Monday 13 May 2024

Surprise! It's The Anti-Semitism!

It probably says something about Martin Osterdahl's tenure at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). That the expectation now is that it is more likely than not that the EBU won't be able to stage a Eurovision Song Contest. The EBU's big, gala event.

Over the four years that Osterdahl has been in charge of the Song Contest there has been a steady decline in the amount of effort nations have been putting into their entries. The feeling seeming to be that whatever effort they do put in will be wasted. As Martin Osterdahl, once again, finds a way to screw it up for everyone.

One nation which did put in some effort in the hope that there would be a 2024 Eurovision Song Contest was Israel. That is despite Israel having little effort to spare as it continues to fight the war that the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) imposed on them. That war is currently in the 4th Day of the 1st Week of its 8th Month. 

A performer hoping to represent Israel, Shaul Greenglick, actually had to withdraw from selection. On account of being killed in battle. Something no other nation had to deal with as they prepared for the Song Contest.

In the Spring of 2023 the song; "Heart On My Sleeve" was released on the Internet, purporting to be recorded by Canadian rappers Drake and The Weeknd. However they actually had nothing to do with it. Someone had used an Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted computer program to create copies of their voices. Then used those voice copies to sing any song their creator wanted them to.

The song was even submitted for consideration for a nomination for the American Recording Academy (Grammy) Awards. Forcing the American Recording Academy to debate whether it was eligible for nomination and if there was any circumstances in which similar AI assisted computer generated songs could be nominated.

Throughout the Summer of 2023 the Writers Guild of America (WAGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation Of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) both went on strike. One aspect of this strike was how to govern the use of AI assisted computer programs to recreate the physical likeness and voices of actors. Something which is of particular concern to actors who primarily work in the ever growing Computer/Video Game sector.

The Eurovision Song Contest is, of course, a Song Contest. However it is really A Televised Song Contest. The entries are not put forward by record companies but by TV broadcasting networks which are members of the EBU. So it really deals with all aspects of TV, Movies and Music. Whether an AI assisted copy of a voice is being used in a TV Show, Movie, Video Game or Song doesn't really matter. The technology is, more-or-less, the same. Depending on what variation of this rapidly evolving technology you are using.

The 2024 Eurovision Song Contest was supposed to have taken place in Malmo, Sweden. Marking the 50th anniversary of the Swedish supergroup ABBA launching their career by winning the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest. A Terrible Year For Jumped Up Portuguese Fascists.

In 2016 ABBA licensed their digital image and voice rights to the Swedish entertainment company Pophouse. In order for Pophouse to use AI assisted computer technology to create digital versions of the band. So that digital version of ABBA could perform a three year residency at a purpose built concert venue in the UK. "ABBA Voyage" as the project is known.

As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of ABBA's 1974 Eurovision victory there were plans to transport ABBA Voyage to Sweden and have it perform at the Song Contest. However the idea had to be abandoned due to the huge cost and technological challenges involved in having digital, holographic, avatars appear to perform live.

So the use of AI assisted computer technology is, indisputably, THE big issue within the entertainment industry at the moment. Particularly the popular music industry. 

Israel likes to describe itself as a; "Start-up Nation." It is very proud of its global leadership in Information Technology (IT/Tech). Israel certainly has samples of Shaul Greenglick's singing voice, recorded during his auditions.

So Israel could certainly have submitted an AI version of its fallen soldier as it entry for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest.

At the 2016 Song Contest Poland asked if it could be represented by a live Wolf. This led to a clarification in the rules. That if the performer is from Planet Earth then they must be of the Human Species. There's not actually anything in the rules which says they have to be alive.

There is though a rule which says a song's main vocal performance must be performed live. However that's to avoid lip-syncing, where you would get one performer to record their vocals. Then play that recording while another performer pretends to sing. As the German R&B act Milli Vanilli were caught doing back in 1988. The nuances between; "Live" and; "Alive" does seem like the sort of mind-crushing existential, metaphysical debate events like Eurovision thrive on. In many different languages.

It used to be that the whole song had to be performed live, with the musical accompaniment being provided by a resident orchestra. However technological advances such as the emergence of Electronic Music in the 1960's led to that rule being changed. It is now only the lead vocal performance which needs to be performed live. The music and even the backing vocals can be recorded. 

It certainly seems to be an appropriate time to start a discussion about whether the rules need to be changed again. In order to keep up with yet another technological advancement.

With it only having to be the lead vocal that needs to be performed live Israel could, ultimately, have staged a performance with just the dancers, lights, graphics and music. It would be the absence of the vocal that would say the most.

The main vocal performance is actually only a small part of the criteria on which the professional juries award their points. Whereas the public can vote for whatever they like, for whatever reason they like. So omitting the vocal from their performance might not actually hurt Israel that much. Not that how badly or well it did would ultimately matter. As with Poland in 2016 the value comes from the discussion leading up to the performance. The performance itself is really just an afterthought.

Instead though Israel decided to be gentle with the EBU and the wider Eurovision community. Submitting the song; "October Rain" by Eden Golan. A hardly controversial, low-energy, effort which is really the Eurovision equivalent of voting; "Present."

However in a fit of Anti-Semitic rage the EBU under Martin Osterdahl banned Israel's song. Cancelling the contest and ruining it for everyone. Preserving Osterdahl's 100% record of not being able to stage a Eurovision Song Contest.

The Eurovision Song Contest was originally devised as a one-off televised singing competition. The thing the EBU would broadcast live across a continent. In order to prove that the EBU could broadcast things live across a continent. Something which was technologically impossible back when the EBU was founded, in 1950.

So the Song Contest has, clearly, evolved far beyond what it was originally intended to be. Meaning that it's not really possible to say what a Eurovision Song Contest should be. However based on the subsequent 67 years there seems to be a widespread expectation that entries are political in nature. Not dealing just with the loose sociological trends which make of the big issues of the day. Drilling down into specific details of disputes competing nations have with each other. It's essentially sarcasm as an alternative to war.

In 2022 the EBU partnered with the US network NBC to stage an American version of the Eurovision Song Contest. It really didn't work. In no small part due to the US States having absolutely nothing like the level of political disputes between them that the Song Contest thrives upon.

However Eurovision does have the rule that entries cannot be Overtly Political.

Although we talk in terms of who performed the song the Song Contest is really a showcase for the talents of song-writers. It is the song-writer who must be from the country they're representing. The performers are actually so incidental they don't, strictly speaking, need to be human. We're currently debating whether they even need to be alive.

So one of the main reasons for the; "No Overt Politics" rule is to increase the challenge for the song-writers. Any professional song-writer should be able to write a short poppy love song. However are they up to the challenge of writing a pop song about a complex political issue. Without making any overt reference to that complex political issue?

Along with the rule that there can't be more than six performers on stage or the rule that songs cannot be more than three minutes long. The No Over Politics rule is also there to stop everything descending into complete chaos. Without it, at best, you'd be left with the Eurovision PowerPoint Presentation. At worst you'd have two weeks of everyone just screaming insults at each other. Neither would be watched by anyone.

The number of performers rule, the song length rule and the No Overt Politics are, really, Eurovision's only "Golden Rules." The only three rules that can never be broken, under any circumstances. As you may have guessed from the inclusion of Australia everything at Eurovision is quite flexible. The thinking being that it's better to keep discussions going, rather than shutting them down with firm rulings. There's even rather a lot of flexibility in how you define; "Overt" and; "Political." 

Amongst the professional juries of their peers Song Contest entries are judged solely on the live performance of the song. Something which actually takes place the night before the performance you get to watch on TV. So Eurovision rules only apply to the song as performed and the performer/delegation's conduct during the Song Contest.

Alongside the live performances many Eurovision participants also choose to submit a music video of their song and an artist's biography. Technically the rules do not apply to these and they are not considered when awarding points. However juries are able to award points in the wondrously broad criteria of; "General Impression."

Even if they were bound by the rules artist's biographies are considered statements of fact. Rather than political statements. For example there is nothing political about me telling you that LUNA who hoped to represent Poland in 2024 was born in Warsaw. However I stating that fact might remind you of The Warsaw Ghetto and The Treblinka Death Camp during The Nazi Holocaust.

