Sunday 5 January 2014

Incident Report Time.

Just as I'd finished updating my archive; last night there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was a police officer. He informed me that the occupants of the house directly next door to mine had just returned from holiday to discover that their house had been broken into and pretty much everything of value (TV's, stereos, game consoles etc) had been stolen. He obviously wanted to know if I'd seen or heard anything that could help with the investigation.

My response was pretty much to stare at him blankly because worryingly I hadn't even noticed that the house was vacant. He also spoke to my father who gave pretty much the same response but did comment that he had noticed their side gate was open but thought it was storm damage. The police obviously spoke to or will be speaking to other neighbours but being unable to narrow the crime down to a specific day I don't they'll get much more information.

I doubt that anyone would believe me if I claimed to be distraught with grief over this news. However it is a pretty grim way to start the new year so I'm certainly not seeing it as cause for celebration. Therefore I would prefer not to comment on it. Given the history between myself and the address that isn't really an option so I need to make a couple of points;

Firstly this had absolutely nothing to do with me. In case you haven't noticed recently I've been too useless to buy my relatives Christmas presents let alone organise something like this. Secondly the combination of long winter nights, shiny new gifts and people being away from their homes for extended periods of time means that the Christmas/New Year holidays are the peak period for this sort of crime. Finally a lot of the history between myself and the address stems from my belief that they've been getting associates to attempt to rob my property. That obviously puts them in a vulnerable position because all this stuff about honour amongst thieves is just cr*p. I suppose though there is a possibility that the occupants have been targeted as punishment for their failure to have me convicted and imprisoned over the summer.

11:30 on 5/1/14 ( UK date).

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