortune. That the city would be destroyed in a huge fire. On the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month.

Panicked people asked Dongfang Shuo what they should do to prevent this fire. He replied that on the 13th night the God of Fire (Zhurong) would send a red fairy riding a black horse. Everyone should then beg that fairy for mercy.

On the 13th night Dongfang Shuo got Yuan-Xiao to dress up as a red fairy, riding a black horse. When everyone crowded to beg mercy the 'red fairy' handed them a decree from the God of Fire to take to Emperor Wu. Confirming that the city would be destroyed on the 15th day of the first Lunisolar month.

Alarmed Emperor Wu then asked Dongfang Shuo what to do. Dongfang Shuo replied that the God of Fire really liked Tangyuan, a type of sweet dumpling. So on the 15th day Yuan-Xiao should be given the special task of making Tangyuan.

Everyone else in the city should hang lanterns from their homes. Then go out into the streets carrying lanterns and exploding firecrackers as they visited their loved ones.

This allowed Yuan-Xiao's parents to visit her at the Imperial Palace where she had the relatively easy job of making Tangyuan. Allowing her to venerate her ancestors while becoming highly valued within the Imperial household. As the woman who saved the city.

So Dongfang Shuo invented almost a Chinese version of Mother's Day. It was the Mother's Day episode of Saturday Night Live (SNL) which brought Miley Cyrus and Elon Musk together.

Whichever Lantern Festival story you believe. They all seem to involve a lot of trickery. Even Emperor Ming's efforts to encourage Buddhism or the Taoist's efforts to make Tianguan feel valued.

So not only do people hang lanterns from their homes during the Lantern Festival. They also go out into the streets carrying lanterns. To visit homes and meet people in the street. As the Child-Like Ciphers were shown doing here.

The difference is that those lanterns don't carry images like snowflakes. Instead the lanterns are adorned with riddles. When you meet new people you ask them to solve your riddle and you're asked to solve their's.

If you can't solve the riddle then you receive a punishment. Like the sound of a firecracker being exploded near you. If you can solve the riddle then you are given a reward. 

This reward can be something educational and improving. Such as one of the Four Treasures of the Study (Wen Fang Si Bao; Bi, Mo, Zhi, Yan). Inkbrush, Ink, Paper, Inkstone. Things which help little people learn to reason like big people.

The little people though are much happier when they receive fun, sweet things. Like Tangyuan or candies.

The Lantern Festival is also a big time for match-making. Choosing who goes out in the streets together and who they might meet.

As was discussed during the Opening Ceremony. Having abandoned its famous One Child Policy in favour of a; "Please! Have Some Children." Policy.

China Wants Grand-Babies!

This handing out of tricks and treats, even the match-making. Means that the Lantern Festival very much resembles the western festival of Halloween.

Halloween is really a Christian appropriation of the European Animist (Celtic) festival of Samhain.

The Chinese invented paper in the 1st Century AD. Using ingredients imported from India via the Silk Road they were able to invent India Ink at around the same time. Having used inksticks since around 3,000 BC.

Unfortunately those treasures didn't seem to start to arrive with European Celts until around 45 AD. So defining the origins of Samhain is even harder than defining the origins of the Lantern Festival. It really depends on who you ask.

However like the Lantern Festival Samhain is a Lunisolar festival. Normally occurring midway between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It marks the end of the living season, Summer, and the start of the dying season; Winter. Whereas the Lantern Festival marks the end of the dying season and the start of the living season.

Most Asian Animist belief systems have a concept similar to Naraka in Hinduism. A dimension through which the dead must travel, working off their Karma in order to be reincarnated. Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Terracotta Army is probably the most ostentatious example of the offerings made to aid the journey through Naraka.

The Closing Ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics introduced us to the Obon or Bon Festival. Most Asian Animist belief systems also have this concept of a Ghost Festival. In which the spirits of the dead are given a day off from Naraka and allowed to visit their loved ones in this dimension.

Samhain also has this concept of the barriers between dimensions being broken down. However in the Celtic Animist tradition this other dimension is populated not by the spirits of the dead. But by an entirely different tribe made up of fairies and elves. The; "Aos Si" or; "Sith" - "The people of the mounds."

Although the Aos Si are considered to be the original tribe of the Celtic lands. So they could certainly be interpreted as ancestors. Particularly as burial mounds are considered the portal between dimensions. A Banshee being a member Aos Si who beckons the death of a loved one.

Rather like an ancestor who has not been properly venerated with tributes to aid their journey through Naraka. The Aos Si can be very vengeful and spiteful, often stealing children as punishment. It is considered bad luck to even refer to the tribe by name.

So the Halloween practice of wearing costumes to go trick-or-treating stems from the Samhain practice of guising. In which you would disguise yourself either to hide from the Aos Si or dress up as the Aos Si. In an effort to trick food and other tributes out of your neighbours.

Samhain is also from where we get the practice of Black-Face. That favourite hobby of Nazi enthusiast Justin Trudeau.

Dating from a time when people didn't know human skin came in any colour other than white. Black-Face is intended to represent the victory of the darkness over the light. Or to disguise yourself from the vengeful Aos Si.