Eden Golan was born in Kafr Saba in Central Israel to a Latvian Jewish father and a Ukrainian Jewish mother. In 2010 the father's work saw the family move to Russia. It was in Russia that Eden Golan launched her career. Including by attempting to represent Russia at the 2015 Junior Eurovision Song Contest and appearing on the Russian edition of; "The Voice: Kids" in 2018. In between she performed at the New Wave Festival in Crimea in 2016. In the Spring of 2022 the family, suddenly, moved back to Israel. No reason given.

Obviously those are all just facts. However the fact that Eden Golan's father fled Lithuania and the fact that Eden Golan's mother had to flee Ukraine. Those facts might remind you of how Anti-Semitism and Nazism are endemic in much of Eastern Europe. The fact that Eden Golan once performed in Crimea might remind you that Ukraine is currently fighting a war of aggression to seize Russian territory. Violating that core tenant of International Law; The Right of Self-Determination.

What caused the main objections to Israel's entry was its title; "October Rain."

"October" is the 10th month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar is the calendar used globally. Although it is named after the Catholic Christian Pope Gregory XIII it has no religious or political significance. It is simply a more precise way of measuring the Earth's journey around the Sun.

Really the equivalent of the UN Secretary-General of his day. The only person powerful enough to get everyone to change their calendars. Pope Gregory XIII was actually going against Christian belief at the time. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in 1582. Fifty years later, in 1632, the Astronomer Galileo Galilei proved that the Earth travels around the Sun. For disproving the Christian belief that God created the Sun to revolve around the Earth the Catholic Church tortured and imprisoned Galileo. They did apologise though. In 1992.

In 1054 what became Eastern Orthodox Christianity broke away from Catholic Christianity in the; "East-West Schism." As a result Eastern Orthodox Christianity didn't adopt the Gregorian Calendar and still hasn't adopted it as its religious calendar. Where it is currently the year 6737.

In their efforts to Cleanse any hint of Russian Ethnicity Ukraine adopted the Gregorian Calendar as its religious calendar. Meaning that 2023 was the first time that Ukrainians celebrated Christmas on December 25th. Not that Ukraine's Muslims celebrated Christmas on any date. For reasons that probably go far beyond their use of the Hijri Calendar. Where it is currently the year 1445.

Israel also went to the effort of preparing a Eurovision entry in 2023. In the ultimately vain hope that the EBU might actually be able to stage a Song Contest under Martin Osterdahl. Although no overt references were made Israel's effort dealt with its ongoing 2018-Present Political Crisis.

At the heart of Israel's political crisis is this deep existential question of what sort of country Israel is to be. A Secular Democracy or a Jewish Theocracy led by the Ultra-Orthodox or Haredim. The issue of Haredi conscription has been particularly inflamed by Hamas' war. Obviously the Secular camp want to continue using the Gregorian Calendar while the Religious camp want everyone to use the Hebrew Calendar. Where it is currently the year 5784.

"Rain" is the well established weather phenomenon in which water falls from the sky. It is even more of an entirely apolitical fact than stating that October is the 10th month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. Prior to Martin Osterdahl's arrival, back when Song Contests used to happen. There was a lot of discussion about Climate Change. Whether overtly referencing it was an apolitical fact or a political statement. Prior to that there were similar discussions about Homosexuality.

So as with, literally, every Eurovision entry there has ever been. Israel's banned entry does contain some clandestine political references. A rather small number, by Israeli standards. Although none of the ones the Anti-Semites demanded it be banned for!

The song itself about some turbulent event which happened to Eden Golan in the 10th month the Gregorian Calendar.  Of course the Muslim Brotherhood's Hamas did launch its Genocidal war against Israel on October 7th 2023 (7/10/23). However there's nothing to say that Eden Golan and her boyfriend didn't experience a traumatic event, such as a miscarriage, on October 5th 2023 (5/10/23). There's nothing which even confirms the traumatic event happened in October 2023.

Maybe Eden Golan simply doesn't like wet days. So may not have enjoyed a rainy afternoon at some point in the past 20 years. Eurovision history is certainly full of people who've managed to get far more upset about far smaller things than that.

At around 19:15 on 13/5/24 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow.

Edited at around 17:30 on 15/5/24 (UK date) to copy & paste;

What made the decision so appalling, so clearly Anti-Semitic. Is that the coded, metaphorical language which got Israel banned was used by many other countries. Who don't have large Jewish populations and who were not banned. More often than not the use of Israel's language was done to express support for Israel. Including from some quarters which might surprise you.

The membership of the EBU is significantly larger than the number of members who choose to participate in the Song Contest. Those 56 member and associate members include a number of Arab-Muslim countries. Morocco has actually competed in the Song Contest. Lebanon was on the verge of competing in 2005 but ultimately decided they weren't able to. Due to a state of war, technically, existing between Lebanon and Israel at the time.

Although no Arab-Muslim nations participated in the Song Contest this year two Muslim majority nations were hoping to take part; Albania and Azerbaijan

Albania is a majority Sunni-Muslim country located in the Balkan region of Europe. It was to be represented by the song; "Titan" performed by Besa. As with the language used in Israel's banned entry the lyrics are very turbulent. Although they go much further. While Israel used the turbulence of a natural weather phenomenon Albania's is much more explicitly war-like. Speaking of standing eye-to-eye with an opponent who trying is to burn you to destruction. While wearing armour as tears ricochet (like bullets).

Besa is originally from the town of Fier which is famous for the production of Oil, Gas and Bitumen, used in the production of Asphalt.

Despite a history stretching back for nearly 6,000 years the Jewish people seem to have produced only one famous warrior, Judah Maccabee. It's as if all this war and conquest just isn't in Jew's nature. So there is a sort of joke that whenever a war breaks out you have to pour hot asphalt on the heels of their soldiers to hold them in place. In order to stop them wandering off and doing something ridiculously soppy and leftwing instead.

The town of Fier was established during The Ottoman Empire, the forerunner of modern Turkey. However the "Titans" which Besa likens herself and Albania to, albeit in disguise, they are mythological Greek gods.

It is one of the more legendary feuds in Eurovision history. The one between Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. Over Turkey's 1974 illegal invasion and continuing illegal Colonisation of Northern Cyprus. Although that feud has rather died back in recent years. Due to the ego of Turkish President/Prime Minister/Emperor Recep Tayyip Erdogan becoming so sensitive that he stopped Turkey from competing in 2012. In order to avoid any Turks having to witness him being insulted on the international stage.

So Albania aligning itself with Greece, over Turkey, is a massive statement. Prior to 2012 it used to be that Greece and Cyprus would both give each other maximum points. While Turkey and Albania would both give each other maximum points. Regardless of the song.

Albania's entry also seems to have been heavily inspired by the saga of the implosion of the Titan Submersible on a dive to the wreck of the Titanic, in June 2023. Invoking this image of the stupid people of the sea being obliterated by this powerful, knock-out blow.

It is one of the most poisonous lies that gets told about the Israel-Palestine Conflict. That Jews are some sort of European Colonisers who have stolen the lands of Middle-Eastern Muslims. There is simply no truth to it. 

Jews have been born, lived and died in Israel throughout the last 6,000 years. Judah Maccabee is famous for expelling the European Colonisers of The Seleucid Empire from Jerusalem back in 160BC. Some 700 years before Islam came into being.

Those currently claiming to be; "Palestinian" are actually descended from the; "Peleset" or; "Sea People." Essentially raiders and thieves from the Mediterranean island of Crete who used to terrorise coastal communities in Egypt and Israel up until around 900BC.

Personally I find all of these sorts of arguments to be stupid, lacking in any factual value. The Human species emerged in an area along the border between what is now Sudan and Ethiopia known as; "The Cradle of Humanity." It then spread out across the World. So if you go far back enough in history then, with the exception of some people in Sudan and Ethiopia, everyone is from somewhere else.

