On Tuesday, November 3rd 2020 (3/11/20) Americans will go to the polls.
elect all new members of the national House of Representatives and a
third of the members of the national Senate. Along with a host of State
and municipal positions.
The top of the ticket race, that everybody will be looking at, though it that for US President.
the Democrats did not do at all well at the 2016 election. Losing
control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency
they were almost completely wiped out.
The Democrats have since identified the problem; The US Voter.
this time they will be attempting to eliminate that problem entirely
from the process. Encouraging the use of early, Postal Voting.
In order to allow time for any errors to be corrected this means voting has already begun.
closer to election day I will take my traditional look at the two
candidates for President. I feel now though is the time for me to
address the issue which has rather dominated this election cycle.
COVID-19 came into being in late-November/early-December 2019.
If I had to pick an exact date I would say November 14th 2019 (14/11/19).
as police were raiding the Hong Kong University in Hong Kong, China.
While I sat in a Salisbury, UK restaurant, pondering a Star of David
engraving and thinking about the Eurovision Song Contest.
I say
this knowing full well that there is no way anyone can even begin to
disprove me. Rather like former US President Barack Obama's 2013 claim
that Rihanna's mood swings cause Climate Change.
Regardless of
the exact date you may remember that late-November/early December 2019
was an extremely intense time in global politics.
The main event was the 25th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP 25 Summit. Where all the nations of the World gather together. To at least pretend to focus intently on the natural environment.
25 marked the final, dying days of the Kyoto Protocol. As of January
1st 2020 (1/1/20) this was replaced by the much vaunted Paris Agreement.
An absolutely huge moment in Climate Change circles.
Under the Kyoto Protocol nations were divided into two camps; Developed nations (Annex I) and Developing nations (Annex II).
US never signed up to the Kyoto Protocol. For some, actually quite
legitimate reasons. However the US is really seen as the leader of the
Annex I faction. While China is really seen as the leader of the Annex
II faction.
This means that everyone in UNFCCC negotiations is
long used to seeing them descend. Into nothing more than yet another
front in the trade war between the US and China.
As a result everyone in UNFCCC circles is expected to at least have a working knowledge of President Trump's Trade War with China.
Particularly how it would be affected by the Democrats attempt to
impeach President Trump. Part of a campaign that's been running since,
probably, early 2016.
Speaking just for myself I would say that
President Trump's approach has been much more effective than a
succession of his predecessors. At least it has actually focused on
trade. Rather than ineffective metaphors for trade. Such as the UNFCCC.
The UK in particular went to great lengths to muscle in on the US/China Trade War. Instigating and directing the Hong Kong Protests. As a way to force China to talk to them.
from my "Weapons of Mass Construction" costume ©2004 the defining image
of the Hong Kong Protests was that of the surgical face mask.
within 2004 these were worn by the, frankly, rioters to hide their
identities. However the excuse they used was that they were medical
devices. Essential to guard against the spread of germs and pollen
Britain's reckless actions in Hong Kong unleashed a
wave of copycat protests across the globe. Foolishly bringing down the
governments of both Iraq and Lebanon.
Perhaps most notably though
they nearly brought down the government of Chile. Causing COP 25 to be
cancelled. Then, at the last minute, moved to Spain.
In his
astonishing arrogance UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called a General
Election for December 12th 2019 (12/12/19). Both the midpoint for COP 25
and the 4th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement.
a second referendum this UK Election would decide whether Britain would
finally go ahead with leaving the European Union (EU).
UNFCCC negotiations the EU is seen as a sort of third bloc. Attempting
to bridge the gap between the US and China. Particularly when it comes
to shortfalls in funding.
So whether the UK would remain a member
of the EU. Bound by its Climate Change commitments and continuing to
contribute to its budget. Or strike out on its own. That was also
something people in UNFCCC circles needed to keep an eye on.
was doubly important due to the fact Britain was scheduled to host the
2020 COP Summit. COP 26. The first under the Paris Agreement.
genuine commitment to action on Climate Change can really be summed up
by its choice of date for COP 26. The first two weeks in November 2020.
would coincide with this US Election. Along with its fallout. Just in
the final six weeks before the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement expires. The
forum they chose was Scotland. Which itself may soon be voting to become
an independent nation.
Like everything else COP 25 was occuring amid the ongoing World War. Against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and their associated groups.
of the worst, single ISIL attacks was the November 13th 2015 (13/11/15)
Paris Massacres. These occured just 17 days before the COP 21 Summit.
At which the Paris Agreement was signed.
The Paris Massacres
seemed a very deliberate attempt to intimidate UNFCCC delegations.
