Wednesday 4 November 2020

How Sinister Is Postal Voting.

On November 3rd (3/11/20) America held it's 2020 Election.

To the surprise of almost absolutely no-one this has yet to produce a result.

This delay is due almost entirely to the election strategy of the Democrat Party.

They have built their 2020 campaign enitrely around the lie that incumbent President Trump has mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic. The Democrats had literally nothing else to offer.

The obvious problem with this is that it is a lie. 

President Trump is probably the only leader of a western democracy who has handled the COVID-19 pandemic effectively. Despite very vocal opposition.

Now autumn is here the wheels are fast coming off the Democrat's lie. Just as the wheels are coming off across the northern hemisphere. 

One of the other things I've been dealing with today is that at midnight (GMT) Britain is being forced to go into a COVID-19 lockdown. For the seond time.

So the only way the Democrats strategy could work is by getting people to vote early. Using Absentee/Postal ballots. 

Meaning that their votes were effectively banked. Before the evidence of the Democrats lie becomes undeniable.

If the election had been delayed until spring 2021. No-one would be attempting to claim that President Trump has mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the Democrat's hero, Dr Anthony Fauci, might find himself being lynched from a lampost.

Even this element of the Democrats 2020 strategy is deeply flawed.

Absentee/Postal ballots are routinely not counted in US elections. 

They are only counted if there is a close result in the votes cast on the day. Something in the margin of a few hundred votes. Otherwise Absentee/Postal ballots go straight in the bin.

This is specifically to the eliminate the fraud that we all know is endemic with Absentee/Postal ballots. 

It prevents someone voting in person in, say, New York State. Then voting again by post in, say, New Jersey.

So now we are set for weeks, possibly months. Of legal arguments over whether election rules should be waived. 

To allow the Democrats to force the counting of what can only be, at present, considered ineligible votes.

If the law is ignored and those votes are allowed. We can then look forward to more weeks and possibly months of legal argument. Over whether some of those ballots are fraudulent or not.

I think most people would find it highly suspicious. If a lot of Absentee/Postal ballots mysteriously appeared today. All being cast for the candidate who lost in the previous day's in-person voting.

We can also look forward to weeks, possibly months of legal argument. Over whether certain ballots have been filled in correctly or; "Spoiled."

It is this round of arguments that are going to reveal just how sinister and anti-democratic Postal Voting is.

One of the cornerstones of democracy is the secrecy of the ballot.

You are handed a ballot paper, the same as all the rest. You go into a private booth and have it marked by a machine. You then fold it over and put it into a ballot box.

Nobody knows who cast which vote.

So you father or your mother have no way of knowing who you voted for. Likewise your husband or your wife has no way of knowing who you voted for.

Perhaps most crucially your boss has no way of knowing who you voted for.

Obviously all these people can ask you who you voted for. You though can just lie to them.

Britain's Progressives, the Labour Party, introduced Absentee/Postal ballots in the early part of the 21st century. We now just accept widespread fraud as a normal part of our electoral process.

The most high profile case was in the 2014 Mayoral Election for the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

Here the scale of the Postal Voting fraud was so widespread and obvious. Not even the most die-hard Progressive could deny it. 

Or perhaps they just lost the incentive to. What with it being one election where widespread postal voting fraud led to the Labour Party losing.

The matter went to Court as Erlam & Ors v Rahman & Anor (2015). The election was invalidated in its entirety.

Largely because of this it's become a standing joke amongst British election canvassers. When you're visiting a Bangladeshi or other conservative Muslim home. You always ask to speak to the father.

That's because the father will be filling in all the Absentee/Postal ballots for everyone in that multi-generational home. Chances are he'll be voting for the candidate who doesn't think wives and daughters should be allowed to argue.  

Even in households which respect women's right to vote Absentee/Postal ballots clearly identify who has cast which vote. Normally with the full legal name and signature of the voter required.

Not only do they normally require the full legal name and signature of the voter. They normally also require the voter's home address.

As a result, over the coming weeks and months many Americans can now look forward to a knock on their door. Possibly in the middle of the night.

It will be someone from the incumbent political party in their local area. Informing them that there is an error in the way that they have voted. Then asking if they would like to confirm their error.

In wonder how many in places like Kenosha, Wisconsin or Minneapolis, Minnesota are going to be prepared to look a Democrat in the eye. And confirm that they wish to stand by their 'erroneous' vote.

It does sound like the sort of thing George Orwell or Aldous Huxley would choose to leave out of a dystopian novel.

As it would be too sinister to be believable.

18:05 on 4/11/20 (UK date).

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