However if Hamas and its supporters are going to insist on using this nasty, Nazi-style Blood & Soil rhetoric. Then it feels like an obligation to point out that the Palestinians actually have a weaker claim to the soil than the Jews.

Crete is currently part of Greece, a Balkan nation neighbouring Albania. The song Titan included elements of traditional Balkan folk music. Further driving home this image of Balkan Muslims, rather than Middle-Eastern Muslims.

Azerbaijan is a Shia-Muslim majority country located in the Caucasus region. Technically further East than Israel. Although not as far East as Australia.

In 2022 Ukraine, with NATO backing, attacked the neighbouring Donbas Republics with the clear intention to seize their territory as its own. Ukraine has been equally clear about its desire to seize Russia's Crimea Province as its own. Weirdly Ukraine's aggression saw Russia expelled from the EBU and, by extension the Song Contest. Even more weirdly Belarus was also expelled from the EBU, in response to Ukraine's aggression.

It is this precedent being cited by those who wanted to see, let's be honest, The Jews! expelled from the EBU. Not just have Israel's song banned from the Song Contest.

This notion of nations being expelled from the EBU or banned from the Song Contest is something which has only emerged during the tenure of Martin Osterdahl. Prior to that it was common for nations engaged in active, shooting, wars against each other to face off in the Song Contest. You could almost describe it as the entire point of the Song Contest.

None of the NATO nations were expelled from the EBU or banned from the Song Contest when they invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Britain and Poland weren't expelled or banned when they invaded Iraq in 2003. Georgia actually joined the EBU and participated in its first Song Contest while invading Iraq. Just as Turkey competed in its first Song Contest in 1975, the year after it invaded and began to colonise Cyprus. Lebanon chose not to participate in 2005 over its technical state of war with Israel. However the EBU knew about it when it invited them.

More often than not the nations competing against each other in the Song Contest while fighting an active war against each other have been Azerbaijan and Armenia. Fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region (NKR).

The last time Sweden hosted Eurovision was back in 2013. This occurred against the backdrop of fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the NKR. 

Tensions were so bad that Sweden insisted on giving both delegations armed police guards. Officially this was to protect each delegation from the other. However it did have this subtext of insisting that a police officer is going to be standing next to you, at all times.Yet there was no suggestion of either Azerbaijan or Armenia being banned from the Song Contest, let alone expelled from the EBU.

During the 2021 Song Contest Hamas and Israel fought a small skirmish in the Gaza Strip; "Operation: Guardians of the Wall." This lasted for 11 days and saw 256 people killed in the Gaza Strip. It plunged the Song Contest into a level of chaos amid the round-the-clock news coverage, protests and accusations of Israeli 'Crimes.' 

Just seven months prior to that Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a full-blown war over the NKR; "The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War." This lasted for seven weeks and saw around 1,000 people being killed each and every week. Despite this happening in the Pandemic year, when there was almost nothing else happening, most people have probably never even heard about it. There was certainly none of the outrage, saturated news coverage, protests and demands from action.

To anyone who is familiar with both events. It's quite clear that those who are protesting in favour of Hamas aren't doing so because they have some great moral stance against war and killing. They don't even seem to care about Muslims being killed. They just really hate Jews.

The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War saw Azerbaijan seize control of the Lachin Corridor, linking the NKR to Armenia. The war ended in a Russian brokered ceasefire in which Azerbaijan promised to keep the Lachin Corridor open.

In December 2022 Azerbaijan broke this agreement. First sending; 'Environmental Activists' and then troops to close the Lachin Corridor. Placing the NKR Under Siege blockading access to commercial goods and humanitarian aid. Something which caused significant food shortages and what resembled a famine. Having weakened it through nine months of siege Azerbaijani troops entered the NKR seizing it as part of Azerbaijan in September 2023. 

Again, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia doesn't provide much opportunity for Anti-Semitism. So the chances are you've not heard about the Siege of the NKR and its eventual capture by Azerbaijan. However there have certainly been accusations of Azerbaijan committing Crimes Against Humanity by using starvation as a weapon of war in order to commit Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing.

Azerbaijan's Siege of the NKR was total, while Israel's Blockade of Gaza is only partial. So the accusations facing Azerbaijan are more credible then the ones currently being levelled against Israel. The ones I'm sure you've definitely heard about.

Azerbaijan would have been represented by the song; "Ozunla Apar (Come Take Me With With You)" performed by FAHREE Ft. Ilkin Dolvaltov. There are so few lyrics you almost wouldn't notice if they weren't performed live. However what lyrics there are express the joy of being reunited with a loved one after turbulent experience. The vocalisation done by Ilkin Dovlatov is part of a musical tradition known as; "Mugham." It is particularly synonymous with the Karabakh region.

Although not overtly political the song is clearly Azerbaijan celebrating is military victory over the NKR. Which could be interpreted as celebrating Crimes Against Humanity and threatening to commit further Crimes Against Humanity against another Song Contest delegation. Apparently allowable, provided you're not Jewish.

In using Israel's language of a turbulent experience Azerbaijan goes much further that Albania. It actually uses some of the exact same words, such as; "Hurricane." It also talks about wanting to heal scars and break chains. Seeming to reject the notion of; "Paradise" so sort after by Islamist terrorists, such as Hamas.

Making for a strong show of Muslim support for Israel. Azerbaijan standing up to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel. Reminding everyone that it knows that, while believing it to be legal, it has done worse then what Israel is being accused of. It doesn't remember anyone protesting them. While pointing out that hole in the sky just doesn't seem to be big enough to allow Jews.

Armenia were to be represented by the song; "Jako" performed by LADANIVA. Mainly this is just a fun song with some complaints about how women are treated. As I've said, there's been a noticeable decline in the effort people are prepared to put in. However it is done in the musical style; "Maloya" synonymous with the French Region of Reunion Island. Where it was long banned by the French government to quell protests against Colonisation and Slavery. Obviously, it would be a bit weird if Armenia didn't, at least, mention that it's not pleased about losing the NKR.

With Albania being the only majority Sunni-Muslim country available. While Azerbaijan is the only majority Shia-Muslim country available. It is not possible to dismiss either's support for Israel as being some sort of sectarian spilt within Islam. It is Islam being united in its revulsion at and rejection of Hamas.

Unlike in the mostly Western nations demanding Israel be banned or expelled. Being Muslim really doesn't make you stand out as the cool kid in the crowd in either Albania or Azerbaijan.

At around 18:05 on 15/5/24 (UK date) this is going to have to extend into another day now. 

Edited at around 19:05 on 16/5/24 (UK date) to tidy all of the above and copy & paste;

Georgia is a Christian majority country also located in the Caucasus region of Europe. However with Albania and Azerbaijan being the only Muslim majority nations attempting to participate in the Song Contest this year. Georgia attempted to bring more Muslim voices into the discussion. They hoped to be represented by the song; "Firefighter" performed by Nutsa.

Some Americans may well recognise Nutsa, she finished in the top 12 in the 2023 season of; "America's Got Talent." Broadcast by the EBU associate member; "NBC." No doubt confusing some viewers. Nutsa was born in the Georgian capital Tbilisi in 1997. However as a very young child her family moved to Sunni-Muslim majority Turkey. She now lives in Sunni-Muslim majority United Arab Emirates (UAE). Making for a grand statement of Abandoning Turkey in favour of the Arab-Muslim UAE. While encouraging Hollywood to do the same.

The song invokes the turbulent language and imagery of Israel's banned entry. As with Albania's entry it goes further, invoking the turbulent imagery of a man-made fire, rather than a natural weather event. As with Azerbaijan it uses many of the exact same words that saw Israel banned. Such as ceilings falling, windows burning and people being choked to death. Making the point that there's only one word that caused Israel to be banned. That word is; "Jew."

The song also speaks of things rising from the ashes like a Phoenix. In reference to Austria's legendary 2014 Song Contest entry; "Rise Like A Phoenix" by Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst is the Drag Persona of Thomas Neuwirth, a bearded clown in the costume of Kim Kardashian - the World's most famous Armenian. 