Particularly the poorer African ones. Designed to scare them into
signing up to the new, rival text that then US President Obama had
introduced at the last minute.
Hardly the only time that the interests of the US Democrat Party and ISIL have mysteriously converged.
is also when relevent nations start preparing their entries for the
following year's Eurovision Song Contest. Even I think this sounds a bit
However things really do happen in European politics
because of the Song Contest. For example the Czech Republic's 2019 entry
addressed the EU directive on digital copyright. "The Meme Law." To use
its correct, short-form name.
The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest
was, of course, held in Tel Aviv, Israel. Meaning that it attracted a
much wider audience than it is used to. Essentially every UN nation that
has ever been forced to form an opinion on the Israel/Palestine
Conflict. So everyone.
This meant there was a lot more than usual tidying up to be done. Ahead of and at the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest.
very much seems as though all these tensions and frustrations have gone
up into the sky. The Wu Xing. The Tree of Life. The Quantum Field. The
Universe. Whatever you want to call it.
They have then come back to us. In the form of COVID-19.
Particularly in the western world everything now seems to live under the long shadow of the so-called; "Cancel Culture." Attempting to silence debate by labelling any differing opinion; "Offensive" or "Triggering" and having them banned.
This totalitarian attitude is particularly prevalent in the world of academia. On which Climate science rather relies.
So I should probably begin by addressing; The Naming Issue.
COVID-19 is an Acute Respiratory Syndrome (ARS). It first emerged in China. Which is in the Far East (FE).
it seems the virus has named itself; "Far Eastern Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (FEARS)." That would certainly be keeping with a common practice
within science.
For example a Respiratory Syndrome emerged in
the Middle-East in 2012. Amid debate whether it was Acute or Chronic
this was named; "Middle-Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."
Then you have the Ebola virus. Named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where it first emerged.
you could look at the Zika virus. Named after Zika Forest in Uganda
where it first emerged. Making; "Could Zika Spread to Africa?!" one of
the stranger health-scare stories of 2016.
However, since the
emergence of MERS Cancel Culture has decided that this practice is
racist. A mircoagression so triggering for people with distant ancestors
from those areas it makes it impossible for them to continue their
So instead of; "FEARS" we're left with; "COVID-19." Which I don't think means anything to anyone.
This is no small issue. In choosing the name FEARS the virus seems to be trying to give us an insight into how it functions.
On the individual level COVID-19 is not a particularly serious illness.
it's most severe it causes Severe, Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Pneumonia, in layman's terms. This can be a very serious and sometimes
fatal condition. However it is one that the medical profession is
extremely experienced in treating and seeing people recover from.
difference is that COVID-19 also triggers a sort of fear response
within the body. Causing the immune system to overreact. Attacking not
just virus cells but all cells. Particularly vital red blood cells.
the virus attacks cells in the lungs. This reduces the amount of oxygen
entering the blood stream. As with Puemonia. However the immune
response then attacks the blood cells preventing them from effectively
carrying what little oxygen is still entering through the lungs.
Likewise on a society-wide level COVID-19 is hardly a serious illness.
really only presents a threat to life to around 10% of the population.
An easily indentifiable 10% of the population. Whose lives were probably
going to be at risk anyway. For reasons that I'll get into in more
detail later COVID-19 also seems to come with its own, in-built,
self-destruct mechanism.
However it triggers this sort of primal fear. The fear of the unknown. The fear of not being in control.
plunges a certain type of political leader into some sort of
existential crisis. Causing them to panic, over-react and start
launching damaging attacks on society. Such as ordering it to be
entirely shut-down.
The official name given to the COVID-19 virus is; "Severe, Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus - 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
going to assume that this was intended as a deliberate mistake.
Designed to immediately shake the intellectual chaff from the wheat.
In medicine a Syndrome is defined as the presence of a set of symptoms.
this case; Laboured breathing (Dyspnea); A breathing rate greater than
30 breaths per minute; Low blood oxygen saturation (Hypomexia); Fluid in
the lungs growing at a rate above 50% per 24-48 hours. Even if the
worried well still seem fixated on their sense of smell.
A virus
is a living organism. Like all other living organisms it is defined by
its unique genetic code. DNA, or in this case, RNA. Essentially the same
thing in laymen's terms.
Probably the most well know examples of
this division is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In almost all
cases this causes Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). So on an
extremely technical level no-one has ever died of HIV. Although tens of millions
have died of the syndrome that particular virus causes.
What you cannot do is include the word; "Syndrome" in the name of a virus.
Well, obviously you can. Language being a human construct after all.
It's just that if you do. Then you immediately start looking like a complete idiot.
Particularly if you're the sort of person who has built their entire reputation upon being a supposed expert on HIV/AIDS.
