Sunday 4 February 2018

Is Anyone Bothering With Super Bowl This Year.

Today sees the 52nd Super Bowl.

Americans are terrible at proper sports. So along with the Oscars this has traditionally been one of the big events of their mass cultural year.

However this year's Super Bowl occurs at a difficult time for American Football.

In 2014 the Democrat Party needed a way to energise their base ahead of the November mid-term elections. So they invented a story about an innocent young black man named Micheal Brown being murdered by the racist police. While having his hands up in surrender and begging; "Don't Shoot!"

The Democrats then tasked the FBI with perpetuating this lie.

Led by microphone haired buffoon Colin Kaepernick some American Football players took to showing their support for Micheal Brown. This involved them protesting during the raising of the US national flag and singing of the US national anthem which has become a tradition before all big US sporting events.

Some took to standing with their hands up just like Michael Brown. Some adopted the Communist raised fist salute which was popularised by Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War and continues to be used by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). Even if they were too politically illiterate to realise that's what they were doing.

Eventually though the majority of them settled on kneeling during the flag and anthem ceremony. In a gesture of disrespect rather than deference.

2018 actually marks the 100th anniversary of the start of this tradition of the national flag being raised and national anthem being sung before all big sporting events in the US.

With US troops finally engaged in the First World War there was debate over whether to hold the 1918 Baseball World Series.

Eventually it was decided that cancelling the event would damage troop morale. So it went ahead with the anthem being sung and flag raised as a sign of respect for the sacrifice of the living and the dead.

So protesting against the flag raising and anthem singing is hugely disrespectful. Particularly when the reason for the protest is false and those protesting are far more privileged then those they are protesting against.

American Football's governing body - the NFL - has strict rules about this type of gesture being made during games. In the past they have punished players for raising their hands in prayer or even just dancing too extravagantly after scoring.

However the sport's governing body has decided that when it comes to the flag and anthem protests it is not going to enforce the sports rules. This has alienated a large section of the sport's fanbase.

If anything this really highlights the flaw with the type of mob rule the Democrats have been trying to impose since certainly 2014.

The NFL has found itself caught between two mobs.

If it were to punish the players making these protests they risk all of their players who tend to be black walking out in protest leaving them without a sport. By failing to punish the players they risk all the fans who tend to be white staying home in protest leaving them without a revenue stream.

President Trump has made it clear that he sides with the fans and the players should be punished. The Democrats and the anti-Trump media have leapt on this as evidence of Trump's "racism."

The whole thing has all got rather nasty. Or at least a lot more nasty then it should be for what is meant to be a fun pastime.

Amid this hostile atmosphere the NFL seem to have completely given up. So the theme for this year's Super Bowl is exactly the same as the theme for last year's Super Bowl.

Representing the American Football Conference (AFC) you have the New England Patriots.

The New England area of America is made up of states such as Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine. Just to confuse things the largest state in New England - Massachusetts - is strongly and proudly Irish. Stereotypically this area of the US is very white.

I challenge you to find a team that better represents the concept of Patriotism then the Patriots.

It's also probably worth noting that the Patriots are very much the Manchester United of the Hand-Egg world. Or at least when Manchester United were despised by all but actually won things.

Representing the National Football League (NFL) you have the Philadelphia Eagles.

Philadelphia is the largest city in the - technically - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Named after one of the first English settlers to the US William Penn Pennsylvania is technically part of New England. But let's not confuse things.

Philadelphia is a stereotypically black city and has a long history of being run by the Democrats. As a result it has one of the highest murder rates of any US city leading to it being dubbed; "Killadelphia." 

From its peak of 532 murders a year in 1985 Philadelphia's murder rate steadily dropped to a low of  246 murders in 2013. Then for some reason the murder rate started to rise again in 2014. In 2016 there were 320 murders in the city.

Last year's Super Bowl of course saw the New England Patriots face off against the Atlanta Falcons. If there's a difference between Hawks, Eagles and Falcons I certainly don't know what it is.

The game will be played in Minneapolis in the State of Minnesota.

With the exception of Alaska Minnesota is probably the US' most northern and coldest state. If temperatures are anything like last night's the game will be played at a balmy -23C (-9.4F).

It is perhaps bizarre then that Minnesota is home to one of the largest Muslim populations in the US. This is made up mainly of immigrants from Somalia. Which is a desert country.

Due to this large Muslim population Minnesota elected the US' first Muslim Congresswoman in 2016. Ilhan Omar of the Democrats.

Minnesota is also the home state of Keith Ellison - Vice-Chair of the Democrat Party. Keith Ellison is a member of the Nation of Islam (NoI) cult.

Although they have the word; "Islam" in their name the Nation of Islam believe humans to be an alien race. They created the Earth using their spaceships known as; "Motherplanes."

These are not mainstream Muslim views.

The Nation of Islam also believe that the Black race is the Master Race. The evil Yacob the Jew is constantly trying to enslave this master race by turning them into white people.

As such Keith Ellison like all other members of the Nation of Islam has extremely racist and anti-Semitic views.

This tolerance for Democrats and quasi-Islamic views has meant that Minnesota is the main recruiting ground for Islamist terror groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al Shabaab in the US.

At around 13:30 on 4/2/18 (UK date) I'll finish this up later.

Edited at around 16:15 on 4/2/18 (UK date) to add;

This general sense of apathy extends to the half-time. This will be performed by Justin Timberlake. He performed the 2005 Super Bowl half-time show.

Given the location this could give some opportunity for discussion about Muslim modesty standards and the US' absurd; "No Nipples" rule.

The US broadcast regulator the FCC determines whether content is sexual or not purely on whether it features female nipples.

So for example a completely non-sexual scene - such as a corpse on an autopsy table - would be deemed sexual if it features nipples. Meanwhile actors are free to mimic a whole range of sexual acts provided the woman keeps her fingertips over her nipples.

As a special guest in 2004 Justin Timberlake was joined by Janet Jackson. She suffered what has been termed a; "Wardrobe Malfunction" and for a fraction of a second America was exposed to a woman's nipple. I'm only half joking when I say America was more outraged by this then 9/11.

Janet Jackson's career was never what you would term strong. The "Nipplegate" incident ended it once and for all. In obscurity Janet Jackson has converted to Islam and married Qatari businessman Wissam al-Mana.

This all sets the scene for many, many jokes along the lines of;

"If Janet Jackson is performing this year she'd best wear a Burqa"


"Just how ISIS is Minnesota?

Justin Timberlake's performing,

Because music has been banned."

As you may have noticed I'm not exactly enthused by all this. I may not so much boycott as just go to bed at a sensible time.

However by a total coincidence I'm taking a scheduled break from the gym to let everything rest and recover properly. So I've already started drinking while watching actual football.

In 8 hours time staying up might seem like a good idea. 

16:30 on 4/2/18 (UK date). 

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