Back when there was an assumption the EBU would be able to stage a Eurovision Song Contest part of the message of Conchita Wurst was to highlight the difference between a Drag Queen, as a clown-like comedy character, and a Transgender Pronoun, as a man in a dress who seems to actually believe he's a woman. 

It was also an attempt to rally support behind having the 2015 Song Contest held in Armenia. On the 100th anniversary of The Armenian Genocide. An actual Genocide, committed by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Referencing it here brings further attention to the Blockade of the NKR.

Seeming to speak on behalf of the UAE, as opposed to Turkey. The main message of the song is expressing an exhaustion at constantly having to act as a Firefighter. While making clear that they will never stop performing that role. 

Given the presence of Jews, rather than Armenians and Azeris, I'm sure you've heard of the "World Central Kitchen" 'charity.' The Hamas fanboys who attempted to break the Siege of Gaza. Only to discover they're going to need to build a pier to get actual Humanitarian Aid from the sea to the North of the Gaza Strip. To stop Hamas using Palestinian civilians as Human Shields in Rafah in the South of the Gaza Strip. Well, that's a big ol' discussion between America and the UAE, in partnership with EBU member Jordan

The 2008 Summer Olympics were held in Beijing, China. In order to spoil China's party NATO got Georgia to attack two self-determined, independent Republics along its borders. Starting a wider war with Russia. The 2022 Winter Olympics were held in Beijing, China. In order to spoil China's party NATO got Ukraine to attack two self-determined, independent Republics along its borders. Starting a wider war with Russia.

So having Georgia deliver this message from the Islamic world to the West. It is trying to explain to NATO the real reason why it is fighting Russia in Ukraine. Poor old Joe Biden still thinks it's just to cover up the fact that he stole that election. But then poor old Joe Biden still thinks he's the one who stole the election.

It is the effort of now having to fight NATO in Ukraine, to stop it illegally seizing Russia's Crimea Province. That is the main reason why Russia was not able to enforce the Lachin Corridor elements of the agreement that ended the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Allowing Azerbaijan to blockade and ultimately seize the NKR.

While Armenia is a majority Christian country and Azerbaijan is a majority Muslim country the NKR dispute is purely nationalist and territorial. There is no religions element to it. Armenia's song touched on Patriarchal oppression of women. Something which, in certain sections of the West, is particularly synonymous with Islam. So it was Christian Armenia raising its hand to remind people; "Err, you do know this isn't a religious thing!"

However this is the Eurovision Song Contest, the world of the Grand Artistic Gesture. So Azerbaijan seizing the NKR from Armenia creates this spectacle of; "Christians being Exterminated and Ethnically Cleansed by Muslims! With the help of, supposedly, Christian NATO!" Surely we do not build Empires, just to burn them to the ground.

It is one of life's strange coincidences. That the way the Eurovision community has abandoned any sense of fact or reason in a fit of Anti-Semitic Rage. It is actually very reminiscent of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.

On September 11th 2001 (11/9/01) Al Qaeda attacked the US. In response the US invaded Afghanistan. Although I think it got confused in the public consciousness by subsequent events. Absolutely no-one had a problem with that. While some of us raised certain strategic and tactical objections there was a clear consensus. If a nation, or prospective nation, attacks another nation like Al Qaeda attacked America or as Palestine attacked Israel on October 7th (7/10/23). Then their claim of Statehood is, immediately, null and void.

The mere fact that the Taliban was allowing Al Qaeda to operate within Afghanistan was enough for Afghanistan to lose its Statehood. Something which was authorised under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter and carried out by a wide coalition, including all of NATO and others.

When the US, Britain, Poland and Georgia invaded Iraq in 2003 it was their claim that Iraq was also allowing Al Qaeda to operate in its territory. Thus ending Iraq's right to Statehood. The controversy comes from the fact it wasn't true and no-one believed them.

While America and Britain were busy losing Forever Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Al Qaeda was continuing to cause chaos across the globe. Particularly in Yemen, where they were protected by first, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, then President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.

In January 2015 Al Qaeda in Yemen (AQAP) launched a series of attacks against France, in preparation for the 2015 Paris Climate Change Summit (COP21). This began with an attack on the Charlie Hebdo Magazine, then an attack on a Jewish supermarket (Hypercacher) and, finally, a signage company in Dammartin-en-Goele. This prompted The Houthis to lead the Yemeni people in rebellion to, finally, expel President Hadi. In the hope he would take Al Qaeda with him. Something America and Britain continue to oppose.

These attacks on France occurred against the backdrop of a General Election campaign in Israel. Then Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu travelled to France to repatriate the bodies of the Jews killed so they could be buried in Israel. In doing this he gave a campaign-style speech. In which he urged French Jews to move to Israel, "making Aliyah" as it's known, where they would be safe.

So at that year's Song Contest Israel was represented by Nadav Guedj, a French Jew who made Aliyah as a child, performing the song; "Golden Boy." It absolutely roasted Netanyahu as the golden boy of Israel, who wanted everyone to come and stay. So he could show them Tel Aviv.

At the time the Israeli Tourism Authority were running a TV campaign across EBU member nations. Advertising Israel as a holiday destination where you could visit both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Attempting to claim all of Jerusalem as part of Israel. The promo video for Golden Boy copied the style of this commercial. However made clear that people should visit Tel Aviv, and only Tel Aviv!

The Eurovision community's response was to lose itself in a fit of Anti-Semitic Rage. Howling and booing Israel in support of the Palestinian people. Their right to have the Occupied Golan Heights returned to them(!)

This really prompted some deep introspection on the part of the Eurovision community. Although the problem had been growing for a number of years, prior to that Israel's involvement had been a very precise and expert exercise. Helping to measure Israel's standing amongst the community and helping to explain what the problems were. 

So if Israel had done something like fighting a skirmish with Hamas it would submit a very strong entry. Expecting to see it marked down. For reasons we cannot overtly mention. Whereas if they had done something like dismantling illegal West Bank Settlements they would submit a deliberately weak entry. Expecting to see it marked up. Again for reasons none of us could ever overtly mention.

2015 was really the low point, what we hoped would be rock-bottom. The moment a lot of people realised that it didn't matter what Israel did or didn't do, let alone what their Eurovision delegation did or didn't do. The Eurovision community was just going to whip itself up into an Anti-Semitic Rage scream, shout and boo. Because; "Jews!"

This realisation that the Eurovision community really needs to work on its Anti-Semitism led to a massive over-correction, with Israel winning in 2018. Despite them really wanting their strong entry to finish second. So they could blame the loss on America moving its Embassy to and recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Minutes before the start of the first semi-final.

The yearlong prospect of the entire Eurovision community coming to Israel in 2019, for a noisy and colourful two-week anti-Netanyahu protest seemed to get Israel's anti-Netanyahu factions overexcited. Prompting The 2018-Present Political Crisis. The disastrous Gantz-Bennett Government, which was so busy trying to act the hard lad, up on the Lebanon Line. That it left Israel so vulnerable to attack on Simchat Torah.

So deep was the level of support for Israel amongst the Eurovision community they even mobilised the reserves. With Luxembourg hoping for a bit of action, for the first time in 31 years. Being represented by the song; "Fighter" performed by TALI.

I've not found out exactly where in Israel Tali was born. However she is definitely Israeli, born to a Peruvian Jewish father and an Israeli Jewish mother. Her father's work though meant that she grew up across South America, including Peru, Chile and Argentina, before settling in Limpertsberg. Home of Lucien Wercoller's famous "Le Priosonnier Politique" statue, commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

Tali's biography is almost identical to that of the "Ziva David" character from; "NCIS." The Israeli Jew played by the non-Jewish, Chilean actress Cote de Pablo. In the sense of that sort of nuanced almost existential debate about whether you can ever truly separate the fictional character from the actress. Ziva David even had a sister named Tali. To honour of her sister Ziva David went on to name her own daughter Tali.

Although it's only really occurred to me in the last few years. I'm now pretty sure the Ziva David character was inspired by a bisexual Israeli Jewish woman I dated, while she was also dating her Black British girlfriend. The, apparently, not World Famous Throuple.