Whatever you call it COVID-19 certainly seems to hold some very strong views on this claim that; "Black Lives Matter."
curiously, not all black lives. Just the fat, lazy and self-indulgent
black lives who are constantly looking for a payout from the city. To go
along with their free; "Obama Phones."
COVID-19 has also provided us with a clear answer to the question which seems to have been pondered a lot at late;
Q. How would this "Generation Snowflake" cope in anything like a crisis?
A. Not. At. All.
Most of COVID-19's fury though seems to be directed at global efforts to combat climate change. Particularly the Paris Agreement.
are so many things just completely wrong with the Paris Agreement.
Listing them would be a seperate exercise in itself. However the main
one is that unlike the Kyoto Protocol it has absolutely no legal force.
Instead nations are simply going to promise to try.
At the height
of the global lockdown - May 2020 - global Greenhouse Gas (ghg)
emissions fell by 17%. So substantial was this sudden cessation of much
of human activity it also caused the vibrations on the Earth's surface
to fall by 50%.
The Paris Agreement does not aim to eliminate
Climate Change. Instead it aims to limit the rise in temperature to 2C.
This will require a reduction of ghg emissions by 78% from the baseline
established in the agreement.
The Paris Agreement aspires to
limit the rise in temperature to 1.5C. This will require a reduction of
ghg emissions by 99% of the established baseline.
COVID-19 has
clearly shown us how much of human activity will simply have to stop. In
order to achieve just a 17% reduction in ghg emissions from the
established baseline.
It has also clearly shown us how completely
unrealistic it is to think that governments, politicans and just each
of us as people are going to do that voluntarily. Based on nothing more
than a pinky promise. Made between people, many of whom, are already out
of office.
Not only is it completely unrealistic to think the
Paris Agreement will achieve its aims. The aims of the Paris Agreement
also just completely ignore large sources of ghg emissions. Chiefly from
Shipping and Aviation.
The shipping sector has been extremely
hard hit by the lockdowns associated with COVID-19. While the aviation
sector has been almost completely destroyed.
Assesments and
estimates are still ongoing. However it seems that it will take until
2024 for the aviation sector to return to its 2019 levels of operation.
This almost exactly mirrors the first, five year commitment period of
the Paris Agreement.
It's as if the environment has taken one look at the Paris Agreement and gone;
counting aviation in the first commitment period. Well, then you can't
have any aviation during the first commitment period."
for many within the UNFCCC process the objective is not to eliminate
human, economic activity. Instead it is to combine human, economic
development with a reduction in ghg emissions. Ultimately making
economic development a tool for emissions reduction.
One of the main challenges people with that attitude face is what's known as; "John Locke's Labour Theory of Property."
back to the 17th Century this is still considered one of the
cornerstones of economics. It states that the natural environment is a
gift from God to all. So the only way that humans can take ownership of
anything and profit from it is by altering it through their labour.
life we have these wonderful machines. Which scrub ghg's from the air.
Turning them into oxygen for us to breathe along with food and fuel for
us to use. They are called trees.
However Locke's Labour Theory of Property dictates that no-one can be paid simply for not cutting a down tree.
we're forced to cut down all these trees. Then spend the profits on
trying to invent machines that are even fractionally as good at
scrubbing ghg's from the air. While turning them into things which are
useful to us.
The way we've responded to COVID-19 has really highlighted just this issue.
There are two ways in which virus' are eliminated;
they are so aggressive that they rapidly kill anyone they infect. This
prevents them from spreading to new hosts and without hosts they die.
Fortunately most virus' of this type wiped themselves out thousands of
years ago.
Alternatively a virus eliminates itself by not being
aggressive enough. The people it infects survive and develop immunity to
the virus. Eventually everybody is immune so the virus has no hosts to
spread to. Meaning that it dies.
This second scenario is know as; "Herd Immunity." It is the principle behind every vaccination program there has ever been.
COVID-19 seems to come with its own built-in vaccine. It's self-destruct mechanism.
Immunity is normally achieved when 60-70% of the population has been
infected and become immune. Either by catching the virus or being
injected with it in the form of a vaccine.
COVID-19 only has a
serious effect on an easily identifiable 10% of the population. A
further 45% of the population will only experience mild symptoms.
Similar to that of a Common Cold. A further 45% still will experience
absolutely no symptoms whatsoever.
Meaning that COVID-19 puts you
over halfway to herd immunity without anyone ever even noticing that
they were ill. Including people who experience only mild symptoms puts
you at 90% immunity. Well over the 70% upper threshold required for herd
immunity and elimination of the virus.
