Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Ok That Was a Mistake.

After being forced to rest up for more then a month yesterday (9/7/12) I decided to go for a full gym session. Today (10/7/12) I'm proud to announce that my foot does not hurt - anymore then the rest of my body! Seriously if I manage to lift my arms above my head I'll consider the day a success.

In other news yesterday an off-duty police officer, Ian Dibell was shot and killed in Essex, UK sparking a manhunt for the shooter who was found dead in a grave yard this morning. I didn't mention this before because it was all over in about 12 hours and struck me as common, everyday crime even if the name of the dead police officer was almost too good to be true." Dibell" is pronounced almost the same as "Dibble" which is a somewhat offensive slang term for police officer. I'm sure he'd heard that one before.

Oh and at around 19:40 on 10/7/12 I've been back from the pub for around 25mins typing this up. The pub was totally dominated by BBC Radio1 DJ Gemma Cairney's mini-me. It wasn't her fault though. I think she was dragged there by some local hooray who was either going traveling or had just got back from traveling.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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