Certainly back in 2001 people in Britain didn't really know what Israelis look like. Having this cartoon image of a sunburned White European Colonialist, no doubt complete with safari suit and pith helmet. So everyone used to assume our Ziva David was some sort of non-specific South American Hispanic. 

We let them continue assuming that. As the moment they found out she was Israeli, that's the moment the Anti-Semitic abuse would start. The moment before the punching had to start. No-one would take the time to find out that she was really only in Britain to avoid serving in the Israeli Border Police, in the Gaza Strip, during The Second Intifada. Most of them wouldn't even bother to check whether she was even Jewish.

It turns out that some people aren't interested in facts or nuance. They just really, really hate Jews!

The big thing that Tali always mentioned about her preparations for Eurovision was singing on a treadmill. In order to improve her breath control. 

The Song Contest rule that the main vocal must be performed live is to prevent Milli Vanilli-style cheating. However it is an issue across the pop music industry about how it can be difficult to sing live while performing an energetic dance routine. So some popstars actually only lip-sync during their live performances. In the aftermath of; "Barbieheimer" it would almost be rude if Albania didn't mention Dua Lipa. She certainly mentions them enough.

So even before the AI issue came along. There has been debate amongst the Eurovision community over whether the live vocal rule needs to be changed. I certainly don't think the rule was intended to discriminate against the war dead.

So we're all looking forward to Biggie Smalls and Tupac's duet next year!

Something which really shouldn't be a problem for the head of Eurovision. Well, previous heads of Eurovision.

20:36 on 16/5/24 - 7,1,8 (UK date).

Edited at around 15:25 on 1,2.8 (UK date) for one, final tidy up.

16:40 on 17/5/24 (UK date).

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Taylor Swift Vs. The Gays (Over-Time).

Subtitled; "Operation: Saxon Needles; Month 5, Week 1, Day 5."

Funnily enough. Chronology dictates that this should be read as a direction continuation of;

The game turned out not to be the complete subjugation I was expecting. Based on all the previous times they met you would have thought Taylor Swift would completely enslave The Gays, to the tune of about a billion points.

In fact it ended up being a very low-scoring affair. It almost turned out to be a completely pointless exercise. At the end of regular time the game was tied, 19-19 forcing the game into overtime. Possibly because someone's victory lap had taken them off-script.

Taylor Swift ended up only enslaving The Gays 25-22. A massive improvement on the part of The Gays. 

The Half-Time Show was performed by Usher (Raymond) with a, frankly, excessive amount of guests. When one person telling everyone to quietly take their seats was really all that was needed.

Starting at the age of just 16 Usher has had a 30 year career in the music industry. He was really at the height of his fame in the 2000's, the so-called; "Noughties." Unfortunately during that time I was doing, let's go with; "Other Things." So while I know Usher is a Popstar I couldn't name you any of his songs. The only thing I know about his career is that he once made a guest appearance in an episode of the TV Show; "CSI: New York."

So despite his legions of fans and his millions of record sales. This Half-Time Show was really me experiencing Usher for the very first time.

This is something which has become a growing phenomenon within popular culture. Classic but long forgotten songs from yesteryear suddenly being discovered by a whole new audience. Just type the name of any famous song - such as "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins - into YouTube, along with the word; "Reaction." You'll be presented with lots of videos of people reacting to hearing the song for the very first time.

This phenomenon has really been driven by Online Music Streaming. Something which is hugely important for the Half-Time Show's main sponsor, the Online Music Streaming service Apple Music.

If a TV Show uses a classic or otherwise obscure song. Then viewers who have never heard it before can quickly search for it online and stream it. Pushing it back into the music charts. The TV Show; "Stranger Things" use of the Kate Bush song; "Running Up That Hill" being, probably the most famous example.

If people are watching on the Amazon Prime Video streaming service it's even easier than that. Prime Video has it's "X-Ray" function whereby if you pause the TV Show or Movie an information box will pop up telling you the details of the actors and any music being used in that scene. If you like the song then, with a single click, you can stream it on Amazon Music.

Another way that Online Music Streaming is exposing classic or obscure songs to a new audience is through their suggested Playlists. Where you can select a genre such as; "Relaxing" then the algorithm will play your hours of new, to you, songs that the algorithm deems to be relaxing.

So if you want your song to be a chart hit these days you not only need to make sure it's included on all the Online Music Streaming services. You also have to make sure it is included on as many of those streaming service's suggested playlists as possible. 

In September 2023 the actor David McCallum died. For many people the news of his death might have been their first exposure to him. However I think a lot of people would have recognised him as the; "Dr Ducky Mallard" character from the TV Show; "NCIS." In which he spent 10 years appearing alongside the Israeli Jewish character; "Ziva David." Played by the non-Jewish Chilean actress Cote de Pablo.

Ziva David/Cote de Pablo being almost a mirror image of my bisexual Israeli Jewish ex-girlfriend. She was perfectly happy to let people keep on assuming that she was some sort of non-specific South American Hispanic. Rather than correcting them. As that's when the Anti-Semitic abuse would start.

No-one would wait for her to explain that she was only in the UK to avoid serving in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Border Police. In The Gaza Strip, during the Second Intifada (2000-2005). Unlike Itamar Ben-Gvir she would actually have passed her security vetting. Despite her best efforts.

Even people who'd recognise David McCallum from NCIS might not have realised just what a massive career he'd already had by that point. Back when military service was compulsory in the UK he served as an Army Officer. He then returned to acting securing the role of Russian agent; "Ilya Kuryakin" in the TV Show; "The Man From U.N.C.L.E."

The role of Ilya Kuryakin gave David McCallum huge fame. Beatlemania level fame. The sort of fame that Taylor Swift can still only dream of. Alongside his acting David McCallum also enjoyed a music career, releasing four albums. Including the 1966 song; "The Edge." Dr Dre sampled The Edge for his 2000 song; "The Next Episode."

Obviously the people who cleared the publishing rights for Dr Dre's song know that it samples the David McCallum song. While other people may have worked it out for themselves. After hearing the David McCallum song in the 2008 Video Game; "Grand Theft Auto IV" or the 2017 Movie; "Baby Driver." On might simply have been introduced to it via an Online Music Streaming playlist.

The Half-Time Show lasts for, really, a maximum of 15 minutes. So if you've had a 30 year career then it can be really difficult to fit in all of the fan's favourite songs. Taylor Swift's current "Eras" tour is supposed to be something of a retrospective of her 20 year career. Each show lasts for about 3 hours.

So during the Half-Time Show artists tend not to actually play any of their songs. So much as a medley or; "Overture" featuring little snippets or samples of their greatest hits. Providing for a good opportunity for discussion of the role of sampling within the music industry. All the issues of copyright and royalty payments that entails.

Meaning that, on reflection. My observation that the Andra Day song; "Rise Up" contains significant musical similarities to the earlier Ani DiFranco song; "Subdivision." While the TLC song; "Unpretty" is just a reworking of the earlier Ani DiFranco song; "As Is." Maybe that wasn't such a lonely tangent I'd launched off into.

The first guest Usher brought out was Alicia Key's. Their 2004 duet; "My Boo" being one of his biggest hits. Unfortunately Alicia Keys was a hugely provocative, incredibly poor choice of guest

Apparently not being soothed by Taylor Swift. When the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) launched its genocidal assault against Israel it seemed to believe that it was starting the war that would, finally, wipe Israel and the Jews from existence. So it attempted to make itself appear that it was much bigger than it actually was. 

This involved Hamas claiming they'd attacked Israel from; "Air, Land and Sea." "Per Spiritus, Per Terram, Per Mare" - for those of us who still have Latin. In reality Hamas' naval forces involved a dozen guys in a small boat. While Hamas' air forces didn't even have any aeroplanes. It was just a dozen or so guys on Paragliders. Most of whom couldn't even manage to get that right.

However this image of a Paraglider was quickly adopted amongst the idiot community. As a way to express support for Hamas and Genocide.

About 10 days into the hysteria Alicia Keys took to Social Media. Expressing an interest in taking up Paragliding. Which was, reasonably, interpreted by many as a gesture of support for Hamas and Genocide.