Furthermore COVID-19 is a droplet-borne disease. These means that to survive the virus cells need to be enveloped in a sack of moisture. Otherwise they will dehydrate and die.
COVID-19 really struck globally in March of 2020. Which for the northern hemisphere is the start of spring. Inevitibly leading to summer this is the start of a period where ambient moisture is low. Meaning that these virus cells will dehydrate faster and die faster. Making the spread of the disease much easier to predict and manage.
I am well aware of the global-north/global-south debate within UNFCCC circles. However the majority of the planet's human population live in the northern hemisphere. What we're talking about here is humidity rather than heat per se. Around the equator that doesn't change much with the seasons. At least for now.
Also humans are, to an
extent, solar powered. In summer temperatures they need to use less
energy to maintain things like body heat. In winter temperatures they
need to use more. Not all of us will be able to muster the energy to
fight off COVID-19 and the winter weather.
Unfortunately Locke's Labour Theory of Property dictates that no-one can profit from simply letting nature take its course.
instead we've had to endure all these onerous restrictions imposed upon
us. Simply to buy time to allow a drug company to profit from selling
us a vaccine which was ours all along.
infections are fought by the body's immune system. HIV/AIDS is an
infection which destroys the immune system. So the discussion of any
infection rapidly starts sounding like a discussion about HIV/AIDS.
B-cells, White Blood Cells etc. The difference being that with HIV/AIDS
you have too few T-cells. With COVID-19 the issue, if anything, seems
that you end up with too many T-cells.
HIV/AIDS is endemic across Sub-Saharan Africa. I think some 30% of all deaths in South Africa each year are HIV/AIDS related.
HIV/AIDS kills is particularly cruel and damaging on an economic, systemic level.
Essentially people infected as babies die in their 30's and 40's. Just
when they would be at their economic and social peak. Having babies of
their own etc.
So it is impossible to have a serious discussion
about economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa without also having a
complete, working knowledge of HIV/AIDS.
Sub-Saharan Africa is
also home to the second largest concentration of these magical, ghg
scrubbing machines. The Rain Forest in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (DRC).
So to say that UNFCCC discussions often overlap with
HIV/AIDS discussions is an understatement. One of the leading HIV/AIDS
charities is; (RED). The UNFCCC's main fund to protect Rain Forests is;
There is an episode of the US TV Show; "The Big Bang
Theory" in which the characters are playing a card game. Similar to;
"The Sims" computer game.
The Sheldon character announces that he
has wood. Now he just needs sheep. He continues like this, oblivious to
the obvious sexual innuendo. While all the other characters fall about
Everybody in UNFCCC circles have been in meetings like that.
the way that Britain has reacted to the COVID-19 seems to have
highlighted a very specific flaw in the Paris Agreement.
I've said the Paris Agreement is not the comprehensive agreement to
combat climate change that I, and the UNFCCC spent five years
Instead it is an alternative text introduced by former US President Obama, at the last minute. Which we all then signed up to under the barrel of ISIL's guns.
Well, I say; "All." Rather like America under President Trump my name is very firmly not on the Paris Agreement.
those five years of negotiations a significant issue was identified.
The Annex I nations have actually gone to great lengths to reduce their
ghg emissions. Any further reductions will now be small and hugely
In contrast the Annex II parties can make huge ghg
reductions for what are, to some, very small amounts of money. It's just
that the Annex II parties don't have even those small amounts of money
needed to make those large ghg reductions.
The Obama-free
negotiations solved this problem. With what's known as; "The New Zealand
Text. Or; "The Hybrid Falcon Text." Although I think; "Chimera Text"
is perhaps more appropriate. Given how every brilliant brain was able
to tack on their own little bit. As it bounced around the room.
Chimera Text would see Annex I parties basically pay Annex II parties
to make those large ghg emission reductions. Those emission reductions
would then be counted partly as a reduction made by the nation where it
happened. Partly as a reduction made by the nation which paid for it.
Although I can't over-emphasise how much I'm using the word; "Basically" here.
Obama's last minute draft very aggressively removed any concept of the Chimera Text from the Paris Agreement.
reacted to COVID-19 by going into a full lockdown, very early on. They
also introduced this hugely expensive Job Retention (Furlough) scheme.
To pay everyone not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the spring and
summer months.
As with Climate Change those huge, early efforts,
did not solve the problem. Now autumn is here Britain is left, near
broke, once again having to spend huge amounts of money. Simply to try
and shave small reductions off the looming death toll.
So COVID-19 seems to have identified that weakness in the Paris Agreement.
Then attacked it. Hard.
Continued in Part 2; https://watchitdie.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-2020-us-presidential-election-covid_33.html
17:00 on 11/10/20 (UK date).
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