As we learned during the Closing Ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In a section I entitled; "A Dance Around Japan." The Ryukyuan people, primarily from Okinawa island, use White-Face in their celebration of the Bon Festival. A way to disguise yourself as one of the ghosts of honour.

So these Lunisolar, Animist festivals. With the barriers between dimensions being broken down, trickery and Black/White-Face make-up. Are yet another example of things which appeared spontaneously in cultures with no connection between them.

No connection other than the planet, the sky and seasons they share.

The; "Those Damned Doves" section of the 2022 Olympic Opening Ceremony. Compared China as a Totalitarian Socialist nation to Israel as a Libertarian Socialist nation (Provided You Are Jewish!). Along with the possible Animist roots of Judaism.

Judaism and particularly Israel also has a festival based on trickery and disguise. Purim.

Esther hid the fact that she was Jewish in order to marry the Persian King Ahasuerus. Unfortunately Esther's cousin/husband Mordecai fell out with Haman, an adviser to the King. So Haman tricked the King into ordering that all the Jews be massacred.

Finally it was revealed to Ahasuerus that is was Mordecai who helped thwart and earlier plot to assassinate him. Then Esther revealed to Ahasuerus that she is Jewish. So killing all the Jews in the kingdom would mean killing her. 

So the King ordered Haman executed. Granting Esther and Mordecai the ability to rescind the order to massacre all the Jews and pass one letting the Jews kill all their enemies instead.

Purim can be very politically difficult. Often used by Israel to justify pre-emptive attacks on its enemies, particularly Iran.

However in the way it is celebrated Purim is more of a national holiday than a religious one. It barely counts as a Jewish religious holiday.

One of the main ways Purim is celebrated is by wearing costumes or guising

Some say this is in reference to the way Esther disguised her Jewishness. Others say it is in reference to how God disguised his influence in saving the Jews. Other people think it is simply an idea borrowed from the Venice Carnivals in the middle-ages.

Unlike in Halloween/Samhain this guising isn't reserved for a party after work. It's done throughout the day, as you go about your normal business.

So Purim produces many delightful sites. Such as bus queues which go;

Hassidic Jew, Hassidic Jew, Hassidic Jew, SPIDERMAN!, Hassidic Jew, Hassidic Jew, Hassidic Jew.

Other important ways Purim is celebrated is by going door-to-door, handing out food treats. Along with drinking wine until you can no longer remember your own name.

Two things which are also similar to Samhain/Halloween and the Lantern Festival

The key difference being that Purim isn't Lunisolar. Although it is based on the Jewish Lunisolar calendar it doesn't have any connection to the changing seasons.

The connection between Purim and Halloween was explored by the Nickelodeon movie; "Fun Size." Along with my two mothers. My paternal grandfather's given name was; "Albert." While; "Wren" is a British Royal Navy term. For some sort of sea bird.

Fun Size is yet another role Jane Levy had to suffer through. Due to her, somehow, managing to be the incarnation of both of my bisexual girlfriends. Despite them being very different people.

Fun Size was released in 2012. The year of the London Summer Olympics/Para-Olympics.

So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. That in 2021 putting around the rumour that Miley Cyrus might be bisexual didn't cause the World to fall from its axis. Prostrating itself at the feet of its new Messiah, Joe Biden.

Which really should explain why. Days before this Closing Ceremony US-NATO had to launch its completely illegal war against Ukraine the Donbas Republics.

In order to blow the World from its axis. Forcing it to its knees before the Biden regime.

At around 20:35 on 8/9/22 (UK date) it's up to the Foo Fighters. When I get to pick this up again. 

Edited at around 10:50 on 29/9/22 (UK date) to bathe, tidy all of the above and copy & paste;

Discussion of China's big national holiday also touches on The Supply-Chain Crisis

China is the Workshop of the World. All of its factories close just before the Lunar New Year. Then reopen just after the Lantern Festival.

Except in 2020, the Pandemic year. When they closed just before the Lunar New Year. Then didn't reopen until, really, the Autumn Festival in 2021.

Unfortunately NATO has only become more aggressive. In their insistence that this topic is not discussed, let alone resolved.

However we're really now talking about The Previous Economic Crisis.

Either the NATO nations didn't notice that the Supply-Chain Crisis was happening. Or they decided that it wasn't serious enough.

So days before this Closing Ceremony, in violation of the Olympic Truce, NATO launched its wholly illegal war against Ukraine and the Donbas Republics.

In doing this NATO sought to remove at least 11% of all the Natural Gas in the World from the global market. Along with at least 8% of all the Oil in the World from the global market.

NATO also removed a full 30% of the food (wheat/grain) that is needed to feed 7.75 billion people from the global market.

Seriously. A full 3% of all the Nitrogen Fertilizer in the World is produced in a single factory in the Donbas Republics.

A factory that Ukrainian Nazis, armed with NATO guns have blown up.

So this is no longer a Supply-Chain Crisis. This is A NATO Going Crazy and Setting Fire to all the Supplies Crisis.

There isn't an economic solution. There needs to be a political solution.

Or at this point, frankly. Some sort of Psychiatric Intervention.




To be continued in Part 2.

12:05 on 29/9/22 (UK date).


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