Apparently not realising that her mere presence was a bad idea. In her performance Alicia Keys really played up this controversy. She first appeared with a red, parachute-like cloth billowing behind her. She then unfastened that revealing a red, parachute-like cape. Finally Alicia Keys unfastened the cape revealing herself to be wearing a red jumpsuit.

This entire provocation being an attempt to get me to speak in Alicia Key's defence. Act as a sort of character witness if you will.

2023 saw the celebration of the birth of Hip-Hop. So around the time of the 2023 Super Bowl, around the time when the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest should have taken place I was messing around with Hip-Hop music. Particularly the song; "Fire Ina Hole" by Method Man and Redman. This involves Redman using Parachuting/Paragliding as a metaphor. Toggling this way and that to keep his lyrical flow on track. It's a metaphor he seems to like. He uses it a lot.

So rather than expressing support for Hamas and Genocide. Alicia Keys was actually trying to ask me a question. As to whether I thought that song was a factor in the Hamas' Genocidal declaration of war. I suppose it speaks to her character that there was at least one person in America who thought it might be a good idea to hear from the guy who was doing all this on October 6th.

Alicia Keys and I have something of a history, going back over a decade. Alongside Shakira Alicia Keys was one of many people trying to shove the then Chris Brown dating Rihanna in my direction. Such as through her 2013 song; "Girl On Fire." The red that Alicia Keys was wearing was the Menstrual Red that Shakira wore during her 2020 Super Bowl Half-Time Show performance.

The next female guest Usher brought out was H.E.R. A woman who does bear something of a passing resemblance to Rihanna. Something she really played up by including snippets of the 2004 Usher song; "Bad Girl." Well, she pretty much just repeated the words; "Bad Girl!" over and over again. Almost as if she was waiting for the response; "Rih-Rih!"

If you only watch American Football then your first exposure to H.E.R would be her appearance at that infamous 2021 Super Bowl where she sung; "America The Beautiful." Rather than forcing me to summarise it for you here, you can just re-read yourselves.



And Here;

A big theme of that Super Bowl were the similarities between Hip-Hip music and Country music. As a metaphor for America's racial divide. In the commercial that dropped immediately after the Half-Time Show ended Beyonce revealed that she's following in Rihanna's footsteps and releasing a Country music album.

Beyonce continues to be married to Jay Z. Who continues to be the artistic director for the Super Bowl. Dare I suggest that the couple looked a little glum during the in-game footage. Before the big secret was revealed.

At around 18:20 on 14/2/24 (UK date) we'll have to see when the war will allow me to continue to slog through this guest-list.

Edited at around 18:00 on 20/2/24 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Operation: Saxon Needles; Month 5, Week 2, Day 4.

The Super Bowl was being played in Las Vegas. Usher recently completed a residency at the MGM Park hotel in Las Vegas. So the tone of the Half-Time show was very much a celebration of all things Las Vegas. So you had a massive cast of Vegas showgirls, Cirque du Soleil style acrobats and stilt-walkers. Alongside a Marching Band which is very much a feature of High School and College American Football.

This very large Circus style production certainly invoked memories of the 2017 movie; "The Greatest Showman." Allowing for discussion of that movie, its cast, its crew, anyone who has ever seen it. Zendaya (Coleman) is certainly an example of an actress we've watched grow-up onscreen.

However I think Usher was simply trying to portray Las Vegas and the Super Bowl as; "The Greatest Show On Earth!" and himself as the greatest showman.

Over the summer of 2023 one of Usher's Las Vegas performances was attended by the actress Keke Palmer who Usher brought up on stage to dance with him. This prompted Keke Palmer's partner and father of her child, Darius Jackson, to publicly condemn Keke Palmer's actions of Twitter. Chastising her for wearing such revealing clothes now that she's a mother.

This ended up exposing to the World what turned out to be a very abusive relationship between Palmer and Jackson. Keke Palmer went on to file protective (restraining) orders against Jackson supported by videoes showing him assaulting her in the home they shared. A further little nod to Alicia Key's efforts to shove a then Chris Brown dating Rihanna in my direction. While Taylor Swift's relationship with her fans, particularly the gay ones, could certainly be charactised as abusive.

Although it ultimately didn't come to pass. There was certainly a rumour that Justin Bieber would join the Usher's already expansive list of guests. Apparently Usher was something of a mentor to Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber is someone else who sort of came into my orbit back in 2013. Following our forced marriage at the Closing Ceremony of the 2012 Sumer Para-Olympic Games I realised that, whether either of us liked it or not. Rihanna and I were going to completely dominate each other's lives for the next year. So I thought it would be a good idea for us to meet up. Just to get a sense of each other and, ideally, exchange contact information.

So while Rihanna was staying in London I went to her hotel and asked the frontdesk to call her room and ask if she wanted to meet up. They said she said no so I left. One alternative is that she said yes. Something which would probably make her deeply unpopular amongst her fellow celebrities. Showing stalkers the World over that they simply need to turn up at the object of their fixation's hotel. Another alternative is that I got into some dispute, hauled away by the police and committed to a psychiatric facility for the rest of my life on the grounds I'm a stalker.

Later in 2013 Justin Bieber made reference to this. Getting into some sort of dispute outside the same hotel which involved him being dragged off by security in front of lots of photographers.

As I've said. I would have avoided any reference to myself, Rihanna or anyone in our respective orbits. Maybe it's my extremely delicate leftwing sensibilities. However if someone's spent the last year or so laying in the gutter, weeping along to Taylor Swift. Even attempts at constructive criticism just feel like bullying.

Following Alicia Key's appearance Usher took to a smaller, circular stage. Around the edges of this stage was projected an animation of flames, while Usher stood in a gap in the middle. So it wasn't "Fire Ina Hole." It was him in the; "Hole Ina Fire."

During this sequence, and frankly his career, Usher really played up his similarities to Michael Jackson. The single white glove, the "Moonwalking" etc. Michael Jackson's 1993 Super Bowl Half-Time Show is seen as the first big Half-Time Show. Prior to that they were dominated by anonymous High School and College Marching Bands and watched by no-one. There is also a Michael Jackson biopic in production. Which raises questions of why America and particularly Black America is still celebrating a paedophile.

Appearing to get hot and sweaty standing in the hole in the fire. Usher removed his shirt and vest. 2024 is the 20th anniversary of Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson's infamous 2004 Half-Time Show. In which part of Janet Jackson's nipple was momentarily exposed. In violation of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) delightfully absurd; "No (female) Nipples!" rule. Causing a national scandal which eventually ended up in the US Supreme Court.

Yet here we are with a man appearing with both nipples exposed, for the best part of five minutes, and no-one really noticed. The FCC certainly didn't have a problem with it. As it mustn't have any problem with a whole host of gay (male) porn.

Again though. I would have thought the US would have wanted to avoid any reference to the 2013 movie; "Free The Nipple." Directed by Lina Esco and soundtrack including one song by Miley Cyrus. Particularly within the context of a Super Bowl.

The sequence was introduced by another guest, Jermaine Dupri. A Black rapper so confident that White America wouldn't recognise him. He came dressed as another Black rapper, CeeLo Green.

H.E.R's guitar solo was really just a cover. Allowing Usher to change into a new costume and roller skates. From TV shows like; "Modern Family," "The Big Bang Theory, "The Goldbergs" and; "Snowfall" I know that roller rinks and roller discos are a big part of American culture. If I had to guess why then I would say it's because you're not really legally allowed into nightclubs in the US until you're 21 years old. While you can go to a roller disco at any age. Usher is certainly very into roller rink culture. Also roller skating during his Las Vegas residency.

This sequence had a futuristic aesthetic. By which I mean they were all wearing clothes with light strips on them. In the style of the 1982 movie; "Tron." It's somewhat interesting that our vision of the future is actually over 40 years old by this point. Attempting to squeeze in yet another guest Usher was joined by Will.I.Am. Someone who is very into technology and futurism.

In 2023 the US entertainment industry was dominated by strikes by the Writers Guild Of America (WGAW) and Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA). Primarily these twin strike actions were over prosaic things like pay, particularly residual royalty payments, and minimum staffing levels. However these days it seems you have to throw the buzzword/phrase; "Artificial Intelligence (AI) into every discussion. Just as how a few years ago you had to throw the buzzword; "Crypto-Currency" into every discussion. "Quantum Computing" before that.

So, particularly with the SAG-AFTRA strike, there was an element of whether AI can be used to enhance the creation of computerised versions of actors. Something which is of particular concern to motion capture video game and voice actors.

Video game actors concerns are shared by those in the music industry. It's already been proved that using just a small vocal sample AI can help produce a computerised version of a song without a human singer being involved at all. Obviously something which is more of a concern for artists whose vocal performances already have to go through extensive AI assisted computerised autotuning.

By way of apology for her mistake in appearing to support Hamas and Genocide Alicia Keys began her performance with a mistake. Missing the opening note of her song. In the version released by Apple Music on the Internet afterwards this 'mistake' had been corrected using AI assisted computerised autotune. Alicia Keys is just that good.

This sequence also gives me something of an opportunity to discuss what I think has to be the dumbest fashion trend of late. Clothes which offer no ballistic nor stab protection made in the style of body armour. Rather like the suits of armour of old, in my experience body armour is hot, sweaty, heavy and annoying. There is only one reason why I'm going to wear my body armour. Convincing people you're wearing body armour when you're not seems like the sort of bluff you can only lose.

The closing sequence of the Half-Time hinted at the other side of Las Vegas. Las Vegas after dark. So the Vegas showgirls became strippers on poles. However as they were women the FCC wouldn't let them show their nipples.

This sequence featured a further two guests, Lil Jon and Ludacris. Performing the song; "Turn Down For What" that Lil Jon did with DJ Snake. You are probably familiar with this song. A snippet of it seems to be used in every US TV Show and Movie over a montage of people partying. Shorthand to signify that it's a really wild party.

If you're watching one of those many TV Shows and Movies on Amazon Prime Video. Then you could use the X-Ray function to find out the name of the song then stream it on Amazon Music. At which point you would discover that computer generated snippet is the entire song. They just loop it round for three to five minutes.

However please don't judge the entire Hip-Hop subgenre of; "Crunk" on that one, appalling example. Crunk is a much wider subgenre originating in America's southern states. Such as Florida, Tennessee and Georgia. Where Usher and most of the guests in this gruelling Half-Time Show hail from.



18:37 on 20/2/24 (UK date).


Sunday 11 February 2024

Taylor Swift Vs. The Gays.

Subtitled; "Operation: Saxon Needles; Month 5, Week 1, Day 3.

Or, to put it another way;

"Oh yeah, the Super Bowl. Isn't it, like, the 53rd time America's tried to convince us that matters?"

The 2023 Super Bowl was supposed to be a huge event. My showbiz ex-wife Rihanna performed the Half-Time Show. Really twisting the knife about how much happier she is now we've broken up. She used her performance to announce that she was pregnant with her second child.

Then Miley Cyrus was supposed to release her comeback album. Which was absolutely, definitely going to do so much better than Rihanna's 2016 comeback album; "Anti." Rihanna's last album to date. Backed by the widely panned TV show; "The Idol" this pressure was supposed to continue on me until The 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. Then Miley Cyrus was going to release her second album of the year, along with a World Tour.

In the meantime there was supposed to be This Great Economic Recovery. Obviously it didn’t occur to anyone to actually stop prices rising unsustainably. However there was a definite promise, almost an; “Act,” that Inflation would, definitely, be Reduced.

All the while NATO was going to launch its long promised Spring Offensive. Which would see it goose-stepping and Sieg Heiling its way all across Ukraine, The Donbas Republics and into Russia's Red Square.

By the summer of 2023 everyone in America was left getting super into Taylor Swift. As Taylor Swift was the only America still had going for it. Well, it also had that; "Barbie" movie. Produced and starring Taylor Swift's equally Aryan chum Margot Robbie.

If a single movie or a single popstar's tour has even a detectable impact of the World’s Largest Economy. Then it’s not the World’s Largest Economy anymore. Unless it’s exploiting a global financial system adopted at the end of The Second World War (1939-1945)¹. Specifically designed to be rigged. To keep them on top, no matter how small the pile gets.

In a move that some would describe as; "Cynical & Calculating." At the start of the American Football season just gone Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce, star quarterback of The Kansas City Chiefs. Who have appeared in four of the last five Super Bowls. Winning last year, 2023.

Rather predictably. The Kansas City Chiefs have made it to the 2024 Super Bowl. Where The Kansas City Chiefs Are Representing Taylor Swift. Like all of America. That’s what they’ve been reduced to.

While the US was trying to console itself with Taylor Swift. The Muslim Brotherhood's rage was growing at America's failure to deliver for it.

The Muslim Brotherhood's rage boiled over on October 7th 2023 (7/10/23). When its Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) launched a Genocidal assault on Israel. Killing thousands and kidnapping hundreds. Starting the war which continues to this day.

Although it wasn't anyone's intention. This actually goes to the heart of an issue which has dominated American Football and American society since 2016. Colin Kaepernick's decision to kneel in protest during the playing of the American National Anthem. Something which is still epically offensive.

The reason why the National Anthem is played at major American sporting events dates back to The 1918 Baseball World Series. In 1917 the US finally joined The First World War (1914-1918). The 1918 Baseball World Series was the first major sporting event that occurred while America was fighting in that war.

With American troops fighting and dying over in Those Green Fields of France and Belgium there was a lot of debate over whether the 1918 Baseball World Series should be cancelled as a mark of respect. Eventually though everyone realised that people who are fighting in a war are already very much aware that they are fighting in a war. What they need are things like entertainment and big sporting events to give them some relief, momentarily distracting them from the fact that they're fighting in a war.

So the 1918 Baseball World Series went ahead. Only with the military pageantry including the National Anthem. In order to set the subdued and respectful tone. Then in 1919 it continued to show respect for the returning veterans. Since then America has been having a major war every decade, expect for the 1980's², so the tradition sort of stuck.

Those are the people that the spoiled, entitled multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick continues to disrespect. Personally I think he should just be grateful. For every day that his head isn’t knocked off his shoulders.

Obviously, no US troops are currently fighting for Israel against Hamas. However America's current political leaders do seem to be utterly incapable, of staying out of it. While no-one wants to spoil America's fun. I don't think any Americans seriously want their bit of fun to be the thing that starts The Third World War.

This year The National Anthem was performed by Reba McEntire. On a war-footing turning up and not dying is really all you can expect. However Reba McEntire is considered something of a queen of Country music. Rather like Dolly Parton, the godmother of Miley Cyrus. Taylor Swift originally started out as a Country music artist before switching to Pop music.

Taylor Swift transitioned to Pop music with her 2014 album; "1989.” At around the same time Rihanna released the love letter to me; "Four, Five Seconds." Alongside Kanye West and Paul McCartney. Technically this was inspired by Celtic Punk/Folk. Specifically the song; "Forever" by the Dropkick Murphys. However as the joke at the time went;

"Taylor Swift's gone Pop. Just as Rihanna's gone Country.”

Of course. Mentioning myself, Rihanna, Kanye West and, by extension, his ex-wife Kim Kardashian. Her half-sister, Kendall Jenner, she’s just all Horses & Anxiety. Mentioning any of that within the context of a Super Bowl.

Surely that’s just rubbing salt into any one of America’s multitude of wounds. Particularly now I’m off doing my Military Intelligence Officer thing again.

Like Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus Reba McEntire has also done some TV & Movie work. Including a small role in; "Young Sheldon."³ A spinoff from; "The Big Bang Theory" telling of the formative years of the; "Sheldon Cooper" character in Texas. With his High School American Football coach Father.

If I had to nominate a fictional Reba McEntire super-fan. Then it would be; "Cameron Tucker" from; "Modern Family." The gay High School American Football coach from a farm in Missouri, just outside Kansas City. American Football and, particularly, the Super Bowl is how he bonds with his old fashioned Father-in-Law. 

I think the finale of the entire show involves Cameron returning to Missouri to become the American Football coach at Missouri State University. The first openly gay coach in College American Football.

Perhaps not being typical of an American Football coach. If Cameron takes a sleeping pill his family need to hide his phone, his barbeque tongs and his Reba McEnitre wig. Otherwise he will sleepwalk and order food while performing his Reba McEntire Drag Routine.

Modern Family was originally broadcast in the UK on the subscription based Sky network. However I didn't get access to the Sky network until they were on their fifth or sixth season. Rather than starting there I kept waiting until the early seasons became available of the catch-up, streaming service. They never did.

Modern Family has now arrived on the free-to-air Channel 4 network in the UK. Giving it something of a new lease-of-life. In case any of the cast were wondering why the paparazzi have suddenly started turning up again. Even if the residual cheques haven’t.

As is typical of Channel 4, they are completely screwing up their showing of Modern Family. I think it's currently airing Season 1, Season 4 and Season 9. All mixed together.

This isn't much of a problem with the adult characters. Or the; "Hayley Dunphy", "Alex Dunphy" and "Manny Delgado" characters. We've always had a pretty good sense of what they were going to look like as adults. Thanks to the actress Callie Thorne we already know what Sarah Hyland is going to look like in 20 years.

It is though more of a problem with the; "Luke Dunphy" character. While the; "Lily Pritchard-Tucker" character is a complete continuity disaster.

One minute the neurotic new parents are rushing their baby to hospital worried she's banged her head. Then they’re talking about adopting another baby, to find out how much of their teenage daughter's troubling personality is their fault. Then it's straight back to Her First Period, at Kindergarten.

Which adds a whole new sense of jeopardy to Modern Family. The suspense of which Lily Era we’re going to be exposed to this time. Well it does in my head, at least.

I suppose though all that does give us an opportunity to talk about those very special feelings we all seem to harbour. For actors and, particularly, actress’ we've watched grow-up on screen. Something which you might want to write down, set it in Stone. In case it appears on a test, somewhere.

Although I suspect that even Reba McEntire has accepted by now. Miley Cyrus is never the answer¹³⁴.

I've not really had much time to watch Modern Family on Channel 4, let alone ponder the finer points of the syndication contract. However I get the impression that Channel 4's rights to catch-up streaming are severely restricted. Due to the whole show having being brought up by Disney's subscription based streaming service.

On a related note, mindful of the strikes in the US TV & Movie industry over the past year. I'm also somewhat looking forward to watch, for the very first time, Season 3 onwards of; "The Americans."

The first two seasons of this were broadcast in the UK on the free-to-air ITV network, at around the same time they were broadcast in the US. However for Season 3 ITV decided to use it to launch its, at the time, new for the UK, subscription based streaming platform. This was such a big part of their strategy they seemed to spend a lot of money to control all of the UK rights to The Americans. Including DVD rights, which they chose not to exercise.

The problem was that their subscription based streaming service had nothing else worth watching on it. It was also ridiculously overpriced - around $30 per month. No-one was going to pay that much money just to watch The Americans. So ITV essentially paid a huge amount of money to ensure that no-one in the UK could watch The Americans. An inadvertent Catch & Kill sort of deal.

ITV's subscription based streaming service shutdown shortly afterwards. Then re-emerged as a free streaming service. Along with an ad-free, subscription based streaming service. Despite the fact the only ads on the free service being adverts for the ad-free subscription based streaming service.

Let’s all take a moment to admire their wild optimism. In putting adverts at the end of the show.

Of course now that Paramount Studios has launched its own subscription based streaming service. It looks like quite a few other subscription based streaming services might also be shutting down. It seems Paramount Studios make everything, so own everything.

America The Beautiful” was performed by Post Malone who is a very big American Football fan. He's released a line of merchandise with his team, The Dallas Cowboys. Apparently he's also been accepted into the player's WhatsApp group. So he was always going to take any chance to go to any Super Bowl.

It must be said though that Post Malone does seem far too delicate and sensitive for a war-footing. He's certainly lost a lot of weight since announcing, in 2021, that he was having a baby. To which we all responded, as one; "And we all just thought he was fat!"

Lift Every Voice and Sing was performed by Andra Day. Who played Rihanna in the 2021 Oscar nominated movie; “The United States Vs. Billie Holliday.” She also released the 2016 song; “Rise Up.” Which sounds suspiciously like the 2001 Ani DiFranco song; “Subdivision.” In much the same way TLC’s 1999 song; “Unpretty” sounds suspiciously like the 1998 Ani DiFranco song; “As Is.” Although, at this point. I might just be off on my own little tangent now.

The Fly-Over was performed by The US Air Force's Thunderbirds. The dedicated squadron  the US Air Force always uses for this sort of thing. Using the aircraft and pilots they always use for this sort of thing.

Recently there have been growing signs that people are getting fed up with Taylor Swift. Or maybe they're just getting fed up with being a country where Taylor Swift is the only thing they've got going for them.

One of the early signs of this backlash against Taylor Swift was the January 2024 article in the New York Times by Anna Marks

Taylor Swift has something of an unusual relationship with her fans. Rather like a cult leader she sets them homework, which they dutifully do?! Taylor Swift hides clues, which she calls; "Easter Eggs, in her work. Her fans then have to use these clues to uncover some great secret. The sense of a shared secret giving them the illusion of power. Rather like a cult.

I gather than in modern online dating terms this is known as; “Breadcrumbing.” Giving the disasters a little something on their phones, every once in a while. Even though you know they’ll never be getting what they dream of.

Anna Mark's Opinion Piece looked at all the times Taylor Swift has given clues to her support for the gay community. She speculated that the secret mystery is that Taylor Swift herself is gay.

This was written in the full knowledge that Taylor Swift isn't gay. The intention being to force a denial from Taylor Swift that she is gay. A denial that would confirm that she has simply been; "Queer-Baiting." Exploiting the gay community to boost her own wealth, fame and power.

Although I'll concede that the Super Bowl is perhaps not the gayest event on Earth. Queer-Baiting is really a cliché rather than news at this point. It's something you see all day, every day in mainstream American culture.

It is very much the formula of how to make money from tha t latest illiterate teen swearing along to a drum machine. Each new singer makes a big show of how supportive they are of the gay community. Certain sections of the gay community make for some very loyal, fans. So you can just milk them, milk them and milk them. Then milk them some more.

So Taylor Swift's opponents at this Super Bowl were The San Francisco 49'rs. Those famous diggers of gold. In America’s gay capital, San Francisco.

Which is certainly less controversial than the team the 49'rs beat in the National Football League (NFL) play-off. The Detroit Lions, from the State of Michigan. Represented by Rashida Taliba. THey do tend to bring pictures of Adolf Hitler with them, wherever they go.

@ around 06:10 on 12/2/24 (UK date) I’ll have to continue with coverage of the Half-Time Show later. However the booking was made after Oct.7. It was certainly made after Taylor Swift booked her place. Frankly. It sounds like it’s just telling people to quietly take their seats.


Edited at around 15:20 on 15/2/24 (UK date) to add;

¹The World Bank, IMF, GATT/WTO. Established at the Bretton-Woods Conference, Mount Washington Hotel, New Hampshire, 1944.

 ²In which they had two small wars. Along with a proxy war against the Soviet Union in the Afghanistan. It went great!

 ³Iain Armitage. Reagan Revord. Will Wheaton! Kayley Cuoco. Alyssa Milano. Ariel Winter. Rico Rodriguez. Noah Gould. Aubrey Anderson-Eammons. Selena Gomez. Nick Robinson. Taylor Spreitler. ¹³⁴You'll find her buried somewhere. Sean Giambrone. Troy Gentile. Hayley Orrantia. Sam Lerner. AJ Michalka. Stephanie Katherine Grant. Hudson Yang. Forrest Wheeler. Ian Chen. Luna Blaise. Prophet Bolden.Trevor Larcorn. Evan Hannemann. Dash Williams.



15:45 on 15/2/24 (UK date).